public void WithdrawMenu(AccountHolder accountholder) { Menuchoice menuchoice = new Menuchoice(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to withdraw from your\n[1] Debit\n[2] Credit"); menuchoice.WithdrawMenuChoice(accountholder); }
public void DepositMenu(AccountHolder accountholder) { Menuchoice menuchoice = new Menuchoice(); Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to deposit?"); menuchoice.DepositMenuChoice(accountholder); }
public void TransactionMenu(AccountHolder accountholder) { Menuchoice menuchoice = new Menuchoice(); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to make a:\n[1] Deposit\n[2] Withdrawl"); menuchoice.TransactionMenuChoice(accountholder); }
public void ManageAccount(AccountHolder a) { Menuchoice menuchoice = new Menuchoice(); Console.WriteLine($"Welcome {a.Name}, What feature of your account would you like to change? "); Console.WriteLine($"[1] Name of accountholder. (Only if you have legally changed your name from {a.Name}).\n[2] account-type"); menuchoice.ManageAccountChoice(a); }
public void WithdrawCreditMenu(AccountHolder accountholder) { Menuchoice menuchoice = new Menuchoice(); Console.WriteLine("How much would you like to withdraw?"); menuchoice.WithdrawCreditMenuChoice(accountholder); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); }