Esempio n. 1
        private void LoadAnimClip(AnimationClip clip)
            EditorPersistentData persistentData = EditorApplication.PersistentData;

            if (persistentData.dirtyAnimClips.TryGetValue(clip.UUID, out clipInfo))
                // If an animation clip is imported, we don't care about it's cached curve values as they could have changed
                // since last modification, so we re-load the clip. But we persist the events as those can only be set
                // within the editor.
                if (clipInfo.isImported)
                    EditorAnimClipInfo newClipInfo = EditorAnimClipInfo.Create(clip);
                clipInfo = EditorAnimClipInfo.Create(clip);

            persistentData.dirtyAnimClips[clip.UUID] = clipInfo;

            foreach (var curve in clipInfo.curves)
                guiFieldDisplay.AddField(new AnimFieldInfo(curve.Key, curve.Value, !clipInfo.isImported));

            guiCurveEditor.Events           =;
            guiCurveEditor.DisableCurveEdit = clipInfo.isImported;

            FPS = clipInfo.sampleRate;
Esempio n. 2
        private void UpdateSelectedSO(bool force)
            SceneObject so = Selection.SceneObject;

            if (selectedSO != so || force)
                if (selectedSO != null && so == null)
                    EditorInput.OnPointerPressed  -= OnPointerPressed;
                    EditorInput.OnPointerMoved    -= OnPointerMoved;
                    EditorInput.OnPointerReleased -= OnPointerReleased;
                    EditorInput.OnButtonUp        -= OnButtonUp;
                else if (selectedSO == null && so != null)
                    EditorInput.OnPointerPressed  += OnPointerPressed;
                    EditorInput.OnPointerMoved    += OnPointerMoved;
                    EditorInput.OnPointerReleased += OnPointerReleased;
                    EditorInput.OnButtonUp        += OnButtonUp;

                zoomAmount = 0.0f;
                selectedSO = so;

                clipInfo = null;


                // Load existing clip if one exists
                if (selectedSO != null)
                    Animation animation = selectedSO.GetComponent <Animation>();
                    if (animation != null)
                        AnimationClip clip = animation.DefaultClip;
                        if (clip != null)

                if (clipInfo == null)
                    clipInfo = new EditorAnimClipInfo();

                if (selectedSO != null)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads curve and event information from the provided clip, and creates a new instance of this object containing
        /// the required data for editing the source clip in the animation editor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clip">Clip to load.</param>
        /// <returns>Editor specific editable information about an animation clip.</returns>
        public static EditorAnimClipInfo Create(AnimationClip clip)
            EditorAnimClipInfo clipInfo = new EditorAnimClipInfo();

            clipInfo.clip       = clip;
            clipInfo.isImported = IsClipImported(clip);
            clipInfo.sampleRate = (int)clip.SampleRate;

            AnimationCurves        clipCurves      = clip.Curves;
            EditorAnimClipTangents editorCurveData = null;

            string resourcePath = ProjectLibrary.GetPath(clip);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resourcePath))
                LibraryEntry entry    = ProjectLibrary.GetEntry(resourcePath);
                string       clipName = PathEx.GetTail(resourcePath);

                if (entry != null && entry.Type == LibraryEntryType.File)
                    FileEntry      fileEntry = (FileEntry)entry;
                    ResourceMeta[] metas     = fileEntry.ResourceMetas;

                    if (clipInfo.isImported)
                        for (int i = 0; i < metas.Length; i++)
                            if (clipName == metas[i].SubresourceName)
                                editorCurveData = metas[i].EditorData as EditorAnimClipTangents;
                        if (metas.Length > 0)
                            editorCurveData = metas[0].EditorData as EditorAnimClipTangents;

            if (editorCurveData == null)
                editorCurveData = new EditorAnimClipTangents();

            int globalCurveIdx = 0;
            Action <NamedVector3Curve[], EditorVector3CurveTangents[], string> loadVector3Curve =
                (curves, tangents, subPath) =>
                foreach (var curveEntry in curves)
                    TangentMode[] tangentsX = null;
                    TangentMode[] tangentsY = null;
                    TangentMode[] tangentsZ = null;

                    if (tangents != null)
                        foreach (var tangentEntry in tangents)
                            if ( ==
                                tangentsX = tangentEntry.tangentsX;
                                tangentsY = tangentEntry.tangentsY;
                                tangentsZ = tangentEntry.tangentsZ;

                    // Convert compound curve to three per-component curves
                    AnimationCurve[] componentCurves = AnimationUtility.SplitCurve(curveEntry.curve);

                    FieldAnimCurves fieldCurves = new FieldAnimCurves();
                    fieldCurves.type            = SerializableProperty.FieldType.Vector3;
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos      = new CurveDrawInfo[3];
                    fieldCurves.isPropertyCurve = !clipInfo.isImported;

                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[0]       = new CurveDrawInfo();
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[0].curve = new EdAnimationCurve(componentCurves[0], tangentsX);
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[0].color = GUICurveDrawing.GetUniqueColor(globalCurveIdx++);

                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[1]       = new CurveDrawInfo();
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[1].curve = new EdAnimationCurve(componentCurves[1], tangentsY);
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[1].color = GUICurveDrawing.GetUniqueColor(globalCurveIdx++);

                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[2]       = new CurveDrawInfo();
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[2].curve = new EdAnimationCurve(componentCurves[2], tangentsZ);
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[2].color = GUICurveDrawing.GetUniqueColor(globalCurveIdx++);

                    string curvePath ='/') + subPath;
                    clipInfo.curves[curvePath] = fieldCurves;

            // Convert rotation from quaternion to euler
            NamedQuaternionCurve[] rotationCurves      = clipCurves.Rotation;
            NamedVector3Curve[]    eulerRotationCurves = new NamedVector3Curve[rotationCurves.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < rotationCurves.Length; i++)
                eulerRotationCurves[i]       = new NamedVector3Curve();
                eulerRotationCurves[i].name  = rotationCurves[i].name;
                eulerRotationCurves[i].flags = rotationCurves[i].flags;
                eulerRotationCurves[i].curve = AnimationUtility.QuaternionToEulerCurve(rotationCurves[i].curve);

            loadVector3Curve(clipCurves.Position, editorCurveData.positionCurves, "/Position");
            loadVector3Curve(eulerRotationCurves, editorCurveData.rotationCurves, "/Rotation");
            loadVector3Curve(clipCurves.Scale, editorCurveData.scaleCurves, "/Scale");

            // Find which individual float curves belong to the same field
            Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, int, bool>[]> floatCurveMapping = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, int, bool>[]>();

                int curveIdx = 0;
                foreach (var curveEntry in clipCurves.Generic)
                    string path         =;
                    string pathNoSuffix = null;

                    string pathSuffix;
                    if (path.Length >= 2)
                        pathSuffix   = path.Substring(path.Length - 2, 2);
                        pathNoSuffix = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 2);
                        pathSuffix = "";

                    int tangentIdx        = -1;
                    int currentTangentIdx = 0;
                    foreach (var tangentEntry in editorCurveData.floatCurves)
                        if ( ==
                            tangentIdx = currentTangentIdx;


                    Animation.PropertySuffixInfo suffixInfo;
                    if (Animation.PropertySuffixInfos.TryGetValue(pathSuffix, out suffixInfo))
                        Tuple <int, int, bool>[] curveInfo;
                        if (!floatCurveMapping.TryGetValue(pathNoSuffix, out curveInfo))
                            curveInfo = new Tuple <int, int, bool> [4];

                        curveInfo[suffixInfo.elementIdx] = Tuple.Create(curveIdx, tangentIdx, suffixInfo.isVector);
                        floatCurveMapping[pathNoSuffix]  = curveInfo;
                        Tuple <int, int, bool>[] curveInfo = new Tuple <int, int, bool> [4];
                        curveInfo[0] = Tuple.Create(curveIdx, tangentIdx, suffixInfo.isVector);

                        floatCurveMapping[path] = curveInfo;


            foreach (var KVP in floatCurveMapping)
                int numCurves = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    if (KVP.Value[i] == null)


                if (numCurves == 0)
                    continue; // Invalid curve
                FieldAnimCurves fieldCurves = new FieldAnimCurves();

                // Deduce type (note that all single value types are assumed to be float even if their source type is int or bool)
                if (numCurves == 1)
                    fieldCurves.type = SerializableProperty.FieldType.Float;
                else if (numCurves == 2)
                    fieldCurves.type = SerializableProperty.FieldType.Vector2;
                else if (numCurves == 3)
                    fieldCurves.type = SerializableProperty.FieldType.Vector3;
                else // 4 curves
                    bool isVector = KVP.Value[0].Item3;
                    if (isVector)
                        fieldCurves.type = SerializableProperty.FieldType.Vector4;
                        fieldCurves.type = SerializableProperty.FieldType.Color;

                bool   isMorphCurve = false;
                string curvePath    = KVP.Key;

                fieldCurves.curveInfos = new CurveDrawInfo[numCurves];
                for (int i = 0; i < numCurves; i++)
                    int curveIdx   = KVP.Value[i].Item1;
                    int tangentIdx = KVP.Value[i].Item2;

                    TangentMode[] tangents = null;
                    if (tangentIdx != -1)
                        tangents = editorCurveData.floatCurves[tangentIdx].tangents;

                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[i]       = new CurveDrawInfo();
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[i].curve = new EdAnimationCurve(clipCurves.Generic[curveIdx].curve, tangents);
                    fieldCurves.curveInfos[i].color = GUICurveDrawing.GetUniqueColor(globalCurveIdx++);

                    if (clipCurves.Generic[curveIdx].flags.HasFlag(AnimationCurveFlags.MorphFrame))
                        curvePath    = "MorphShapes/Frames/" + KVP.Key;
                        isMorphCurve = true;
                    else if (clipCurves.Generic[curveIdx].flags.HasFlag(AnimationCurveFlags.MorphWeight))
                        curvePath    = "MorphShapes/Weight/" + KVP.Key;
                        isMorphCurve = true;

                fieldCurves.isPropertyCurve = !clipInfo.isImported && !isMorphCurve;

                clipInfo.curves[curvePath] = fieldCurves;

            // Add events
   = clip.Events;