        //oldvalue is null initially
        //you don't have to return any values
        //The main purpose of this function is to populate sp.Children.Add(tmp); with the radio buttons

        protected override object GetEditedValue(Control EditControl, string PropertyName, object oldValue, object currentObj)
            if (EditControl is DependentListBoxEditorWindow)
                DependentListBoxEditorWindow w = EditControl as DependentListBoxEditorWindow;
                //Aaron added 11/11/2013
                //Object wrapper is a wrapper object used to show categories in the grid
                //We need to extract the button object from the wrapper
                ObjectWrapper    placeHolder     = currentObj as ObjectWrapper;
                FrameworkElement selectedElement = placeHolder.SelectedObject as FrameworkElement;
                //Aaron added 11/11/2013
                //Commented code below
                //FrameworkElement selectedElement = currentObj as FrameworkElement;
                if (w.DialogResult.HasValue && w.DialogResult.Value)
        protected override Control GetEditControl(string PropName, object CurrentValue, object CurrentObj)
            MasterSlaveValueCollection col = new MasterSlaveValueCollection();

            //Aaron added 11/11/2013
            //Object wrapper is a wrapper object used to show categories in the grid
            //We need to extract the button object from the wrapper

            slaveList  = new List <string>();
            masterList = new List <string>();
            ObjectWrapper     placeHolder = CurrentObj as ObjectWrapper;
            BSkyMasterListBox lb          = placeHolder.SelectedObject as BSkyMasterListBox;

            //Aaron added 11/11/2013
            //Commented code below
            //  BSkyRadioGroup rg = CurrentObj as BSkyRadioGroup;

            //Added by Aaron 1/2/2014
            //Checking to see whether the master listbox name is null or empty
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lb.Name))

            //Added by Aaron 12/19/2013
            //Lets get the slave listbox name

            string slaveName = lb.SlaveListBoxName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(slaveName))

            //Populating the slavelist that we will bind to in the master slave mapping
            BSkyListBox slaveListBox = GetResource(lb, slaveName) as BSkyListBox;

            if (slaveListBox == null)
            foreach (String item in slaveListBox.Items)

            //Populating the masterlist that we will bind to in the master slave mapping
            foreach (String itemms in lb.Items)

            //Aaron 05/05/2013
            //Did not change code only added comment below
            //This launches the radio group editor window that allows the use to enter details about the radio group

            DependentListBoxEditorWindow w = new DependentListBoxEditorWindow();

            //StackPanel sp = rg.Content as StackPanel;
            //Added by Aaron 05/05/2013
            //Did not change code only added comment below
            //If there were existing radio buttons, the code below populates the windows with existing radio buttons

            //Commented by Aaton to try
            //foreach (string obj in rg.Items)
            //    DependentListBoxEntry entry = new DependentListBoxEntry();
            //    entry.entryName = obj;

            //    col.Add(entry);

            if (lb.MappingMasterSlaveEntries != null)
                if (lb.MappingMasterSlaveEntries.Count > 0)
                    w.MasterSlaveEntries = lb.MappingMasterSlaveEntries;
                w.MasterSlaveEntries = col;

            //Added by Aaron 05/05/2013
            //Did not change code only added comment below
            //the line below adds the BSkyRadioButtonCollection to the observable collection of radio buttons
            //public ObservableCollection<BSkyRadioButton> RadioCollection
            //The observable collection is populated in the setter of

            //Aaron 12/26 ADDED AND commented lines below
            // rg.RadioButtons = col;