Esempio n. 1
        public override void Evolve()
            // calc SGM
            var sgm = BuildFitnessSgm(this.P);

            // Evolve the two subpopulation
            var intensificationPop = this.Intensification(this.P, this.P_e, sgm);
            var diversityPop       = this.Diversity(this.P, this.P.Length - intensificationPop.Length, sgm);

            // Combine the two populations
            Genotype[] newPop = new Genotype[this.P.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < intensificationPop.Length; i++)
                newPop[i] = intensificationPop[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < diversityPop.Length; i++)
                newPop[i + intensificationPop.Length] = diversityPop[i];

            // Sort and go to the next generation
            newPop = newPop.OrderBy(c => c.Cost).ToArray();
            if (this.P[0].Cost < newPop[0].Cost)
                newPop[0] = this.P[0];
            this.P = newPop;
Esempio n. 2
        public virtual void Evolve() {
            // calc SGM
            var sgm = BuildSgm(this.P);
            // Evolve the two subpopulation
            var intensificationPop = this.Intensification(this.P, this.P_e, sgm);
            var diversityPop = this.Diversity(this.P, this.P.Length - intensificationPop.Length, sgm);
            // Combine the two populations
            Genotype[] newPop = new Genotype[this.P.Length];
            try {
                Array.Copy(intensificationPop, 0, newPop, 0, intensificationPop.Length);
            catch (Exception e) {
            try {
                Array.Copy(diversityPop, 0, newPop, intensificationPop.Length, diversityPop.Length);
            catch (Exception e) {

            // Sort
            newPop = newPop.OrderBy(c => c.Cost).ToArray();
            this.P = newPop;
Esempio n. 3
 public Genotype[] GetElite(int elite, Genotype[] pop, double minDist) {
     List<Genotype> elites = new List<Genotype>();
     Genotype lastElite = null;
     int pIndex = 0;
     while (elites.Count < elite) {
         // Get the first elite
         if (elites.Count == 0) {
             lastElite = pop[pIndex];
         // Get the rest of the elites
         if (GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithmFunctions.HammingDis(lastElite.Sequence, pop[pIndex].Sequence) >= minDist) {
             lastElite = pop[pIndex];
         if (pIndex >= pop.Length) {
     return elites.ToArray();
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Intensification method according to Zhang et al. (2018) in Algorithm 3.
        /// Some parts have been tweaked to adapt to ordered problem constraints
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pop"></param>
        /// <param name="subPopSize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Genotype[] Intensification(Genotype[] pop, int subPopSize, double[,] sgm)
            Random rand = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());

            // Step 1: Compute S_E and copy the best individuals into the next generation
            Genotype[] subPop = GetElite(subPopSize, pop, M_d);
            Genotype[] newPop = new Genotype[subPop.Length];
            var        sgm    = BuildSgm(subPop);
            var        S_E    = GetReferencePoint(sgm);

            // Step 2: According to S_E, compute each vector of ppSGM M_P
            // Get the control amplitude
            double CA  = CalcControlAmplitude(pop);
            var    M_P = BuildPerturbationMatrix(sgm, CA, false);

            // Step 3: Breed temporary individuals by using pp=SGM and M_P and Alg 1. Similar to Alg 3, execute
            // crossover between temporary individuals and intensification subpopulation after updating.
            // Calc probabilty of mutation
            double p_m = 1 / (double)this.N;

            // Create the temporary individuals that reflect the subpopulation
            int[][] temporaryIndividuals = new int[pop.Length][];
            Parallel.For(0, subPop.Length, ind => {
                temporaryIndividuals[ind] = this.NewTemporaryIndividual(M_P, this.N);

            // Crossover and mutation
            Parallel.For(0, subPop.Length, i => {
                if (i == 0)
                    newPop[i] = subPop[i];
                // var candidate = temporaryIndividuals[i];
                var candidate = pop[GeneticAlgorithmFunctions.Select(pop.Length)].Sequence;
                var genotype  = subPop[i];
                var seq       = GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithmFunctions.Crossover(candidate, genotype.Sequence);
                seq           = GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithmFunctions.Mutate(seq, p_m);
                var cost      = Problem.CalcCostRoute(seq);
                newPop[i]     = new Genotype(seq, cost);

            // Sort and return
            newPop = subPop.OrderBy(c => c.Cost).ToArray();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Diversity method according to Zhang et al. (2018) in Algorithm 3.
        /// Some parts have been tweaked to adapt to ordered problem constraints
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pop"></param>
        public override Genotype[] Diversity(Genotype[] pop, int subPopSize, double[,] sgm)
            Random rand = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());

            Genotype[] newPop = new Genotype[pop.Length];

            // Get the control amplitude
            double CA = CalcControlAmplitude(pop);

            // Step 1: According to S_G, compute each vector of np_SGM M_N from Alg. 3 (Zhang et al. 2018)
            // var sgm = BuildSgm(pop);
            var M_N = BuildPerturbationMatrix(sgm, CA, true);

            // Create the temporary individuals that reflect the subpopulation
            int[][] temporaryIndividuals = new int[pop.Length][];
            Parallel.For(0, newPop.Length, ind => {
                temporaryIndividuals[ind] = this.NewTemporaryIndividual(M_N, this.N);
            // Calculate the mutation probability
            double p_m = (1.0 + this.M_s * CA) / (double)N;

            // Step 2: Breed temporary individuals by using np-SGM M_N and Algorithm 1, and execute crossover
            Parallel.For(0, newPop.Length, ind => {
                int[] O = new int[this.N];
                for (int i = 0; i < O.Length; i++)
                    O[i] = rand.NextDouble() <= 0.5 ? temporaryIndividuals[ind][i] : pop[ind].Sequence[i];

                // Step 3: Execute mutation according to mutation probability pm in Eq. (17) and ms is multiplier factor
                O           = GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithmFunctions.Mutate(O, p_m);
                int cost    = Problem.CalcCostRoute(O);
                newPop[ind] = new Genotype(O, cost);

            // Sort and return
            newPop = newPop.OrderBy(c => c.Cost).ToArray();
            Genotype[] returnPop = new Genotype[subPopSize];
            Array.Copy(newPop, 0, returnPop, 0, returnPop.Length);
Esempio n. 6
 public Genotype[] InitialisePopulation(Instance instance, int p) {
     Random rand = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
     Genotype[] pop = new Genotype[p];
     for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
         // Build a sequence
         int[] sequence = new int[this.Problem.Nodes.Length];
         for (int j = 1; j <= sequence.Length; j++) {
             sequence[j - 1] = j;
         // Shuffle it and get the cost
         sequence = sequence.OrderBy(x => rand.Next()).ToArray();
         int cost = instance.CalcCostRoute(sequence);
         Genotype genotype = new Genotype(sequence, cost);
         pop[i] = genotype;
     return pop;