Esempio n. 1
 public void AddRecordToRepo(Sampling s)
     EditedEntity = null;
     if (s == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Error: The argument is Null");
        private List <Sampling> getSamplings()
            if (BSCEntities.ProjectSettingViewModel == null)
                BSCEntities.ProjectSettingViewModel = new ProjectSettingViewModel();
            List <Sampling> listSamplings = new List <Sampling>();
            var             dt            = new DataTable();

            using (var conection = new OleDbConnection(Global.ConnectionString))
                    string query = $@"SELECT * from Sampling";

                    var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, conection);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            Sampling s = new Sampling
                                FisherGPS        = BSCEntities.FisherGPSViewModel.GetFisherGPS(dr["FisherGPSID"].ToString()),
                                RowID            = dr["RowID"].ToString(),
                                DateTimeDeparted = (DateTime)dr["DateTimeDeparted"],
                                DateTimeArrived  = (DateTime)dr["DateTimeArrived"],
                                DateTimeSampled  = (DateTime)dr["DateTimeSampled"],
                                NSAPSamplingID   = dr["NSAPSamplingID"].ToString(),
                                Gear             = BSCEntities.GearViewModel.GetGear(dr["GearID"].ToString()),
                                ProjectSetting   = BSCEntities.ProjectSettingViewModel.GetProjectSetting(dr["Project"].ToString()),
                                LandingSite      = BSCEntities.LandingSiteViewModel.GetLandingSite(dr["LandingSite"].ToString()),
                                DateAdded        = (DateTime)dr["DateAdded"]

                catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 3
        public void UpdateRecordInRepo(Sampling s)
            EditedEntity = null;
            if (s.RowID == null)
                throw new Exception("Error: ID cannot be null");

            int index = 0;

            while (index < SamplingCollection.Count)
                if (SamplingCollection[index].RowID == s.RowID)
                    SamplingCollection[index] = s;
        public bool Add(Sampling s)
            bool success = false;

            s.DateAdded = DateTime.Now;
            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(Global.ConnectionString))
                var sql = $@"Insert into Sampling (FisherGPSID, RowID, DateTimeDeparted, DateTimeArrived,
                                NSAPSamplingID, GearID, Project, DateTimeSampled, LandingSite, DateAdded)
                           ({{{s.FisherGPS.RowID}}},{{{s.RowID}}},'{s.DateTimeDeparted}', '{s.DateTimeArrived}',
                               '{s.NSAPSamplingID}',{{{s.Gear.GearID}}}, {{{s.ProjectSetting.ProjectID}}},
                               '{s.DateTimeSampled}', {{{s.LandingSite.LandingSiteID}}},'{s.DateAdded}')";
                using (OleDbCommand update = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn))
                    success = update.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0;
Esempio n. 5
        private void SamplingCollection_CollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Action)
            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
                int      newIndex     = e.NewStartingIndex;
                Sampling editedEntity = SamplingCollection[newIndex];
                if (Samplings.Add(editedEntity))
                    EditedEntity = new EditedEntity(EditAction.Add, editedEntity);

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
                List <Sampling> tempListOfRemovedItems = e.OldItems.OfType <Sampling>().ToList();
                Sampling        editedEntity           = tempListOfRemovedItems[0];
                if (Samplings.Delete(editedEntity.RowID))
                    EditedEntity = new EditedEntity(EditAction.Delete, editedEntity);

            case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
                List <Sampling> tempListOfSamplings = e.NewItems.OfType <Sampling>().ToList();
                Sampling        editedEntity        = tempListOfSamplings[0];
                if (Samplings.Update(editedEntity))              // As the IDs are unique, only one row will be effected hence first index only
                    EditedEntity = new EditedEntity(EditAction.Update, editedEntity);
        public bool Update(Sampling s)
            bool success = false;

            using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(Global.ConnectionString))
                var sql = $@"Update Sampling set
                                FisherGPSID = {{{s.FisherGPS.RowID}}},
                                DateTimeDeparted = '{s.DateTimeDeparted}',
                                NSAPSamplingID = '{s.NSAPSamplingID}',
                                Project = {{{s.ProjectSetting.ProjectID}}},
                                GearID = {{{s.Gear.GearID}}},
                                LandingSite = {{{s.LandingSite.LandingSiteID}}},
                                DateTimeSampled = '{s.DateTimeSampled}'
                            WHERE RowID={{{s.RowID}}}";
                using (OleDbCommand update = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn))
                    success = update.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0;
Esempio n. 7
        public bool EntityValidated(Sampling sampling, out List <EntityValidationMessage> messages)//, bool isNew = false)
            DateTime?gpsAssignedDate = null;
            DateTime?gpsReturnedDate = null;

            if (sampling.FisherGPS != null)
                gpsAssignedDate = (DateTime)sampling.FisherGPS.DateAssigned;
                gpsReturnedDate = sampling.FisherGPS.DateReturned == null ? DateTime.Now : (DateTime)sampling.FisherGPS.DateReturned;

            messages = new List <EntityValidationMessage>();
            if (sampling.ProjectSetting == null)
                messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Project cannot be empty"));

            if (!(sampling.NSAPSamplingID.Length == 0 || sampling.NSAPSamplingID.Length > 3))
                messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("NSAP sampling ID should be more than 3 characters long"));

            if (sampling.FisherGPS == null)
                messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Fisher assigned with GPS should be complete"));

            if (sampling.LandingSite == null)
                messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Landing site cannot be empty"));

            if (sampling.Gear == null)
                messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Gear used cannot be empty"));

            if (sampling.FisherGPS != null)
                if (sampling.DateTimeDeparted == null)
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of departure cannot be empty"));
                else if (sampling.DateTimeDeparted > DateTime.Now)
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of departure cannot a future date"));
                else if (!(sampling.DateTimeDeparted >= gpsAssignedDate && sampling.DateTimeDeparted <= ((DateTime)gpsReturnedDate).AddHours(24)))
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of departure must be within dates when GPS was assigned to fisher"));

                if (sampling.DateTimeArrived == null)
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of arrival cannot be empty"));
                else if (sampling.DateTimeArrived > DateTime.Now)
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of arrival cannot a future date"));
                else if (!(sampling.DateTimeArrived >= gpsAssignedDate && sampling.DateTimeArrived <= ((DateTime)gpsReturnedDate).AddHours(24)))
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of arrival must be within dates when GPS was assigned to fisher"));

                if (sampling.DateTimeSampled == null)
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of sampling cannot be empty"));
                else if (sampling.DateTimeSampled > DateTime.Now)
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Sampling date and time cannot be a future date"));
                else if (!(sampling.DateTimeSampled >= gpsAssignedDate && sampling.DateTimeSampled <= ((DateTime)gpsReturnedDate).AddHours(24)))
                    messages.Add(new EntityValidationMessage("Date and time of sampling must be within dates when GPS was assigned to fisher"));

            return(messages.Count == 0);