public void Delete(Customer deleteThis)
            _dataEngine.AddParameter("@Id", deleteThis.Id.ToString());

            _sqlToExecute = "DELETE FROM [dbo].[Customer] WHERE Id = " + _dataEngine.GetParametersForQuery();

            if (!_dataEngine.ExecuteSql(_sqlToExecute))
                throw new Exception("Customer - Delete failed");
        public void CreateCustomer(ref Customer customer, ref Address address)
            //Save the customer record
            var insertedRowId = _da.Value.Customer.Insert(customer);

            if (insertedRowId == 0)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create customer record");
                customer.Id = insertedRowId;

            //Save the address record
            if (address.Id == 0)
                //Create a new address record
                insertedRowId = _da.Value.Address.Insert(address);

                if (insertedRowId == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to create address record");
                    address.Id = insertedRowId;

            //Link the customer and address records
            var customerAddressLink = new LinkObjectMaster()
                MasterLinkId = customer.Id,
                MasterLinkType = LinkType.Customer,
                ChildLinkId = address.Id,
                ChildLinkType = LinkType.Address

            //Save the link record
            insertedRowId = _da.Value.Link.Insert(customerAddressLink);

            if (insertedRowId == 0)
                //Roll back the inserts as it's failed
                //Delete the customer record

                //Delete the address record

                throw new Exception("Failed to create customer address link record, transaction rolled back");
 public int Insert(Customer saveThis)
        return saveThis.Id;
        catch (Exception e)
        throw e;
 public void Delete(Customer deleteThis)
         if (deleteThis.Id > 0)
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;
        public Address GetCustomerAddress(Customer customer)
            var customerAddressLink =

            var linkRecord = customerAddressLink.Single();

            if (linkRecord.ChildLinkId == null)
                throw new Exception("No address is linked to customer ID : " + customer.Id);

            var address = _da.Value.Address.GetById(linkRecord.ChildLinkId.Value);

            return address;
 public void UpdateCustomer(ref Customer customer)
        public IEnumerable<Location> GetCustomerLocations(Customer customer)
            var linkObjs =

            var locationObjs = _da.Value.Location.GetAll().AsEnumerable();

            //var filteredLocations =
            //    from location in _da.Location.GetAll().AsEnumerable()
            //    join link in linkObjs
            //    on location.Id equals link.ChildLinkId
            //    select location;

            var filteredLocations =
                locationObjs.Where(l => linkObjs.Any(x => x.ChildLinkId == l.Id));

            return filteredLocations.AsEnumerable();
        public int Insert(Customer saveThis)
            _dataEngine.AddParameter("@CustomerName", saveThis.CustomerName);
            _dataEngine.AddParameter("@Active", saveThis.Active == true ? "1" : "0");

            _sqlToExecute = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Customer] ";
            _sqlToExecute += "([CustomerName] ";
            _sqlToExecute += ",[Active]) ";
            _sqlToExecute += "OUTPUT INSERTED.Id ";
            _sqlToExecute += "VALUES ";
            _sqlToExecute += "(";
            _sqlToExecute += _dataEngine.GetParametersForQuery();
            _sqlToExecute += ")";

            int insertedRowId = 0;

            if (!_dataEngine.ExecuteSql(_sqlToExecute, out insertedRowId))
                throw new Exception("Customer - Save failed");

            return insertedRowId;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the object from the data returned from the database
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Customer CreateCustomerFromData()
            var customer = new Customer
                Id = int.Parse(_dataEngine.Dr["Id"].ToString()),
                CustomerName = _dataEngine.Dr["CustomerName"].ToString(),
                Active = _dataEngine.Dr["Active"].ToString() == "0" ? false : true

            return customer;
        public void Update(Customer saveThis)
            _dataEngine.AddParameter("@CustomerName", saveThis.CustomerName);
            _dataEngine.AddParameter("@Active", saveThis.Active == true ? "1" : "0");

            _sqlToExecute = "UPDATE [dbo].[Customer] SET ";
            _sqlToExecute += "[CustomerName] = @CustomerName ";
            _sqlToExecute += ",[Active] = @Active ";
            _sqlToExecute += "WHERE [Id] = " + saveThis.Id;

            if (!_dataEngine.ExecuteSql(_sqlToExecute))
                throw new Exception("Customer - Update failed");
 public void Update(Customer updateThis)
         _db.Refresh(RefreshMode.KeepCurrentValues, updateThis);
     catch (Exception e)
         throw e;