public ScoreBoard(GamePageData previousGame, int score) { InitializeComponent(); if (score == 0) { Narrator.youLost(narrTxt, previousGame.boardPlacementData.GetStartPageData().getPlayerName()); } else { Narrator.youWin(narrTxt, previousGame.boardPlacementData.GetStartPageData().getPlayerName()); } db = ScoreDB.getDB(); db.records.Add(new ScoreRecord(previousGame.boardPlacementData.GetStartPageData().getPlayerName(), score)); db.records.Sort(); string scoreTable = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 10 && i < db.records.Count; i++) { scoreTable += (i + 1) + ". " + db.records.ElementAt(i).ToString() + "\n"; } msgTxt.Text = scoreTable; }
public StartPage() { InitializeComponent(); Narrator.displayIntro(msgTxt); continueBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; newBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; }
public void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { checkWin(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { if (((Button)battleGrid.Children.Cast <UIElement>().First(f => Grid.GetRow(f) == i && Grid.GetColumn(f) == j)).Equals((Button)sender)) { if (this.gamePageData.playerBoard.shoot(new Square(j, i)) && !firstship) { Narrator.shipdown(NarratorTxt, null); firstship = true; } this.gamePageData.playerBoard.updateGrid(); /* Reset the idle counter */ this.currIdleTimeLeft = this.gamePageData.boardPlacementData.getIdleTime(); aiMove(); } } } checkWin(); }
private void playerTurn_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (--this.currIdleTimeLeft <= 0) { aiMove(); if (turnCount < 5 && !silence) { Narrator.timedout(NarratorTxt, null); } this.currIdleTimeLeft = this.gamePageData.boardPlacementData.getIdleTime(); } }
public BoardPlacement(StartPageData startPageData) { InitializeComponent(); completeClean(); this.startPageData = startPageData; Narrator.placing(narratorTxt, startPageData.getPlayerName()); battleboard = new Board(battleGrid); battleships = new Ship[5]; randomize(battleships); }
public BoardPlacement(StartPageData startPageData) { InitializeComponent(); completeClean(); /* Saving startPageData from previous StartPage while the user is choosing his ships and settings*/ this.startPageData = startPageData; Narrator.placing(narratorTxt, startPageData.getPlayerName()); battleboard = new Board(battleGrid); battleships = new Ship[5]; randomize(battleships); }
private void playerTurn_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* If the user runs out of time... */ if (--this.currIdleTimeLeft <= 0) { /* ... Let the ai play*/ aiMove(); if (turnCount < 5 && !silence) { Narrator.timedout(NarratorTxt, null); } /* Reset the idleTime counter */ this.currIdleTimeLeft = this.gamePageData.boardPlacementData.getIdleTime(); } }
/** * Button pressed after name is entered. * * @author karina **/ private void sendBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string name = nameTxt.Text; nameTxt.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; sendBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; newBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; continueBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; if (PlayerDB.getDB().isPlayerExist(name)) { Narrator.displayNameFoundSaved(msgTxt, name); continueBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { Narrator.newName(msgTxt, name); } }
/* The ai plays a move can be called by Button_Click and when the user's idle time is over */ private void aiMove() { if (turnCount == 0) { Narrator.firstturn(NarratorTxt, null); } else if (turnCount == 1) { Narrator.secondturn(NarratorTxt, null); } else if (turnCount > 10 && !silence) { Narrator.normal(NarratorTxt, null); silence = true; } idleTimeDispatcher.Stop(); battleGrid.IsEnabled = false; this.gamePageData.aiBoard.shoot(; this.gamePageData.aiBoard.updateGrid(); turnCount++; battleGrid.IsEnabled = true; idleTimeDispatcher.Start(); }
public Game(BoardPlacementData boardPlacementData) { InitializeComponent(); Narrator.startplaying(NarratorTxt, null); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { Button inGrid = new Button(); inGrid.Click += Button_Click; battleGrid.Children.Add(inGrid); Grid.SetRow(inGrid, i); Grid.SetColumn(inGrid, j); } } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { Button inGrid = new Button(); battleGrid_Copy.Children.Add(inGrid); Grid.SetRow(inGrid, i); Grid.SetColumn(inGrid, j); } } Ai ai; level = boardPlacementData.getLevel().ToString(); switch (boardPlacementData.getLevel()) { case AiLevel.EASY: ai = new Easy(); break; case AiLevel.MEDIUM: ai = new Medium(); break; case AiLevel.HARD: ai = new Hard(); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("ai unknown"); } Board aiBoard = new Board(battleGrid_Copy); battleGrid_Copy.IsEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < boardPlacementData.getAiShip().Length; i++) { aiBoard.placeShip(new Ship(boardPlacementData.getAiShip()[i].position)); } Board playerBoard = new Board(battleGrid); for (int i = 0; i < boardPlacementData.getPlayerShip().Length; i++) { playerBoard.placeShip(new Ship(boardPlacementData.getPlayerShip()[i].position)); } this.gamePageData = new GamePageData(boardPlacementData, 0, 0, 0, 0, playerBoard, aiBoard, ai); initPlayerTicker(this.gamePageData.boardPlacementData.getIdleTime()); startMainTimer(this.gamePageData.getTimeSec(), this.gamePageData.getTimeMin(), this.gamePageData.getTimeHour()); idleTimeDispatcher.Start(); }