Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Steps to node.
        /// Takes a start and an end node and the argument wether to go straight or in a circle.
        /// Steps into this direction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Start">Start.</param>
        /// <param name="End">End.</param>
        private void StepToNodeStraight(RRTNode Start, RRTNode End)
            double  distance      = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(Start, End);
            double  angle         = RRTHelpers.CalculateAngle(Start, End);
            double  cosArgument   = Math.Cos(angle);
            double  sinArgument   = Math.Sin(angle);
            RRTNode lastFoundNode = null;

            //Lambda function that calculates a new point from a given x value
            //Checks if the node is valid
            //Adds it into the list of nodes.
            //Returns false if point not valid
            Func <double, bool> CalculateNewPoint = (double x) =>
                int NewX = Start.Position.X + (int)((double)x * cosArgument);
                int NewY = Start.Position.Y + (int)((double)x * sinArgument);
                if (!PointValid(new Point(NewX, NewY)))
                    if (lastFoundNode == null)
                        RRTNode BetweenNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), Start.Orientation, Start);
                        lastFoundNode        = BetweenNode;
                        BetweenNode.Inverted = End.Inverted;
                        RRTNode BetweenNode = new RRTNode(new Point(NewX, NewY), lastFoundNode.Orientation, lastFoundNode);
                        lastFoundNode        = BetweenNode;
                        BetweenNode.Inverted = End.Inverted;

            for (double x = 0; x < distance; x += StepWidth)
                if (!CalculateNewPoint(x))
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimize two points taken from the path by trying to connect them via a curve.
        /// </summary>
        public bool OptimizeCurves(RRTNode start, RRTNode end)
            //Calculate distance
            double distance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(start, end);

            //Distance is too small that it makes sense to optimize it
            if (distance < 10)
            //Calculate angle delta (angle between orientations) (in degrees)
            double delta = end.Orientation - start.Orientation;
            //Calculate angle between points (in radians)
            double angle = RRTHelpers.CalculateAngle(start, end);

            //We can't go from inverted to not inverted (not from forward to backwards or the other way round)
            //NOTE Mit Kurvenfahrt ist das kein Problem, kann aber vermehrt zu Wendeschleifen führen
            if (start.Inverted != end.Inverted)

            //Now decide if going straight is way to go
            //NOTE delta ist entweder sehr klein oder sehr groß (fast 360°, siehe Hilfsfunktion "anglesAreClose" in pseudocode)
            //NOTE Im zweiten Check prüfe, ob Orientierung und Fahrtwinkel näher zusammenliegen als MaximumDriftAngle
            if (AnglesAreClose(delta, 0, AllowedOrientationDeviation) && (AnglesAreClose(start.Orientation, angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree, MaximumDriftAngle)))
            //if (Math.Abs (delta) < AllowedOrientationDeviation*5 && Math.Abs(angle*RRTHelpers.ToDegree) < MaximumDriftAngle)
                //The deviation in the orientation is small enough we can accept going straight (or drift)
                //And the angle between the points is smaller than the maximum drift we can do

                //Step straight or in a drift. This function may manipulate the path
                bool ret = StepStraight(start, end, distance, angle);
                //We try a curve

                double theta  = RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree + Math.Sign(delta) * (180 - Math.Abs(delta)) / 2) * RRTHelpers.ToRadians;
                double radius = Math.Abs(distance / (2 * Math.Sin(delta * RRTHelpers.ToRadians / 2)));
                //Check if the radius is > minimum radius
                if (radius < MinimumRadius)

                //Calculate middle point (theta is in radians)
                double midX = start.Position.X + Math.Cos(theta) * radius;
                double midY = start.Position.Y + Math.Sin(theta) * radius;

                //RRTHelpers.DrawImportantNode (new RRTNode (new System.Drawing.Point ((int)midX, (int)midY), theta, null), InternalMap, 5, System.Drawing.Color.DarkMagenta);
                //Theta in radians, delta in degrees -> gamma in degrees
                double gamma = start.Orientation - RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(theta * RRTHelpers.ToDegree - Math.Sign(delta) * 90);

                double driftAngle = gamma;                 //In degree

                if (Math.Abs(driftAngle) / MaximumDriftAngle + MinimumRadius / radius >= 1)

                bool ret = StepCurve(start, end, delta, new System.Drawing.Point((int)midX, (int)midY), radius, angle, theta);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimize our path so we hit the endpoint
        /// </summary>
        public void OptimizeForEndPoint()
            //Go along from then nearest point to the endpoint
            RRTNode previous = Path.Start;

            Console.WriteLine("Path length before optimization for endpoint: " + Path.Length + " Count: " + Path.CountNodes + " Cost: " + Path.Cost());

            while (previous != null)
                if (previous == null)
                //Calculate angle delta (angle between orientations) (in degrees)
                double delta = previous.Orientation - EndPoint.Orientation;
                double angle = RRTHelpers.CalculateAngle(previous, EndPoint);
                //Check if the orientation of the selected point is nearly the same as the orientation of the endpoint
                //if (Math.Abs(previous.Orientation - EndPoint.Orientation) < AllowedOrientationDeviation * 5 || 180 -Math.Abs(previous.Orientation - EndPoint.Orientation) < AllowedOrientationDeviation * 5 )
                if (AnglesAreClose(delta, 0, AllowedOrientationDeviation) && (AnglesAreClose(EndPoint.Orientation, angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree, MaximumDriftAngle)))
                    //Okey connect them
                    RRTNode selectedNode = previous;
                    RRTNode lastNode     = null;
                    //Create a clone we can work on
                    RRTNode start    = selectedNode.Clone();
                    double  Distance = RRTHelpers.CalculateDistance(selectedNode, EndPoint);

                    if (Math.Abs(RRTHelpers.SanatizeAngle(angle * RRTHelpers.ToDegree)) > this.MaximumDriftAngle)
                        previous = previous.Predecessor;
                    bool success = true;

                    //Connect them
                    for (double i = 0; i <= Distance; i += StepWidthEnd)
                        //Create new point
                        int NewX = (int)(selectedNode.Position.X + i * Math.Cos(angle));
                        int NewY = (int)(selectedNode.Position.Y + i * Math.Sin(angle));

                        //Check if this point is occupied
                        if (InternalMap.IsOccupied(NewX, NewY))
                            success = false;

                        RRTNode newNode = null;
                        if (lastNode == null)
                            newNode = new RRTNode(new System.Drawing.Point(NewX, NewY), start.Orientation, start);
                            newNode = new RRTNode(new System.Drawing.Point(NewX, NewY), start.Orientation, lastNode);
                        lastNode = newNode;
                    if (lastNode == null)
                        success = false;
                    if (success)
                        Path.Start = lastNode;
                        //Replace the selectNode with our start node.
                        start.Predecessor = selectedNode.Predecessor;
                        selectedNode.Predecessor = null;
                        previous = start;
                previous = previous.Predecessor;
            Console.WriteLine("Path length after optimization for endpoint: " + Path.Length + " Count: " + Path.CountNodes + " Cost: " + Path.Cost());