Inheritance: System.IO.MemoryStream
Esempio n. 1
        BlockAccessor datastream; // keep in mind, we don't want to share this, since it has only one seek pointer

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // prepare to read from a stream
        public SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(BlockAccessor datastream)
            this.datastream = datastream;
            if (this.datastream.Length == 0) {
                throw new Exception("SegmentBlockBasicDecoder: handed empty stream");
Esempio n. 2
        public void handleCommand(LogCommands cmd, byte[] cmddata)
            if (cmd == LogCommands.UPDATE) {
                // decode basic block key/value writes
                BlockAccessor ba = new BlockAccessor(cmddata);
                ISegmentBlockDecoder decoder = new SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(ba);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> kvp in decoder.sortedWalk()) {
                    // add the updates to our working segment...
                    lock (mylayer.segmentlayers) {
            #if false
                            // some status debug code...
                            if (RangemapManager.RangeKey.isRangeKey(kvp.Key)) {
                                System.Console.WriteLine("LayerManager.handleCommand : setValue() {0} => {1}",
                                    kvp.Key.ToString(), kvp.Value.ToString());
                                if (kvp.Value.type != RecordUpdateTypes.DELETION_TOMBSTONE && != 16) {
                                    throw new Exception("!!! corrupted rangekey appeared in handleCommand");

                        mylayer.workingSegment.setRecord(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            } else if (cmd == LogCommands.CHECKPOINT_START) {
                // here we move aside the checkpoint segment...
                //   - if this is during live operation, the checkpoint is running as soon as we return.
                //   - if this is during recovery, there is no checkpoint running and we'll need to

                // TODO: we need some kind of key/checksum to be sure that we CHECKPOINT and DROP the right dataF
                checkpointSegment = mylayer.workingSegment;
                SegmentMemoryBuilder newsegment = new SegmentMemoryBuilder();
                lock (mylayer.segmentlayers) {
                    mylayer.workingSegment = newsegment;
                    mylayer.segmentlayers.Insert(0, mylayer.workingSegment);
            } else if (cmd == LogCommands.CHECKPOINT_DROP) {
                // TODO: we need some kind of key/checksum to be sure that we CHECKPOINT and DROP the right data
                if (checkpointSegment != null) {
                    lock (mylayer.segmentlayers) {
                        checkpointSegment = null;
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("can't drop, no segment to drop");
            } else {
                throw new Exception("unimplemented command");
        // prepare to read from a stream
        public SegmentBlockDecoderRecordOffsetList(BlockAccessor datastream)
            this.datastream = datastream;

            if (this.datastream.Length == 0) {
                throw new Exception("SegmentBlockDecoderRecordOffsetList: handed empty stream");

            // read the footer index size
            // FIXME: BUG BUG BUG!! using SeekOrigin.End is only valid here because our current RegionManager
            //        is handing us a file. We need to decide if future Regionmanagers are going to explicitly
            //        make "subregion" Streams, or whether we need to handle this differently.

            datastream.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.End);  // last 4 bytes of block
            BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(datastream);
            number_of_records = r.ReadInt32();
            Console.WriteLine("numrecords: " + number_of_records);
        public static BlockAccessor decode(BlockAccessor block)
            byte[] data = new byte[block.Length];
            if (block.Read(data,0,(int)block.Length) != block.Length) {
                throw new Exception("BlockAccessor partial read");
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(ms);
            UInt32 uncompressed_length = reader.ReadUInt32();
            byte[] uncompressed_data = new byte[uncompressed_length];
            GZipInputStream uncompressed_stream = new GZipInputStream(ms);

            if (uncompressed_stream.Read(uncompressed_data, 0, (int)uncompressed_length)
                != uncompressed_length) {
                throw new Exception("GZipInputStream partial read");

            return new BlockAccessor(uncompressed_data);
        public void T01_RecordOffsetList_sortedWalk()
            string[] testvalues = { "test/1", "test/2", "test/3" };
            byte[] databuffer;

            // encode a buffer
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                // add some values to the block encoder
                SegmentBlockEncoderRecordOffsetList enc = new SegmentBlockEncoderRecordOffsetList();
                for (int i = 0; i < testvalues.Length; i++) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[i]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[i]);

                    enc.add(tkey, tupdate);

                databuffer = ms.ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("databuffer len : " + databuffer.Length);
            Console.WriteLine("Hex: " + Lsd.ToHexString(databuffer));

            // test sortedWalk
                BlockAccessor rs = new BlockAccessor(databuffer);
                var decoder = new SegmentBlockDecoderRecordOffsetList(rs);
                int count = 0;
                foreach (var row in decoder.sortedWalk()) {

                Assert.AreEqual(testvalues.Length, count, "wrong number of elements in sorted walk");
Esempio n. 6
        internal void applyLogEntry(string from_server_guid, long logstamp, RecordUpdate logdata)
            // (0) unpack the data
            BlockAccessor ba = new BlockAccessor(;
            ISegmentBlockDecoder decoder = new SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(ba);

            // (1) add it to our copy of that server's log

            this._recordLogEntry(from_server_guid, logstamp, logdata);
            // (2) add it to the database

            foreach (var kvp in decoder.sortedWalk()) {
                RecordKey local_data_key = new RecordKey()
                foreach (var part in kvp.Key.key_parts) {
                next_stage.setValue(local_data_key, kvp.Value);
        public void T01_BasicBlock_Find()
            string[] testvalues = { "test/1", "test/2", "test/3" };
            byte[] databuffer;

            // encode a buffer
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                // add some values to the block encoder
                SegmentBlockBasicEncoder enc = new SegmentBlockBasicEncoder();
                for (int i = 0; i < testvalues.Length; i++) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[i]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[i]);

                    enc.add(tkey, tupdate);

                databuffer = ms.ToArray();

            // test FindNext(key,equal_ok=true)
                BlockAccessor rs = new BlockAccessor(databuffer);
                SegmentBlockBasicDecoder decoder = new SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(rs);
                for (int i = testvalues.Length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[i]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[i]);

                    KeyValuePair<RecordKey,RecordUpdate> row = decoder.FindNext(tkey, true);
                    Assert.AreEqual(tkey, row.Key,  "record keys should match");
                    Assert.AreEqual(tupdate, row.Value, "record values should match:");

            // test FindNext(key,equal_ok=false)
                BlockAccessor rs = new BlockAccessor(databuffer);
                SegmentBlockBasicDecoder decoder = new SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(rs);
                for (int i = testvalues.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[i]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[i]);

                    RecordKey fkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[i + 1]);
                    RecordUpdate fupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[i+1]);

                    KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> row = decoder.FindNext(tkey, false);
                    Assert.AreEqual(fkey, row.Key, "findnext(,false) should find next key");
                    Assert.AreEqual(fupdate, row.Value, "findnext(,false) should finx next key (value was botched)");

                // test for "next" after end of buffer, and we should get an exception
                // test for "next" at beginning and we should get first
                // test some random values in the middle

        public void T02_BasicBlock_Enumerators()
            // exercize the iscannable interface
            string[] testvalues = { "test/1", "test/2", "test/3" };
            byte[] databuffer;

            // encode a buffer
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                // add some values to the block encoder
                SegmentBlockBasicEncoder enc = new SegmentBlockBasicEncoder();
                for (int i = 0; i < testvalues.Length; i++) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[i]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[i]);

                    enc.add(tkey, tupdate);

                databuffer = ms.ToArray();

            // decode and test the buffer, scan enumerators
                BlockAccessor rs = new BlockAccessor(databuffer);
                SegmentBlockBasicDecoder decoder = new SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(rs);
                int pos = 0;
                IScanner<RecordKey> scanner = ScanRange<RecordKey>.All();
                foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> row in decoder.scanForward(scanner)) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[pos]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[pos]);

                    Assert.AreEqual(tkey, row.Key, "forward, record keys should match");
                    Assert.AreEqual(tupdate, row.Value, "forward, record values should match:");
                Assert.AreEqual(testvalues.Length, pos, "forward, should return all values we put in");

                pos = testvalues.Length - 1;
                foreach (KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> row in decoder.scanBackward(scanner)) {
                    RecordKey tkey = new RecordKey().appendParsedKey(testvalues[pos]);
                    RecordUpdate tupdate = RecordUpdate.WithPayload("data: " + testvalues[pos]);

                    Assert.AreEqual(tkey, row.Key, "backward, record keys should match, pos=" + pos);
                    Assert.AreEqual(tupdate, row.Value, "backward, record values should match:");
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, pos, "backward, should return all values we put in");

Esempio n. 9
        private static KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate> _decodeRecordFromBlock(BlockAccessor rs)
            // ..we are ASSUMING that the records starts right here in the stream, it better be true!
            // ..TODO: considering adding two separate record start/end markers

            // Accumulate the key.
            List<byte> keydata = new List<byte>();
            bool keydone = false;

            while (rs.Position < rs.Length && !keydone) {
                byte c = (byte)rs.ReadByte();
                switch (c) {
                    case SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.END_OF_LINE:   // end of line
                        throw new Exception("reached end of line before keyvalue delimiter");
                    case SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.KEY_VAL_SEP:   // key value delimiter
                        keydone = true;
                    case SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.ESCAPE_CHAR:
                        byte nc = (byte)rs.ReadByte();
                        byte unescaped = (byte)(nc + (byte)SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.ESCAPE_OFFSET);
                        if (unescaped < SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.FIRST_SPECIAL || unescaped > SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.LAST_SPECIAL) {
                            throw new Exception("unhandled escape payload 1: " + ((int)nc).ToString());
            if (!keydone) { throw new Exception("reached end of buffer before keydone!"); }
            // accumulate the value
            List<byte> valuedata = new List<byte>();
            bool valuedone = false;
            while (rs.Position < rs.Length && !valuedone) {
                byte c = (byte)rs.ReadByte();
                switch (c) {
                    case SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.END_OF_LINE:   // end of line
                        valuedone = true;
                    case SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.KEY_VAL_SEP:   // key value delimiter
                        throw new Exception("found keyvalue delimiter in value");
                    case SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.ESCAPE_CHAR:
                        byte nc = (byte)rs.ReadByte();
                        byte unescaped = (byte)(nc + SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.ESCAPE_OFFSET);
                        if (unescaped < SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.FIRST_SPECIAL || unescaped > SegmentBlockBasicEncoder.LAST_SPECIAL) {
                            throw new Exception("unhandled escape sequence 2: " + unescaped.ToString());

            if (valuedone != true) {
                throw new Exception("SegmentBlockBasicDecoder: finished record without reaching END_OF_LINE");

            RecordKey key = new RecordKey(keydata.ToArray());
            RecordUpdate value = RecordUpdate.FromEncodedData(valuedata.ToArray());
            // Debug.WriteLine("scanning " + key.ToString() + " : " + value.ToString());
            return new KeyValuePair<RecordKey, RecordUpdate>(key, value);
 public ISegmentBlockDecoder makeDecoder(BlockAccessor block)
     return new SegmentBlockBasicDecoder(