Esempio n. 1
        public HPACKEncoder(HTTP2Handler parentHandler, HTTP2SettingsManager registry)
            this.parent           = parentHandler;
            this.settingsRegistry = registry;

            // I'm unsure what settings (local or remote) we should use for these two tables!
            this.requestTable  = new HeaderTable(this.settingsRegistry.MySettings);
            this.responseTable = new HeaderTable(this.settingsRegistry.RemoteSettings);
        public HTTP2SettingsManager(HTTP2Handler parentHandler)
            this.Parent = parentHandler;

            this.MySettings            = new HTTP2SettingsRegistry(this, readOnly: true, treatItAsAlreadyChanged: false);
            this.InitiatedMySettings   = new HTTP2SettingsRegistry(this, readOnly: false, treatItAsAlreadyChanged: true);
            this.RemoteSettings        = new HTTP2SettingsRegistry(this, readOnly: true, treatItAsAlreadyChanged: false);
            this.SettingsChangesSentAt = DateTime.MinValue;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor to create a client stream.
        /// </summary>
        public HTTP2Stream(UInt32 id, HTTP2Handler parentHandler, HTTP2SettingsManager registry, HPACKEncoder hpackEncoder)
            this.Id       = id;
            this.parent   = parentHandler;
            this.settings = registry;
            this.encoder  = hpackEncoder;

            this.remoteWindow = this.settings.RemoteSettings[HTTP2Settings.INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE];
            this.settings.RemoteSettings.OnSettingChangedEvent += OnRemoteSettingChanged;

            // Room for improvement: If INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE is small (what we can consider a 'small' value?), threshold must be higher
            this.windowUpdateThreshold = (uint)(this.remoteWindow / 2);

            this.Context = new LoggingContext(this);
            this.Context.Add("id", id);