public override Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.AuthoringScope ParseSource(ParseRequest req)
            Babel.Source source = (Babel.Source)this.GetSource(req.FileName);
            bool yyparseResult = false;

            // req.DirtySpan seems to be set even though no changes have occurred
            // source.IsDirty also behaves strangely
            // might be possible to use source.ChangeCount to sync instead

            if (req.DirtySpan.iStartIndex != req.DirtySpan.iEndIndex
                || req.DirtySpan.iStartLine != req.DirtySpan.iEndLine) {
                ErrorHandler handler = new ErrorHandler();
                Scanner scanner = new Scanner(); // string interface
                Parser parser = new Parser();  // use noarg constructor
                parser.scanner = scanner;
                scanner.Handler = handler;
                scanner.SetSource(req.Text, 0);

                yyparseResult = parser.Parse();

                // store the parse results
                // source.ParseResult = aast;
                source.ParseResult = null;
                source.Braces = parser.Braces;

                // for the time being, just pull errors back from the error handler
                if (handler.ErrNum > 0) {
                    foreach (Babel.Parser.Error error in handler.SortedErrorList()) {
                        TextSpan span = new TextSpan();
                        span.iStartLine = span.iEndLine = error.line - 1;
                        span.iStartIndex = error.column;
                        span.iEndIndex = error.column + error.length;
                        req.Sink.AddError(req.FileName, error.message, span, Severity.Error);
            switch (req.Reason) {
                case ParseReason.Check:
                case ParseReason.HighlightBraces:
                case ParseReason.MatchBraces:
                case ParseReason.MemberSelectAndHighlightBraces:
                    // send matches to sink
                    // this should (probably?) be filtered on req.Line / col
                    if (source.Braces != null) {
                        foreach (TextSpan[] brace in source.Braces) {
                            if (brace.Length == 2)
                                req.Sink.MatchPair(brace[0], brace[1], 1);
                            else if (brace.Length >= 3)
                                req.Sink.MatchTriple(brace[0], brace[1], brace[2], 1);

            return new AuthoringScope(req.Text);
        //gets the variables that are valid within the given scope
        public static void GetVarDecls(Parser.CodeScope scope, Dictionary<string, Parser.VarDecl> varDecls)
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Parser.VarDecl> vd in scope.scopeVars)
                varDecls.Add(vd.Key, vd.Value);

            if (scope.outer != null)
                GetVarDecls(scope.outer, varDecls);
        //get the current scope of the cursor
        /*public static Parser.CodeScope GetCurrentScope(int line, int col)
            return GetCurrentScope(Parser.Parser.programScope, line, col);
        public static Parser.CodeScope GetCurrentScope(Parser.CodeScope codeScope, int line, int col)
            foreach (Parser.CodeScope cs in codeScope.innerScopes)
                if (TextSpanHelper.ContainsExclusive(cs.scopeLocation, line, col))
                    Parser.CodeScope recursive = GetCurrentScope(cs, line, col);
                    if (recursive == null)
                        return cs;
                        return recursive;

            return codeScope;
 //If it returns true, scope contains the scope that has the matching TextSpan
 //If it returns false, scope contains the scope that TextSpan ts would be contained in
 public static bool HasScopeForSpan(TextSpan ts, Parser.CodeScope globalScope, out Parser.CodeScope scope)
     foreach (Parser.CodeScope cs in globalScope.innerScopes)
         if (TextSpanHelper.IsSameSpan(ts, cs.scopeLocation))
             scope = cs;
             return true;
             if(TextSpanHelper.IsEmbedded(ts, cs.scopeLocation))
                 return HasScopeForSpan(ts, cs, out scope);
     scope = globalScope;
     return false;
        public override Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.AuthoringScope ParseSource(ParseRequest req)
            Source source = (Source) this.GetSource(req.FileName);
            bool yyparseResult = false;

            #if GARRETT
            System.IO.StreamWriter myStream = null;
            if (req.View != null)
                myStream = new System.IO.StreamWriter("E:/Users/Garrett/Documents/Projects/ShaderSense/myOutput.txt");
            // req.DirtySpan seems to be set even though no changes have occurred
            // source.IsDirty also behaves strangely
            // might be possible to use source.ChangeCount to sync instead

            if (req.DirtySpan.iStartIndex != req.DirtySpan.iEndIndex
                || req.DirtySpan.iStartLine != req.DirtySpan.iEndLine
                || source.IsDirty)
                Babel.Parser.ErrorHandler handler = new Babel.Parser.ErrorHandler();
                Babel.Lexer.Scanner scanner = new Babel.Lexer.Scanner(); // string interface
                Parser.Parser parser = new Parser.Parser();  // use noarg constructor

                parser.scanner = scanner;
                scanner.Handler = handler;
                scanner.SetSource(req.Text, 0);

                if (parser.shouldAddDeclarations()) Parser.Parser.clearDeclarations();       //  Hack to purge old parser declarations
                //Parser.Parser.PrepareParse(source.GetDocumentSpan(), source);
                parser.PrepareParse(source.GetDocumentSpan(), source);
                yyparseResult = parser.Parse();

                // store the parse results
                // source.ParseResult = aast;
                source.ParseResult = null;
                source.Braces = parser.Braces;

                // for the time being, just pull errors back from the error handler
                if (handler.ErrNum > 0)
                    foreach (Babel.Parser.Error error in handler.SortedErrorList())
                        TextSpan span = new TextSpan();
                        span.iStartLine = span.iEndLine = error.line - 1;
                        span.iStartIndex = error.column;
                        span.iEndIndex = error.column + error.length;
                        req.Sink.AddError(req.FileName, error.message, span, Severity.Error);

            switch (req.Reason)
                case ParseReason.Check:
                case ParseReason.HighlightBraces:
                case ParseReason.MatchBraces:
                case ParseReason.MemberSelectAndHighlightBraces:
                    // send matches to sink
                    // this should (probably?) be filtered on req.Line / col
                    if (source.Braces != null)
                        foreach (TextSpan[] brace in source.Braces)
                            if (brace.Length == 2)
                                req.Sink.MatchPair(brace[0], brace[1], 1);
                            else if (brace.Length >= 3)
                                req.Sink.MatchTriple(brace[0], brace[1], brace[2], 1);
            #if GARRETT
            if(myStream != null)

            //			return new AuthoringScope(source.ParseResult);
            return new HLSLAuthoringScope(source);
Esempio n. 6
        public override AuthoringScope ParseSource(ParseRequest req)
            Source source = (Source)this.GetSource(req.FileName);
             //source.LastParseTime = 0;
             bool yyparseResult = false;

             Parser.Parser parser = new Parser.Parser();  // use noarg constructor

             //using (var stream = File.AppendText("C:\\temp\\out.txt"))
             //   Console.SetOut(stream);
             //   Console.SetError(stream);

             // req.DirtySpan seems to be set even though no changes have occurred
             // source.IsDirty also behaves strangely
             // might be possible to use source.ChangeCount to sync instead
            if (req.DirtySpan.iStartIndex != req.DirtySpan.iEndIndex
                || req.DirtySpan.iStartLine != req.DirtySpan.iEndLine)
               Debug.Assert(handler != null);

               Babel.Lexer.Scanner scanner = new Babel.Lexer.Scanner(); // string interface


               scanner.Handler = handler;
               SymbolTable symbolTable = BlenXLibraryManager.SymbolTable;
               parser.SetParsingInfo(req.FileName, symbolTable, handler);
               parser.scanner = scanner;

               scanner.SetSource(req.Text, 0);

               yyparseResult = parser.Parse();

               // store the parse results
               // source.ParseResult = aast;
               source.ParseResult = null;
               source.Braces = parser.Braces;

               // for the time being, just pull errors back from the error handler
               if (handler.ErrNum > 0)
                  foreach (Babel.Parser.Error error in handler.SortedErrorList())
                     TextSpan span = new TextSpan();
                     span.iStartLine = span.iEndLine = error.line - 1;
                     span.iStartIndex = error.column;
                     span.iEndIndex = error.column + error.length;
                     req.Sink.AddError(req.FileName, error.message, span, Severity.Error);

             switch (req.Reason)
            case ParseReason.Check:
            case ParseReason.HighlightBraces:
            case ParseReason.MatchBraces:
            case ParseReason.MemberSelectAndHighlightBraces:
               // send matches to sink
               // this should (probably?) be filtered on req.Line / col
               if (source.Braces != null)
                  foreach (TextSpan[] brace in source.Braces)
                     if (brace.Length == 2)
                        //if (req.Sink.HiddenRegions == true)
                           string first = source.GetText(brace[0]);
                           if (source.GetText(brace[0]).Contains("[") && source.GetText(brace[1]).Contains("]"))
                              //construct a TextSpan of everything between the braces
                              TextSpan hideSpan = new TextSpan();
                              hideSpan.iStartIndex = brace[0].iStartIndex;
                              hideSpan.iStartLine = brace[0].iStartLine;
                              hideSpan.iEndIndex = brace[1].iEndIndex;
                              hideSpan.iEndLine = brace[1].iEndLine;
                              req.Sink.ProcessHiddenRegions = true;
                        req.Sink.MatchPair(brace[0], brace[1], 1);

                     else if (brace.Length >= 3)
                        req.Sink.MatchTriple(brace[0], brace[1], brace[2], 1);


             return new BlenXAuthoringScope(parser, source);
Esempio n. 7
        public override Microsoft.VisualStudio.Package.AuthoringScope ParseSource(ParseRequest req)
            Source source        = (Source)this.GetSource(req.FileName);
            bool   yyparseResult = false;

            // req.DirtySpan seems to be set even though no changes have occurred
            // source.IsDirty also behaves strangely
            // might be possible to use source.ChangeCount to sync instead

            if (req.DirtySpan.iStartIndex != req.DirtySpan.iEndIndex ||
                req.DirtySpan.iStartLine != req.DirtySpan.iEndLine)
                Babel.Parser.ErrorHandler handler = new Babel.Parser.ErrorHandler();
                Babel.Lexer.Scanner       scanner = new Babel.Lexer.Scanner(); // string interface
                Parser.Parser             parser  = new Parser.Parser();       // use noarg constructor

                parser.scanner  = scanner;
                scanner.Handler = handler;
                scanner.SetSource(req.Text, 0);

                yyparseResult = parser.Parse();

                // store the parse results
                // source.ParseResult = aast;
                source.ParseResult = null;
                source.Braces      = parser.Braces;

                // for the time being, just pull errors back from the error handler
                if (handler.ErrNum > 0)
                    foreach (Babel.Parser.Error error in handler.SortedErrorList())
                        TextSpan span = new TextSpan();
                        span.iStartLine  = span.iEndLine = error.line - 1;
                        span.iStartIndex = error.column;
                        span.iEndIndex   = error.column + error.length;
                        req.Sink.AddError(req.FileName, error.message, span, Severity.Error);

            switch (req.Reason)
            case ParseReason.Check:
            case ParseReason.HighlightBraces:
            case ParseReason.MatchBraces:
            case ParseReason.MemberSelectAndHighlightBraces:
                // send matches to sink
                // this should (probably?) be filtered on req.Line / col
                if (source.Braces != null)
                    foreach (TextSpan[] brace in source.Braces)
                        if (brace.Length == 2)
                            req.Sink.MatchPair(brace[0], brace[1], 1);
                        else if (brace.Length >= 3)
                            req.Sink.MatchTriple(brace[0], brace[1], brace[2], 1);


            return(new AuthoringScope(source.ParseResult));