Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create Excel document for exported data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">File to create</param>
        /// <param name="absences">Collection of absence entries to export</param>
        /// <param name="workHours">Collection of work hours entries to export</param>
        /// <param name="days">Collection of day entries to export</param>
        /// <param name="language">ExportTask.Language = DefaultLanguage (en-US)</param>
        private void ExportExcelDocument(
            string file,
            EntriesToPayroll <Absence> absences,
            EntriesToPayroll <Timesheet> workHours,
            string language)
                OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(file));

                string workSheetName;
                string pivotRangeName;
                if (language.ToLower() == "fi")
                    workSheetName  = "Tunnit";
                    pivotRangeName = "tuntiPivotAlue";
                    workSheetName  = "Hours";
                    pivotRangeName = "hoursPivotRange";
                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(workSheetName);
                //need to start at row 2, since row 1 is header info
                int startingRow = 2;
                startingRow = absences.AppendToExcelWorksheet <Absence>(worksheet, startingRow);
                startingRow = workHours.AppendToExcelWorksheet <Timesheet>(worksheet, startingRow, false); // 3rd parameter is for robust way not to write header information again

                // Create pivot table for timesheet and absence entries
                if (language.ToLower() == "fi")
                    PivotTable = new ExportPivotTable(
                        new string[] { "Nimi" }, /* collapsible rows */
                        new string[] { "Tunnit" });
                    PivotTable = new ExportPivotTable(
                        new string[] { "Name" }, /* collapsible rows */
                        new string[] { "Hours" });
                PivotTable.CreatePivotTable(excelPackage, worksheet, pivotRangeName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                UpdateExportStatus(string.Format("Critical exception when creating file Errorstack {0}", ex));
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starting the actual exporting whilst also update statuses and logger info
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exportTask">Payroll export task</param>
        private void StartExport()
                //Cache often used collections


                EntriesToPayroll <Absence> absences = GetAbsencesToExport();
                EntriesToPayroll <Timesheet> workHours = GetTimesheetToExport();
                //EntriesToPayroll<Timesheet> workHours = new EntriesToPayroll<Timesheet>();

                var now    = MC2DateTimeValue.Now().ToLocalTime();
                var nowStr = string.Format("{0:0000}-{1:00}-{2:00}-{3:00}-{4:00}-{5:00}",
                                           now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second);

                    Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.ExcelPath, string.Format("{0}_{1}", nowStr, Properties.Settings.Default.ExcelFile)),
                    workHours, Properties.Settings.Default.Language);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

            //Some of the entries not exported
            UpdateExportStatus(string.Format("Alldone Time eleapsed={0}minutes", (sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes)));
            if (logWriter != null)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Timesheet (tuntikirjaus) entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payrollPeriod">BsonDocument payrollPeriod</param>
        /// <param name="config">config["fields"]</param>
        /// <param name="exportTask">All viable information for the task</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of EntriesToPayroll of Timesheet></returns>
        private EntriesToPayroll <Timesheet> GetTimesheetToExport()
            UpdateExportStatus("Part 2 - Getting worker hours");
            MongoCollection <BsonDocument> entriesCollection = database.GetCollection("timesheetentry");

#if (DATE)
            var andQueries = new List <IMongoQuery>();
            //Filter based on dates
            andQueries.Add(Query.GTE("starttimestamp", startDate));
            andQueries.Add(Query.LT("endtimestamp", (DateTime.Now)));
            MongoCursor <BsonDocument> cursor = entriesCollection.Find(Query.And(andQueries));
            cursor = entriesCollection.Find(Query.And(andQueries));
            MongoCursor <BsonDocument> cursor = entriesCollection.FindAll();
            var entries = new EntriesToPayroll <Timesheet>();
            foreach (var item in cursor)
                    Timesheet entry = new Timesheet();
                    entry.Document = item;

                    BsonDocument payType = timesheetEntryDetailPaytypeCache[((ObjectId)(item["timesheetentrydetailpaytype"][0]))];
                    entry.PayTypeId   = Convert.ToString(payType.GetValue("identifier", ""));
                    entry.PayType     = payType;
                    entry.PayTypeName = payType["name"].ToString();

                    entry._id = (ObjectId)item[0];
                    entry.ApprovedByWorker  = (bool)item.GetValue("approvedbyworker", false);
                    entry.ApprovedByManager = (bool)item.GetValue("approvedbymanager", false);

                    //User Info from cache
                    BsonDocument user = userCache[((ObjectId)(item["user"][0]))];
                    entry.UserName = item.GetValue("__user__displayname", "noname").ToString();

                    if (item.GetValue("profitcenter", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                        BsonDocument profitcenter = profitcenterCache[((ObjectId)(item["profitcenter"][0]))];
                        entry.ProfitCenter = profitcenter["identifier"].ToString();
                    else if (user.GetValue("profitcenter", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                        BsonDocument profitcenter = profitcenterCache[((ObjectId)(user["profitcenter"][0]))];
                        entry.ProfitCenter = profitcenter["identifier"].ToString();
                        BsonDocument profitcenter = profitcenterCache[((ObjectId)(user["profitcenter"][0]))];
                        entry.ProfitCenter = profitcenter["identifier"].ToString();

                    //NOTE: Removed by request of Oskari Jauhianen 2016-05-27
                    //Only profitcenter that starts with 1
                    //if (entry.ProfitCenter.StartsWith("1") == false)
                    //    continue;

                    entry.UserIdentifier = user["identifier"].ToString();

                    entry.StartDate = item["starttimestamp"].ToLocalTime();
                    entry.EndDate   = item["endtimestamp"].ToLocalTime();

                    //Should use this notation if value does not exists
                    entry.Hours = Convert.ToInt32(item.GetValue("duration", 0));
                    //Tämä oli showstopperi vanhasta versiosta... 2016-06-12
                    //entry.Hours = (entry.EndDate - entry.StartDate).TotalMilliseconds;

                    //Project info
                    if (item["project"][0] == null)
                        UpdateExportStatus("Timesheet entry does not contain project, entry " + item[0]);
                        throw new Exception("Timesheet entry does not contain project , entry " + item[0]);

                    //Project and workorder info
                    BsonDocument project = database.GetCollection("project").FindOne(Query.EQ(DBQuery.Id, item["project"][0]));

                    entry.ProjectNumber = project["identifier"].ToString();

                    //CLA info
                    //entry.ClaGroup = claidentifier;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    UpdateExportStatus(string.Format("timesheetentry {0} has problem\n Exception\n{1}", item["_id"], ex.ToString()));
            //Timetracking and parent
            UpdateExportStatus("Part 2 - Finished worker hours total " + entries.Count);
            //**********tähän jäätiin 2016-06-12 ja varmaan oikea

            //return entries;

            //var counterX = 0;
            foreach (var item in entries)
                //If detail
                if (item.Document.GetValue("parent", null) != null)
                    var found = entries.Where(p => p.Document[0] == item.Document["parent"][0]).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (found == null)
                    found.Hours -= item.Hours;

            //            Debug.WriteLine(counterX);
            //            //Pass 2 for timesheetentrydetails
            //            //            pass2:

            //            //            UpdateExportStatus("Part 2 - Getting worker details");

            //            //            entriesCollection = database.GetCollection("timesheetentrydetail");
            //            //#if (DATE)
            //            //            //Filter on dates
            //            //            andQueries = new List<IMongoQuery>();
            //            //            andQueries.Add(Query.GTE("created", startDate));
            //            //            andQueries.Add(Query.LT("created", (DateTime.Now)));
            //            //            cursor = entriesCollection.Find(Query.And(andQueries));
            //            //#else
            //            //            //cursor = timesheetEntries.Find(Query.And(andQueries));
            //            //            cursor = entriesCollection.FindAll();
            //            //#endif
            //            //            foreach (var item in cursor)
            //            //            {
            //            //                try
            //            //                {
            //            //                    Timesheet entry = new Timesheet();
            //            //                    entry.Document = item;
            //            //                    entry.IsTimesheetEntryDetail = true;

            //            //                    BsonDocument payType = timesheetEntryDetailPaytypeCache[((ObjectId)(item["timesheetentrydetailpaytype"][0]))];
            //            //                    entry.PayTypeId = Convert.ToString(payType.GetValue("identifier", "no paytype"));
            //            //                    entry.PayTypeName = Convert.ToString(payType.GetValue("name", "no paytype name"));
            //            //                    BsonArray test = (BsonArray)item.GetValue("timesheetentry", null);
            //            //                    if (test.Count < 1)
            //            //                        continue;

            //            //                    BsonDocument timeSheetEntry = database.GetCollection("timesheetentry").FindOne(Query.EQ(DBQuery.Id, item["timesheetentry"][0]));
            //            //                    if (timeSheetEntry == null)
            //            //                        continue;

            //            //                    entry._id = (ObjectId)timeSheetEntry[0];
            //            //                    BsonDocument user = userCache[((ObjectId)(timeSheetEntry["user"][0]))];
            //            //                    if ((bool)user["internalworker"] == false)
            //            //                        continue;

            //            //                    BsonDocument profitcenter = profitcenterCache[((ObjectId)(user["profitcenter"][0]))];
            //            //                    entry.ProfitCenter = profitcenter["identifier"].ToString();

            //            //                    //NOTE: Removed by request of Oskari Jauhianen 2016-05-27
            //            //                    //Only profitcenter that starts with 1
            //            //                    //if (entry.ProfitCenter.StartsWith("1") == false)
            //            //                    //    continue;

            //            //                    entry.Hours = Convert.ToInt32(item.GetValue("duration", 0));
            //            //                    entries.Add(entry);
            //            //                }
            //            //                catch (Exception ex)
            //            //                {
            //            //                    UpdateExportStatus(string.Format("timesheetentrydetail {0} has problem\n Exception\n{1}", item["_id"], ex.ToString()));
            //            //                }
            //            //            }

            //            //            UpdateExportStatus("Part 2 - Finished worker details total " + entries.Count);

            //            //            UpdateExportStatus("Part 3 - Starting details with timesheetentries");

            //            //            //Timetracking and parent
            //            //            foreach (var item in entries)
            //            //            {
            //            //                //BsonDocument tempTimeSheetEntry = database.GetCollection("timesheetentry").FindOne(Query.EQ(DBQuery.Id, item._id));

            //            //                //If detail
            //            //                if (item.Document.GetValue("timesheetentry", null) != null)
            //            //                {
            //            //                    var found = entries.Where(p => p.Document[0] == item.Document["timesheetentry"][0]).FirstOrDefault();
            //            //                    if (found == null)
            //            //                        continue;
            //            //                    found.Hours -= item.Hours;
            //            //                    //*************
            //            //                    item.StartDate = found.StartDate;
            //            //                    item.UserIdentifier = found.UserIdentifier;
            //            //                    item.UserName = found.UserName;
            //            //                    item.ProjectNumber = found.ProjectNumber;
            //            //                }
            //            //            }
            //            //            UpdateExportStatus("Part 3 - Finished details with timesheetentries");

            //            //            long stopBytes = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
            //            //            UpdateExportStatus(string.Format("Absences & WorkSheets Time eleapsed={0} minutes", (sw.Elapsed.TotalMinutes)));
            //            //            UpdateExportStatus("Number of details written " + entries.Count);
            //            return entries;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Absence (poissaolo) entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payrollPeriod">BsonDocument payrollPeriod</param>
        /// <param name="config">config["fields"]</param>
        /// <param name="exportTask">All viable information for the task</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of EntriesToPayroll of Absences></returns>
        private EntriesToPayroll <Absence> GetAbsencesToExport()
            UpdateExportStatus("Part 1 - Getting absences");
            MongoCollection <BsonDocument> entriesCollection = database.GetCollection("absenceentry");

#if (DATE)
            var andQueries = new List <IMongoQuery>();
            //Filter based on dates
            andQueries.Add(Query.GTE("starttimestamp", startDate));
            andQueries.Add(Query.LT("endtimestamp", (DateTime.Now)));
            MongoCursor <BsonDocument> cursor = entriesCollection.Find(Query.And(andQueries));
            MongoCursor <BsonDocument> cursor = entriesCollection.FindAll();
            var entries = new EntriesToPayroll <Absence>();
            foreach (var item in cursor)
                    Absence entry = new Absence();
                    entry.Document = item;

                    entry._id = (ObjectId)item[0];
                    entry.ApprovedByWorker  = (bool)item.GetValue("approvedbyworker", false);
                    entry.ApprovedByManager = (bool)item.GetValue("approvedbymanager", false);

                    //User Info from cache
                    BsonDocument user = userCache[((ObjectId)(item["user"][0]))];
                    entry.UserName = item.GetValue("__user__displayname", "noname").ToString(); //muutettu
                    if (item.GetValue("profitcenter", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                        BsonDocument profitcenter = profitcenterCache[((ObjectId)(item["profitcenter"][0]))];
                        entry.ProfitCenter = profitcenter["identifier"].ToString();
                    else if (user.GetValue("profitcenter", string.Empty) != string.Empty)
                        BsonDocument profitcenter = profitcenterCache[((ObjectId)(user["profitcenter"][0]))];
                        entry.ProfitCenter = profitcenter["identifier"].ToString();

                    //NOTE: Removed by request of Oskari Jauhianen 2016-05-27
                    //Only profitcenter that starts with 1
                    //if (entry.ProfitCenter.StartsWith("1") == false)
                    //    continue;

                    entry.UserIdentifier = user["identifier"].ToString();

                    //entry.StartDate = item["starttimestamp"].ToUniversalTime();
                    //entry.EndDate = item["endtimestamp"].ToUniversalTime();

                    entry.StartDate = item["starttimestamp"].ToLocalTime();
                    entry.EndDate   = item["endtimestamp"].ToLocalTime();

                    //Should use this notation if value does not exists
                    //entry.Hours = Convert.ToInt32(item.GetValue("duration", 0));
                    entry.Hours = (entry.EndDate - entry.StartDate).TotalMilliseconds;

                    BsonDocument payType = absencePaytypeCache[((ObjectId)(item["absenceentrytype"][0]))];
                    entry.PayTypeId   = payType["identifier"].ToString();
                    entry.PayTypeName = payType["name"].ToString();

                    //entry.ClaGroup = claidentifier;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    UpdateExportStatus(string.Format("absenceentry {0} has problem\n Exception\n{1}", item["_id"], ex.ToString()));