public static void SendUpdate (IBrowsableItem item)
			Indexable indexable = new Indexable (item.DefaultVersionUri);
			indexable.Type = IndexableType.PropertyChange;
			Beagle.Property prop;

			// Clear the existing tags
			prop = Beagle.Property.NewKeyword ("fspot:Tag", "");
			prop.IsMutable = true;
			prop.IsPersistent = true;
			indexable.AddProperty (prop);
			prop = Beagle.Property.NewKeyword ("image:Tag", "");
			prop.IsMutable = true;
			prop.IsPersistent = true;
			indexable.AddProperty (prop);

			foreach (Tag t in item.Tags) {
				prop = Beagle.Property.NewKeyword ("fspot:Tag", t.Name);
				prop.IsMutable = true;
				prop.IsPersistent = true;
				indexable.AddProperty (prop);
				prop = Beagle.Property.NewKeyword ("image:Tag", t.Name);
				prop.IsMutable = true;
				prop.IsPersistent = true;
				indexable.AddProperty (prop);

			prop = Beagle.Property.New ("fspot:Description", item.Description);
			prop.IsMutable = true;
			prop.IsPersistent = true;
			indexable.AddProperty (prop);

			// Create a message to send to the daemon with this information.
			// The source tells it what index the existing "/home/joe/test.txt" document lives.
			IndexingServiceRequest req = new IndexingServiceRequest ();
			req.Keepalive = false;
			req.Source = "Files";
			req.Add (indexable);

			req.SendAsync ();
Esempio n. 2
		static Indexable DirectoryToIndexable (DirectoryInfo dir, Queue modified_directories)
			if (!dir.Exists)
				return null;

			// Check if the directory information is stored in attributes store
			// And if the mtime of the directory is same as that in the attributes store
			FileAttributes attr = fa_store.Read (PathInIndex (dir.FullName));

			// If the directory exists in the fa store, then it is already indexed.
			if (attr != null) {
				// If we don't care about deleted content then we are fine.
				// If the attributes are up-to-date, then we are fine too.
				if (! arg_delete || FileAttributesStore.IsUpToDate (attr, FileSystem.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (dir.FullName)))
					return null;

				// But the last write time needs to be uptodate to support enable-deletion,
				// so we actually index the directories, even if --disable-directories
				// is set.
				modified_directories.Enqueue (dir);

			// Create the indexable and add the standard properties we
			// use in the FileSystemQueryable.
			Uri uri = PathToUri (dir.FullName);
			Indexable indexable = new Indexable (uri);
			indexable.MimeType = "inode/directory";
			indexable.NoContent = true;
			indexable.Timestamp = dir.LastWriteTimeUtc;

			// Store the directory information in the index anyway, but if --disable-directories
			// was passed, then do not store the names and other standard properties
			// used during searching
			if (! arg_disable_directories)
				FSQ.AddStandardPropertiesToIndexable (indexable, dir.Name, Guid.Empty, false);

			// Add directory name property
			string dirname = dir.Parent.FullName;
			indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched (Property.ParentDirUriPropKey, PathToUri (dirname)));

			indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewBool (Property.IsDirectoryPropKey, true));

			if (arg_removable)
				indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("beagle:removable", volume_label));

			return indexable;
Esempio n. 3
	static void Main (String[] args)
		string uriStr = null;
		string title = null;
		string sourcefile = null;
		bool deletesourcefile = false;

		if (args.Length == 0 || Array.IndexOf (args, "--help") > -1) {
			PrintUsage ();
			Environment.Exit (1);

		for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) {
			switch (args [i]) {
			case "--url":
			case "--title":
			case "--sourcefile":
				if (i + 1 >= args.Length ||
				    args [i + 1].StartsWith ("--")) {
					PrintUsage ();
					Environment.Exit (1);

			switch (args [i]) {
			case "--url":
				uriStr = args [++i];
			case "--title":
				title = args [++i];
			case "--sourcefile":
				sourcefile = args [++i];
			case "--deletesourcefile":
				deletesourcefile = true;
			case "--help":
				PrintUsage ();
			case "--version":
				VersionFu.PrintVersion ();

		if (uriStr == null) {
			Logger.Log.Error ("URI not specified!\n");
			PrintUsage ();
			Environment.Exit (1);

		Uri uri = new Uri (uriStr, true);
		if (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps) {
			// For security/privacy reasons, we don't index any
			// SSL-encrypted pages.
			Logger.Log.Error ("Indexing secure https:// URIs is not secure!");
			Environment.Exit (1);

		// We don't index file: Uris.  Silently exit.
		if (uri.IsFile)

		// We *definitely* don't index mailto: Uris.  Silently exit.
		if (uri.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeMailto)

		Indexable indexable;
		indexable = new Indexable (uri);
		indexable.HitType = "WebHistory";
		indexable.MimeType = "text/html";
		indexable.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;

		if (title != null)
			indexable.AddProperty (Property.New ("dc:title", title));

		if (sourcefile != null) {
			if (!File.Exists (sourcefile)) {
				Logger.Log.Error ("sourcefile '{0}' does not exist!", sourcefile);
				Environment.Exit (1);

			indexable.ContentUri = UriFu.PathToFileUri (sourcefile);
			indexable.DeleteContent = deletesourcefile;

		} else {
			Stream stdin = Console.OpenStandardInput ();
			if (stdin == null) {
				Logger.Log.Error ("No sourcefile specified, and no standard input!\n");
				PrintUsage ();
				Environment.Exit (1);

			indexable.SetTextReader (new StreamReader (stdin));

		IndexingServiceRequest req = new IndexingServiceRequest ();
		req.Add (indexable);

		try {
			Logger.Log.Info ("Indexing");
			Logger.Log.Debug ("SendAsync");
			req.SendAsync ();
			Logger.Log.Debug ("Close");
			req.Close ();
			Logger.Log.Debug ("Done");
		} catch (Exception e) {
			Logger.Log.Error ("Indexing failed: {0}", e);

			// Still clean up after ourselves, even if we couldn't
			// index the content.
			if (deletesourcefile)
				File.Delete (sourcefile);

			Environment.Exit (1);
Esempio n. 4
		static Indexable FileToIndexable (FileInfo file)
			if (!file.Exists)
				return null;
			if (fa_store.IsUpToDateAndFiltered (PathInIndex (file.FullName),
							    FileSystem.GetLastWriteTimeUtc (file.FullName)))
				return null;

			// Create the indexable and add the standard properties we
			// use in the FileSystemQueryable.
			Uri uri = PathToUri (file.FullName);
			Indexable indexable = new Indexable (uri);
			indexable.Timestamp = file.LastWriteTimeUtc;
			indexable.FlushBufferCache = true;
			indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:filesize", file.Length));
			FSQ.AddStandardPropertiesToIndexable (indexable, file.Name, Guid.Empty, false);

			// Store directory name in the index
			string dirname = file.DirectoryName;
			indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched (Property.ParentDirUriPropKey, PathToUri (dirname)));

			if (arg_removable) {
				indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("beagle:RemovableVolume", volume_label));
				indexable.ContentUri = UriFu.PathToFileUri (file.FullName);

			return indexable;
Esempio n. 5

		static void AddToRequest (Indexable indexable)
			if (indexable == null)

			// Disable filtering and only index file attributes
			if (arg_disable_filtering)
				indexable.Filtering = IndexableFiltering.Never;
			// Tag the item for easy identification (for say, removal)
			if (arg_tag != null)
				indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched("Tag", arg_tag));

			indexable.Source = arg_source;

			pending_request.Add (indexable);
			bool reschedule = false;

			do {
				if (Shutdown.ShutdownRequested)

				if (! reschedule && pending_request.Count < BATCH_SIZE)

				if (reschedule)
					Logger.Log.Debug ("Continuing indexing indexer generated indexables");
					Logger.Log.Debug ("Flushing driver, {0} items in queue", pending_request.Count);

				reschedule = FlushIndexer (driver);

				// Super Lame Hack: gtk-sharp up to 2.10 requires a main loop
				// to dispose of any managed wrappers around GObjects.  Since
				// we don't have one, we'll process all the pending items in
				// a loop here.  This is particularly an issue with maildirs,
				// because we need the loop to clean up after GMime.  Without
				// it, GMime's streams are never completely unref'd, the
				// file descriptors aren't closed, and we run out and crash.
				while (GLib.MainContext.Pending ())
					GLib.MainContext.Iteration ();

			} while (reschedule);
		private Indexable OperaRowToIndexable (OperaHistory.Row row)
			// It's unsafe to index secure content since it may contain sensitive data
			if (row.Address.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
				return null;
			Indexable indexable = new Indexable (row.Address);
			indexable.HitType = "WebHistory";
			indexable.MimeType = row.MimeType;
			indexable.Timestamp = row.LastVisited;
			indexable.AddProperty(Beagle.Property.New ("fixme:host",row.Address.Host));
			indexable.AddProperty (Beagle.Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:size", row.Length));
			// hint for the filter about the charset
			indexable.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched (StringFu.UnindexedNamespace + "charset", row.Encoding.ToString ()));

			if(row.Compression == "gzip")	
				indexable.SetBinaryStream (new GZipInputStream (File.OpenRead (Path.Combine (cache_dir, row.LocalFileName))));
				indexable.ContentUri = new Uri (Path.Combine (cache_dir, row.LocalFileName));
			indexer.AttributeStore.AttachLastWriteTime (Path.Combine (cache_dir, row.LocalFileName), DateTime.UtcNow);
			return indexable;
Esempio n. 7
			public void OnEachPart (GMime.Object mime_part)
				GMime.Object part = null;
				bool part_needs_dispose = false;

				//for (int i = 0; i < this.depth; i++)
				//  Console.Write ("  ");
				//Console.WriteLine ("Content-Type: {0}", mime_part.ContentType);

				if (mime_part is GMime.MessagePart) {
					GMime.MessagePart msg_part = (GMime.MessagePart) mime_part;

					using (GMime.Message message = msg_part.Message) {
						using (GMime.Object subpart = message.MimePart)
							this.OnEachPart (subpart);
				} else if (mime_part is GMime.Multipart) {
					GMime.Multipart multipart = (GMime.Multipart) mime_part;
					int num_parts = multipart.Count;

					// If the mimetype is multipart/alternative, we only want to index
					// one part -- the richest one we can filter.
					if (mime_part.ContentType.MediaSubtype.ToLower () == "alternative") {
						// The richest formats are at the end, so work from there
						// backward.
						for (int i = num_parts - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
							GMime.Object subpart = multipart[i];

							if (IsMimeTypeHandled (subpart.ContentType.ToString ())) {
								part = subpart;
								part_needs_dispose = true;
							} else {
								subpart.Dispose ();

					// If it's not alternative, or we don't know how to filter any of
					// the parts, treat them like a bunch of attachments.
					if (part == null) {
						for (int i = 0; i < num_parts; i++) {
							using (GMime.Object subpart = multipart[i])
								this.OnEachPart (subpart);
				} else if (mime_part is GMime.Part)
					part = mime_part;
					throw new Exception (String.Format ("Unknown part type: {0}", part.GetType ()));

				if (part != null) {
					System.IO.Stream stream = null;
					using (GMime.DataWrapper content_obj = ((GMime.Part) part).ContentObject)
						stream = content_obj.Stream;

					// If this is the only part and it's plain text, we
					// want to just attach it to our filter instead of
					// creating a child indexable for it.
					bool no_child_needed = false;

					string mime_type = part.ContentType.ToString ().ToLower ();

					if (this.depth == 1 && this.count == 0) {
						if (mime_type == "text/plain") {
							no_child_needed = true;

							this.reader = new StreamReader (stream);
						} else if (mime_type == "text/html") {
							no_child_needed = true;
							html_part = true;
							string enc = part.ContentType.GetParameter ("charset"); 
							// DataWrapper.Stream is a very limited stream
							// and does not allow Seek or Tell
							// HtmlFilter requires Stream.Position=0.
							// Play safe and create a memorystream
							// for HTML parsing.

							GMime.StreamMem mem_stream;
							mem_stream = new GMime.StreamMem ();

							GMime.Stream data_stream;
							data_stream = ((StreamWrapper) stream).GMimeStream;
							data_stream.WriteToStream (mem_stream);
							data_stream.Flush ();

							// The StreamWrapper and hence the memory_stream
							// will be closed when the reader is closed
							// after Pull()-ing is done.
							System.IO.Stream html_stream; 
							html_stream = new StreamWrapper (mem_stream);
							html_stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

							stream.Close ();

							try {
								this.reader = FilterHtml.GetHtmlReader (html_stream, enc, link_handler);
							} catch (Exception e) {
								Log.Debug (e, "Exception while filtering HTML email {0}", this.indexable.Uri);
								this.reader = null;
								html_stream.Close ();
								html_part = false;

					if (!no_child_needed) {
						// Check the mime type against the blacklist and don't index any
						// parts that are contained within.  That way the user doesn't
						// get flooded with pointless signatures and vcard and ical
						// attachments along with (real) attachments.

						if (Array.IndexOf (blacklisted_mime_types, mime_type) == -1) {
							string sub_uri = "#" + this.count;
							Indexable child;
							child = new Indexable (UriFu.AddFragment (this.indexable.Uri, sub_uri, true));

							child.DisplayUri = new Uri (this.indexable.DisplayUri.ToString () + "#" + this.count);

							// This is a special case.
							// Even for mails found on disk, MailMessage hitype is set
							child.HitType = "MailMessage";
							child.MimeType = mime_type;

							// If this is the richest part we found for multipart emails, add its content to textcache
							if (snippet_attachment ||
							    (this.depth == 1 && this.count == 0))
								child.CacheContent = true;
								child.CacheContent = false;

							string filename = ((GMime.Part) part).Filename;

							if (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (filename)) {
								child.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:attachment_title", filename));

								foreach (Property prop in Property.StandardFileProperties (filename, false))
									child.AddProperty (prop);

							// Store length of attachment
							long length = stream.Length;
							if (length != -1)
								child.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:filesize", length));

							if (part.ContentType.MediaType.ToLower () == "text")
								child.SetTextReader (new StreamReader (stream));
								child.SetBinaryStream (stream);

							child.SetChildOf (this.indexable);
							child.StoreStream ();
							child.CloseStreams ();
							this.child_indexables.Add (child);
						} else {
							Log.Debug ("Skipping attachment {0}#{1} with blacklisted mime type {2}",
								   this.indexable.Uri, this.count, mime_type);


				if (part_needs_dispose)
					part.Dispose ();

Esempio n. 8
		public override bool GenerateNextIndexable (out Indexable child)
			ArchiveEntry a_entry;
			child = null;

			if (! setup_done)
				SetupArchiveStream ();

			if (count >= MAX_CHILDREN) {
				Log.Debug ("Archive {0} contains more than {1} files.  Only {1} files indexed.", Indexable.DisplayUri.ToString (), count);
				Close ();
				return false;

			if (total_size > MAX_ALL_FILES) {
				Log.Debug ("Archive {0} crossed our max uncompressed size threshold.  Only {1} files extracted", Indexable.DisplayUri.ToString (), count);
				Close ();
				return false;

			a_entry = DoGetNextEntry ();
			if (a_entry == null) {
				Close ();
				return false;

			// Store file names in the archive
			AppendText (Path.GetFileName (a_entry.Name));
			AppendWhiteSpace ();

			// If this is an invalid or oversized entry, skip it.
			if (a_entry.TempFile == null)
				return true;

			total_size += a_entry.Size;

			// Add "#<escaped-path-to-entry>" to the end of the Indexable Uri
			// So, file b#c in archive becomes file:///
			// And file c in archive b in archive becomes file:///
			child = new Indexable (UriFu.AddFragment (Indexable.Uri, a_entry.Name, false));

			child.CacheContent = true;
			child.MimeType = a_entry.MimeType;

			child.DisplayUri = new Uri (Indexable.DisplayUri.ToString () + "#" + a_entry.Name);
			child.ContentUri = UriFu.PathToFileUri (a_entry.TempFile);
			child.DeleteContent = true;

			// FIXME Remove fixme:inside_archive during Property Hack Week
			// Replace most flag properties by value properties
			child.AddProperty (Property.NewBool ("fixme:inside_archive", true));
			// Use this instead of fixme:inside_archive
			child.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("archive:type", archive_type));

			child.AddProperty (Property.NewKeyword ("fixme:relativeuri", a_entry.Name));
			child.AddProperty (Property.New ("fixme:comment", a_entry.Comment));
			child.AddProperty (Property.NewUnsearched ("fixme:filesize", a_entry.Size));

			foreach (Property prop in Property.StandardFileProperties (Path.GetFileName (a_entry.Name), false))
				child.AddProperty (prop);

			child.SetChildOf (Indexable);

			return true;