Esempio n. 1
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <Investor> > GetInvestorsAsync(this MasterSideLetterDataAccess dataAccess, string userName, string query = null, string typeQuery = null, int?maxRows = null)
            var sql = new StringBuilder("select ");

            if (maxRows.HasValue)
                sql.AppendFormat(" TOP {0} ", maxRows.Value);

                ,   ui.IsFavorite
                ,   ui.LastAccessedDate
                from Investor i
                left join UserInvestor ui
                on i.Id = ui.InvestorId 
                and ui.UserName = @userName
                where 1 = 1 ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query))
                sql.Append(" and (i.Name like '%' + @query + '%' OR i.InvestorType like '%' + @query + '%') ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeQuery))
                sql.Append(" and i.InvestorType like '%' + @typeQuery + '%'");

            var investorList = (await dataAccess.QueryAsync <Investor>(sql.ToString(), new { userName, query, typeQuery })).ToList();

            foreach (var investor in investorList)
                var fundInvestor = await dataAccess.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <Investor>(
		                SUM(Commitment) as aggregated, 
		                Count(FundId) as fundNos 
	                    from [v_FundInvestor] where InvestorId  = @investorId
                        group by InvestorId", new { investorId = investor.Id });

                if (fundInvestor != null)
                    investor.Aggregated = fundInvestor.Aggregated;
                    investor.FundNos    = fundInvestor.FundNos;

                await dataAccess.AddRecentInvestmentsAsync(investor);

Esempio n. 2
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <Investor> > GetFavoriteInvestorsAsync(this MasterSideLetterDataAccess dataAccess, string userName, int?limit = null)
            var sql = new StringBuilder("select ");

            if (limit.HasValue)
                sql.Append($" TOP {limit.Value} ");

            sql.Append(@" i.* 
                ,   ui.IsFavorite
                ,   ui.LastAccessedDate
                from Investor i
                join UserInvestor ui
                on i.Id = ui.InvestorId 
                and ui.UserName = @userName
                where ui.IsFavorite = 1");

            var investorList = (await dataAccess.QueryAsync <Investor>(sql.ToString(), new { userName })).ToList();

            foreach (var investor in investorList)
                var fundInvestor = await dataAccess.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <Investor>(
		                SUM(Commitment) as aggregated, 
		                Count(FundId) as fundNos 
	                    from [v_FundInvestor] where InvestorId  = @investorId
                        group by InvestorId", new { investorId = investor.Id });

                if (fundInvestor != null)
                    investor.Aggregated = fundInvestor.Aggregated;
                    investor.FundNos    = fundInvestor.FundNos;
                await dataAccess.AddRecentInvestmentsAsync(investor);

Esempio n. 3
        public static async Task <List <Investor> > SearchInvestorsAsync(this MasterSideLetterDataAccess dataAccess, SearchRequest request)
            var preparedQuery = new PreparedQuery(request);

            if (request.InvestorSearchLimit > 0)
                preparedQuery.Sql.Append($" TOP {request.InvestorSearchLimit} ");

            preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" i.* , ui.IsFavorite, ui.LastAccessedDate ");
            preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" from v_Investor i ");
            preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" left join UserInvestor ui ");
            preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" on i.Id = ui.InvestorId ");
            preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" and ui.UserName = @UserName ");
            preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" where 1=1 ");
            // apply target text to all text columns
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.TargetText))
                                                   new List <string>

            // apply relevant filters

            if (request.InvestorValues != null && request.InvestorValues.Length > 0)
                preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" and i.Name in @InvestorValues ");

            if (request.InvestorTypeValues != null && request.InvestorTypeValues.Length > 0)
                preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" and i.InvestorType in @InvestorTypeValues ");

            if (request.AggregateSizeMin.HasValue)
                preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" and i.Aggregated >= @AggregateSizeMin ");

            if (request.AggregateSizeMax.HasValue)
                preparedQuery.Sql.Append(" and i.Aggregated <= @AggregateSizeMax ");

            IEnumerable <Investor> results = await dataAccess.QueryAsync <Investor>(preparedQuery.Sql.ToString(), preparedQuery.Parameters);

            var investors = results.ToList();

            foreach (var investor in investors)
                await dataAccess.AddRecentInvestmentsAsync(investor);