private static string delProv(List <string> provUpdateInput, List <ProviderModel> clinicList)
                ProviderModel providerDel = clinicList[int.Parse(provUpdateInput[1])];
                Console.WriteLine($"Deleting {providerDel.Name}? Please verify y/n");
                if (Console.ReadLine().Equals("y"))
                    // TODO: Delete provider
            } catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e);

        public static bool MainLogicPath(List <ProviderModel> providerAssignedList, List <ProviderModel> providerList, int lookBackDays, int day, Random rnd)
            /*recieves providerAssignedList (current list of of assigned providers in order)
             * recieves providerList (current list of providers)
             * equitabilityDict (maintians providers and times assigned)
             * lookBackDays: the days to look back when deciding when to assign,
             * if lookback days = 5 and a provider is within 4 of the last spot in provider asigned List, will not assign that provider but will assign if the -6 index
            if (providerAssignedList.Count() < lookBackDays) //reassigns lookbackdays to avoid out of range exception when in early assignments of providerAssignedList
                lookBackDays = providerAssignedList.Count();

            //Creates a sacrificialList, providers will be removed from this list until a suitable provider is found or until the sacrificialList is empty
            //If the sacrificialList is empty, break and return false
            //if a suitiable provider is found, add to the providerAssignedList, account for this in equitability and return true
            List <ProviderModel> sacrificialList = new List <ProviderModel>(providerList);

            while (true)
                if (sacrificialList.Count() == 0)
                int           choice       = rnd.Next(0, sacrificialList.Count()); //Grab a random index from 0-the count of sacrificialList
                ProviderModel personChoice = sacrificialList[choice];
                sacrificialList.RemoveRange(choice, 1);
                if (CheckDay(personChoice, day, providerAssignedList, lookBackDays))

                    //Add 1 to the num assigned for the provider chosen
