Esempio n. 1
        public static ColorLChuv Lerp(ColorLChuv c0, ColorLChuv c1, float f)
            f = Mathf.Clamp01(f);

            float l, h;
            float c = -1;

            // Hue
            if (!float.IsNaN(c0.H) && !float.IsNaN(c1.H))
                h = Mathf.LerpAngle(c0.H, c1.H, f);
                h = h < 0 ? (h + 360f) % 360f : h;
            else if (!float.IsNaN(c0.H))
                h = c0.H;
                if (c0.L == 0 || c1.L == 1)
                    c = c0.C;
            else if (!float.IsNaN(c1.H))
                h = c1.H;
                if (c0.L == 1 || c1.L == 0)
                    c = c1.C;
                h = float.NaN;

            c = c == -1 ? c0.C + f * (c1.C - c0.C) : c;
            l = c0.L + f * (c1.L - c0.L);

            return(new ColorLChuv(l, c, h, Mathf.Lerp(c0.A, c1.A, f)));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a texture that encodes the Gradient specified by colors, colorKeyLocations, alpha and alphaKeyLocations.
        /// The generated texture is textureWidth x 1 pixels in size.
        /// Supports more than 8 each of Alpha Keys and Color Keys
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="colors"></param>
        /// <param name="colorKeyLocations"></param>
        /// <param name="alphas"></param>
        /// <param name="alphaKeyLocations"></param>
        /// <param name="textureWidth"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GradientToColors(Color[] colors, float[] colorKeyLocations, float[] alphas, float[] alphaKeyLocations, Color[] gradientColors, GradientMode mode)
            Assert.AreEqual(colors.Length, colorKeyLocations.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(alphas.Length, alphaKeyLocations.Length);
            // Invalid array lengths
            if (colors.Length != colorKeyLocations.Length || alphas.Length != alphaKeyLocations.Length)
            // Too few keys
            if (colors.Length < 2 && alphas.Length < 2)

            float prevColorKey = 0f, nextColorKey = colorKeyLocations[0];
            Color prevColor = colors[0], nextColor = colors[0];
            float prevAlphaKey = 0f, nextAlphaKey = alphaKeyLocations[0];
            float prevAlpha = alphas[0], nextAlpha = alphas[0];
            var   textureWidth    = gradientColors.Length;
            var   invTextureWidth = 1f / (textureWidth - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < textureWidth; i++)
                float f = i * invTextureWidth;
                if (f >= nextAlphaKey)
                    if (nextAlphaKey < 1f)
                        prevAlphaKey = nextAlphaKey;
                        prevAlpha    = nextAlpha;
                        int k = 0;
                        while (k < alphaKeyLocations.Length && f >= alphaKeyLocations[k])
                            nextAlphaKey = k < alphaKeyLocations.Length ? alphaKeyLocations[k] : 1f;
                            nextAlpha    = alphas[k < alphas.Length ? k : k - 1];
                if (f >= nextColorKey)
                    if (nextColorKey < 1f)
                        prevColorKey = nextColorKey;
                        prevColor    = nextColor;
                        int k = 0;
                        while (k < colorKeyLocations.Length && f >= colorKeyLocations[k])
                            nextColorKey = k < colorKeyLocations.Length ? colorKeyLocations[k] : 1f;
                            nextColor    = colors[k < colors.Length ? k : k - 1];
                var   colorFraction = (f - prevColorKey) / (nextColorKey - prevColorKey);
                var   alphaFraction = (f - prevAlphaKey) / (nextAlphaKey - prevAlphaKey);
                var   lerpedAlpha   = Mathf.Lerp(prevAlpha, nextAlpha, alphaFraction);
                Color lerpedColor;
                switch (mode)
                case GradientMode.LChuv:
                    lerpedColor = ColorLChuv.Lerp(prevColor, nextColor, colorFraction);

                    lerpedColor = Color.Lerp(prevColor, nextColor, colorFraction);
                gradientColors[i] = new Color(lerpedColor.r, lerpedColor.g, lerpedColor.b, lerpedAlpha);