// if mode =0 that means play the song else if is 1 means download the song protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //beacuse when a user is sucessfully created it is redirected and we need to display the message if (Request.QueryString["Login"] != null) { Response.Write("Sucesssfully created"); } //checking if user is authenticated and then displaying the options if (!System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { HyperLink5.Visible = false; HyperLink2.Visible = false; LoginStatus1.Visible = false; HyperLink1.Visible = false; HyperLink3.Visible = false; } //checking if the authenticated user is admin and if he is admin then redirect to admin.aspx string usr = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; admin ad = db.admins.Where(a => a.username == usr).FirstOrDefault(); if (ad != null) { Response.Redirect("admin.aspx"); } ValidationSettings.UnobtrusiveValidationMode = UnobtrusiveValidationMode.None; LoginStatus1.LoginText = ""; if (Request.QueryString["search"] != null) { DropDownList2.Visible = false; string query = Request.QueryString["search"]; string mode = Request.QueryString["mode"]; if (mode == "" + 1) { var result = (from st in db.songs where st.artist.Contains(query) select new { ID = st.song_id, Artist = st.artist, Track = st.track, Album = st.album, Duration = st.duration, Rating = st.song_rating }).ToList(); GridView2.DataSource = result; } if (mode == "" + 3) { var result = (from st in db.songs where st.track.Contains(query) select new { ID = st.song_id, Artist = st.artist, Track = st.track, Album = st.album, Duration = st.duration, Rating = st.song_rating }).ToList(); GridView2.DataSource = result; } if (mode == "" + 2) { var result = (from st in db.songs join sg in db.songgenres on st.song_id equals sg.song_id join g in db.genres on sg.genre_id equals g.Id where g.name.Contains(query) select new { ID = st.song_id, Artist = st.artist, Track = st.track, Album = st.album, Duration = st.duration, Rating = st.song_rating, Genre = g.name }).ToList(); GridView2.DataSource = result; } GridView1.Visible = false; GridView2.DataBind(); } }