public static Vector2 CGPointApplyAffineTransform(Vector2 point, CGAffineTransform xform){
			Vector2 p;
			return p;
		public static bool EqualToTransform(CGAffineTransform t1,CGAffineTransform t2){
			return FloatUtils.EQ(t1.a, t2.a) && 
					FloatUtils.EQ(t1.b, t2.b) &&
					FloatUtils.EQ(t1.c, t2.c) && 
					FloatUtils.EQ(t1.d, t2.d) && 
					FloatUtils.EQ(t1.tx, t2.tx) && 
					FloatUtils.EQ(t1.ty, t2.ty);
		public static CGAffineTransform Concat(CGAffineTransform xform,CGAffineTransform append){
			CGAffineTransform result;
			return result;
		public static CGAffineTransform Invert(CGAffineTransform xform){
			CGAffineTransform result;
			float determinant;
			if(FloatUtils.EQ(determinant, 0)){
				return xform;
			return result;
		public static CGAffineTransform Rotate(CGAffineTransform t, float angle){
			CGAffineTransform rotate=MakeRotation(angle);
			return Concat(rotate,rotate);
Esempio n. 6
        public static CGAffineTransform MakeScale(float sx, float sy)
            CGAffineTransform t = Make(sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0);

		public static CGAffineTransform Scale(CGAffineTransform t, float sx, float sy){
			CGAffineTransform scale=MakeScale(sx,sy);
			return Concat(scale,t);
Esempio n. 8
		/** Returns the matrix that transform the node's (local) space coordinates into the parent's space coordinates.
		 The matrix is in Pixels.
		 @since v0.7.1
		public CGAffineTransform nodeToParentTransform()
			if ( _isTransformDirty ) {
				// Translate values
				float x = _position.x;
				float y = _position.y;
				if ( _ignoreAnchorPointForPosition ) {
					x += _anchorPointInPixels.x;
					y += _anchorPointInPixels.y;
				// Rotation values
				// Change rotation code to handle X and Y
				// If we skew with the exact same value for both x and y then we're simply just rotating
				float cx = 1, sx = 0, cy = 1, sy = 0;
				if(!FloatUtils.EQ(_rotation, 0)) {
					float radiansX = -ccUtils.CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_rotation);
					float radiansY = -ccUtils.CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_rotation);
					cx = Mathf.Cos(radiansX);
					sx = Mathf.Sin(radiansX);
					cy = Mathf.Cos(radiansY);
					sy = Mathf.Sin(radiansY);

				// optimization:
				// inline anchor point calculation if skew is not needed
				// Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
				if( _anchorPointInPixels != ) {
					x += cy * -_anchorPointInPixels.x * _scaleX + -sx * -_anchorPointInPixels.y * _scaleY;
					y += sy * -_anchorPointInPixels.x * _scaleX +  cx * -_anchorPointInPixels.y * _scaleY;
				// Build Transform Matrix
				// Adjusted transfor m calculation for rotational skew
				_transform = CGAffineTransform.Make( cy * _scaleX, sy * _scaleX,
				                                   -sx * _scaleY, cx * _scaleY,
				                                   x, y );

				_isTransformDirty = false;
			return _transform;
		public static bool IsIdentity(CGAffineTransform t){
			return EqualToTransform (Identity, t);
Esempio n. 10
        public static CGAffineTransform Rotate(CGAffineTransform t, float angle)
            CGAffineTransform rotate = MakeRotation(angle);

            return(Concat(rotate, t));
        void updateMesh()
            if (_meshDirty)
                int       tilesCount = _tiles.DL_COUNT();
                Vector3[] vertices   = new Vector3[tilesCount * 4];
                Vector3[] normals    = new Vector3[vertices.Length];
                Vector2[] uvs        = new Vector2[vertices.Length];
                int[]     triangles  = new int[tilesCount * 6];

                int tileIndex = 0;
                for (var ent = _tiles.head; ent != null; ent =
                    Tile          tile         = ent.obj;
                    CCSpriteFrame spriteFrame  = tile.spriteFrame;
                    Rect          uTextureRect = spriteFrame.textureRect;
                    uTextureRect.position /= UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    uTextureRect.size     /= UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    float uTextureWidth     = spriteFrame.texture.width / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    float uTextureHeight    = spriteFrame.texture.height / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    float uTextureRectWidth = uTextureRect.width;
                    float uTextureRectHeigh = uTextureRect.height;

                    Vector2 uSpriteOffset = spriteFrame.offset / UIWindow.PIXEL_PER_UNIT;
                    Vector2 center = uSpriteOffset;
                    float   centerX = center.x;
                    float   centerY = center.y;
                    float   uViewWidth = uTextureRectWidth, uViewHeight = uTextureRectHeigh;
                    if (spriteFrame.rotated)
                        uViewWidth  = uTextureRectHeigh;
                        uViewHeight = uTextureRectWidth;
                    int verticesIndex = tileIndex * 4;
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 0] = new Vector3(centerX - uViewWidth / 2, centerY + uViewHeight / 2, 0);
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 1] = new Vector3(centerX + uViewWidth / 2, centerY + uViewHeight / 2, 0);
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 2] = new Vector3(centerX + uViewWidth / 2, centerY - uViewHeight / 2, 0);
                    vertices [verticesIndex + 3] = new Vector3(centerX - uViewWidth / 2, centerY - uViewHeight / 2, 0);

                    int trianglesIndex = tileIndex * 6;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 0] = verticesIndex + 0;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 1] = verticesIndex + 1;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 2] = verticesIndex + 2;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 3] = verticesIndex + 2;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 4] = verticesIndex + 3;
                    triangles [trianglesIndex + 5] = verticesIndex + 0;

                    float uLeft   = uTextureRect.xMin / uTextureWidth;
                    float vBottom = uTextureRect.yMin / uTextureHeight;
                    float uRight  = uTextureRect.xMax / uTextureWidth;
                    float vTop    = uTextureRect.yMax / uTextureHeight;
                    if (!spriteFrame.rotated)
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 0] = new Vector2(uLeft, vTop);     //top-left
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 1] = new Vector2(uRight, vTop);    //top-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 2] = new Vector2(uRight, vBottom); //bottom-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 3] = new Vector2(uLeft, vBottom);  //bottom-left
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 0] = new Vector2(uRight, vTop);    //top-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 1] = new Vector2(uRight, vBottom); //bottom-right
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 2] = new Vector2(uLeft, vBottom);  //bottom-left
                        uvs [verticesIndex + 3] = new Vector2(uLeft, vTop);     //top-left

                    //apply transform
                    if (!CGAffineTransform.IsIdentity(tile.transform))
                        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                            Vector2 vertex = vertices [verticesIndex + i];
                            vertex = CGAffineTransform.CGPointApplyAffineTransform(vertex, tile.transform);
                            vertices [verticesIndex + i] = vertex;
                for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++)
                    normals [i] = Vector3.back;

                Mesh mesh = this.meshFilter.sharedMesh;
                if (mesh == null)
                    mesh = new Mesh();
                mesh.vertices  = vertices;
                mesh.triangles = triangles;
                mesh.normals   = normals;
                mesh.uv        = uvs;

                this.meshFilter.sharedMesh = mesh;
                _meshDirty = false;
Esempio n. 12
        public static CGAffineTransform Scale(CGAffineTransform t, float sx, float sy)
            CGAffineTransform scale = MakeScale(sx, sy);

            return(Concat(scale, t));
Esempio n. 13
        public static CGAffineTransform Translate(CGAffineTransform t, float tx, float ty)
            CGAffineTransform translate = MakeTranslation(tx, ty);

            return(Concat(translate, t));
Esempio n. 14
 public static bool IsIdentity(CGAffineTransform t)
     return(EqualToTransform(Identity, t));
		public static Vector2 CGSizeApplyAffineTransform(Vector2 size,CGAffineTransform xform){
			Vector2 s;
			return s;
		public static CGAffineTransform Translate(CGAffineTransform t, float tx, float ty){
			CGAffineTransform translate = MakeTranslation(tx,ty);
			return Concat(translate,t);
		public static Rect CGRectApplyAffineTransform(Rect rect, CGAffineTransform transform)
			float xMin = rect.position.x;
			float xMax = rect.position.x + rect.size.x;
			float yMin = rect.position.y;
			float yMax = rect.position.y + rect.size.y;
			Vector2[] points = new Vector2[4]{
				CGPointApplyAffineTransform(new Vector2(xMin, yMin), transform),
				CGPointApplyAffineTransform(new Vector2(xMin, yMax), transform),
				CGPointApplyAffineTransform(new Vector2(xMax, yMin), transform),
				CGPointApplyAffineTransform(new Vector2(xMax, yMax), transform),
			float newXMin =  float.MaxValue;
			float newXMax =  float.MinValue;
			float newYMin =  float.MaxValue;
			float newYMax =  float.MinValue;
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
				newXMax = Mathf.Max(newXMax, points[i].x);
				newYMax = Mathf.Max(newYMax, points[i].y);
				newXMin = Mathf.Min(newXMin, points[i].x);
				newYMin = Mathf.Min(newYMin, points[i].y);
			Rect result = new Rect(newXMin, newYMin, newXMax - newXMin, newYMax - newYMin);
			return result;
Esempio n. 18
        public static CGAffineTransform MakeTranslation(float tx, float ty)
            CGAffineTransform t = Make(1, 0, 0, 1, tx, ty);
