Esempio n. 1
        protected override void OnTextChanged(TextChangedEventArgs e)
            //A control is associated with a behavior collection
            //A behavior collection is a collection of behaviors
            //A behavior can contains one condition e.g. itemscount = 0 and one or more setters e.g. set the property canexecute =true on control destination. The setter also stores the
            //value of the property its bound to (the control and the propert name)
            //Behaviors are invoked on the control when a particular activity takes place for e.g. when a selection changes on a listbox control, when text is entered
            //on a text control.
            //Typical use case for behaviors is as follows. Every control has a CanExecute property. This can be enabled or disabled by default.
            //The OK button will only be enabled when the can execute property of all the controls on the canvas are set to true.
            //For example, when the
            //one sample t.test dialog is rendered for the first time, the destination listbox will always be empty. We would then set the default value of canexecute to false.
            //We would define a condition for when items count is > than 0 and set canexecute for the destination property to true only when items count is > than 0.
            //We would also add another condition to set Canexecute to false when items count is 0 to account for the case when users move variables from the destination
            //back to the source.
            //Also note that you can have canexecute to true on the destination control of one sample t.test but have the canexecute property on the textbox set to false
            //as no valid entry has be entered tocompare the dialog against. In this situation the OK button on the dialog is disabled
            BSkyCanvas parent = UIHelper.FindVisualParent <BSkyCanvas>(this);

            //Added by Aaron 06/10/2014
            //Added the condition BSkyCanvas.applyBehaviors == true to make sure that apply behavior does not get called
            //in dialog editor mode
            //This is because we don't want events getting firect in dialog editor mode
            //This is because it may change properties of other controls whose initial values we want to preserve
            //We only want behaviors to fire after the dialog has been fully loaded.
            if (parent != null && TextChangedBehaviour != null && BSkyCanvas.applyBehaviors == true)
                parent.ApplyBehaviour(this, TextChangedBehaviour);
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            //A control is associated with a behavior collection
            //A behavior collection is a collection of behaviors
            //A behavior can contains one condition e.g. itemscount = 0 and one or more setters e.g. set the property canexecute =true on control destination. The setter also stores the
            //value of the property its bound to (the control and the propert name)
            //Behaviors are invoked on the control when a particular activity takes place for e.g. when a selection changes on a listbox control, when text is entered
            //on a text control.
            //Typical use case for behaviors is as follows. Every control has a CanExecute property. This can be enabled or disabled by default.
            //The OK button will only be enabled when the can execute property of all the controls on the canvas are set to true.
            //For example, when the
            //one sample t.test dialog is rendered for the first time, the destination listbox will always be empty. We would then set the default value of canexecute to false.
            //We would define a condition for when items count is > than 0 and set canexecute for the destination property to true only when items count is > than 0.
            //We would also add another condition to set Canexecute to false when items count is 0 to account for the case when users move variables from the destination
            //back to the source.
            //Also note that you can have canexecute to true on the destination control of one sample t.test but have the canexecute property on the textbox set to false
            //as no valid entry has be entered tocompare the dialog against. In this situation the OK button on the dialog is disabled

            // Aaron 12/25 code below ensures that the events don't fire when I am in dialog editor mode.
            //This is to address the defect when in dialog mode, the itemscount =3 and the event on the destination list fires to set CanExecute to true
            //even though the intention is to save the dialog with CanExecute to False. This will disable the OK button when running the application unless
            //one item is in the destination list

            if (!renderVars)
                BSkyCanvas parent = UIHelper.FindVisualParent <BSkyCanvas>(this);
                if (parent != null && SelectionChangeBehaviour != null && BSkyCanvas.applyBehaviors == true)
                    parent.ApplyBehaviour(this, SelectionChangeBehaviour);
        protected override void OnChecked(System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            BSkyCanvas parent = UIHelper.FindVisualParent <BSkyCanvas>(this);

            //Added by Aaron 06/10/2014
            //Added the condition BSkyCanvas.applyBehaviors == true to make sure that apply behavior does not get called
            //in dialog editor mode
            //This is because we don't want events getting firect in dialog editor mode
            //This is because it may change properties of other controls whose initial values we want to preserve
            //We only want behaviors to fire after the dialog has been fully loaded.
            if (parent != null && CheckedChangeBehaviour != null && BSkyCanvas.applyBehaviors == true)
                parent.ApplyBehaviour(this, CheckedChangeBehaviour);