/// <summary> /// 添加现金券 /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The model.</param> /// <returns>System.Int32.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.NotImplementedException"></exception> public static int AddCashCoupon(CashCouponModel model) { using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.CouponFactory()) { int flag = dal.AddCashCoupon(model); if (flag > 0) { //添加优惠券领取操作日志 LogLogic.AddCouponLog(new LogBaseModel() { objId = flag, UserId = flag, ShopId = model.ShopId, OperationType = 0,//0创建 1领取 2使用 Money = model.Money }); } return(flag); } }
/// <summary> /// 登录 /// </summary> /// <param name="loginName">Name of the login.</param> /// <param name="password">The password.</param> /// <param name="AppSystem">APP系统</param> /// <param name="apiCode">The API code.</param> /// <returns>UserModel.</returns> public UserModel Login(string loginName, string password, string AppSystem, ref ApiStatusCode apiCode) { using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.UserFactory()) { UserModel model = dal.Login(loginName, password); if (model != null) { if (model.IsActive == 1 && model.ShopActive == 1) { apiCode = ApiStatusCode.OK; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.UserHeadImg)) { model.UserHeadImg = WebConfig.reswebsite() + model.UserHeadImg; } model.myqrcodeUrl = WebConfig.articleDetailsDomain() + "/app/myqrcode.html?userid=" + model.UserId; model.myShareQrcodeUrl = WebConfig.articleDetailsDomain() + string.Format("/resource/app/qrcode/{0}/index.html", model.UserId); model.MengBeans = model.MengBeans - model.MengBeansLocked; model.Score = model.Score - model.ScoreLocked; model.TempMengBeans = UserLogic.countTempBeansMoney(model.UserId, 0); model.UserGender = model.UserGender.ToUpper(); string token = EncryptHelper.MD5(StringHelper.CreateCheckCode(20)); if (dal.IsAuthTokenExist(model.UserId) ? dal.UpdateUserAuthToken(model.UserId, token) : dal.AddUserAuthToken(model.UserId, token)) { model.token = token; } if (model.UserIdentity == 1) { UserLogic.masterUpdate(model.UserId); } else { UserLogic.userUpdate(model.UserId); } model.LevelName = UserLogic.GetUserLevelName(model.UserId); //添加登录日志 LogLogic.AddLoginLog(new LoginLogModel() { UserId = model.UserId, UserIdentity = model.UserIdentity, BelongOne = model.BelongOne, ShopId = model.ShopId, AppSystem = AppSystem }); //更新最后登录时间 dal.UpdateLastLoginTime(model.UserId); return(model); } else { apiCode = ApiStatusCode.账户已禁用; return(null); } } else { apiCode = ApiStatusCode.账户密码不正确; return(null); } } }
/// <summary> /// 创建订单 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId">The user identifier.</param> /// <param name="shopId">The shop identifier.</param> /// <param name="userName">Name of the user.</param> /// <param name="mobile">The mobile.</param> /// <param name="address">The address.</param> /// <param name="cashNo">The cash no.</param> /// <param name="memo">The memo.</param> /// <param name="filename">The filename.</param> /// <param name="apiCode">The API code.</param> /// <returns>true if XXXX, false otherwise.</returns> public static bool saveOrder(int userId, int shopId, string userName, string mobile, string address, string cashNo, string memo, string filename, string fileName2, string fileName3, string fileName4, string fileName5, int cid, ref ApiStatusCode apiCode) { try { OrderModel model = new OrderModel(); model.orderId = createOrderNo(userId); model.UserId = userId; model.Ct_BelongId = userId; model.orderTime = DateTime.Now; model.Memo = memo; model.OrderStatus = 0; model.OrderImg = filename; model.OrderImg2 = fileName2; model.OrderImg3 = fileName3; model.OrderImg4 = fileName4; model.OrderImg5 = fileName5; model.SuccessImg = model.SuccessImg2 = model.SuccessImg3 = model.SuccessImg4 = model.SuccessImg5 = ""; model.Ct_Name = userName; model.Ct_Mobile = mobile; model.Ct_Address = address; model.FianlAmount = 0; model.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; //判断订单是否使用优惠券 CashCouponLogModel coupon = null; int cashUserId = 0; using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.CouponFactory()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cashNo)) { coupon = dal.getEnableCashCouponLogModel(mobile, cashNo); if (coupon != null && coupon.ID > 0) { if (coupon.ShopId != shopId) { apiCode = ApiStatusCode.非本店现金券; return(false); } if (coupon.IsUse != 0) { apiCode = ApiStatusCode.现金券已使用; return(false); } model.CashCouponAmount = coupon.Money; model.CashCouponBn = cashNo; model.ShopId = coupon.ShopId; //设置订单归属用户 model.Ct_BelongId = coupon.UserId; model.UserId = coupon.BelongOneUserId; cashUserId = coupon.UserId; } else { apiCode = ApiStatusCode.优惠券不存在; return(false); } } } //如果没有优惠 if (cashUserId <= 0) { //根据手机号或地址,查找客户 CustomerModel customer = cid > 0 ? CustomerLogic.getCustomerModel(cid) : CustomerLogic.getCustomerModel(mobile, address); if (customer != null) { //设置订单归属用户 model.Ct_BelongId = customer.BelongOne; model.UserId = customer.BelongTwo; model.ShopId = customer.ShopId; cashUserId = customer.BelongOne; } } TempBeansRecordsModel model1 = null; BeansRecordsModel model2 = null; if (cashUserId > 0) { using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.UserFactory()) { var user = dal.GetUserModel(cashUserId); if (user.UserIdentity == 0) { model.UserId = user.BelongOne; model.Ct_BelongId = user.UserId; var shopData = ShopLogic.GetShopModel(model.ShopId); RewardsSettingModel rewardSettingModel = null; //判断当前客户是否所属分店 if (shopData != null && shopData.ShopType == 2) { rewardSettingModel = UserLogic.GetRewardModel(model.ShopId); } if (rewardSettingModel != null && rewardSettingModel.OrderReward > 0) { //订单成交需付盟豆 model.MengBeans = rewardSettingModel.OrderReward; //插入盟友订单成交临时奖励 model1 = new TempBeansRecordsModel(); model1.Amount = rewardSettingModel.OrderReward; model1.UserId = cashUserId; model1.LogType = 0; model1.Income = 1; model1.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; model1.Status = 0; model1.Remark = "下单"; } } else { model.UserId = user.UserId; model.Ct_BelongId = user.UserId; } //获取积分奖励配置 ScoreConfigModel scoreCfg = ConfigLogic.GetScoreConfig(); //添加盟主创建订单,奖励积分 if (scoreCfg.CreateOrderScore > 0 && dal.addUserIntegral(userId, scoreCfg.CreateOrderScore) > 0) { model2 = new BeansRecordsModel(); model2.Amount = scoreCfg.CreateOrderScore; model2.UserId = userId; model2.LogType = 1; model2.Income = 1; model2.Remark = "创建订单奖励"; model2.OrderId = ""; model2.CreateTime = DateTime.Now; } } } else { using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.UserFactory()) { var user = dal.GetUserModel(userId); model.UserId = userId; model.Ct_BelongId = userId; model.ShopId = user.ShopId; } } bool flag = false; using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.OrderFactory()) { model.BelongOneShopId = ShopLogic.GetBelongShopId(model.ShopId); if (model.BelongOneShopId == 0) { model.BelongOneShopId = model.ShopId; } flag = dal.Add(model); } if (flag) { // //根据手机号或地址,查找客户,修改客户状态为已生成订单 CustomerModel customer = cid > 0 ? CustomerLogic.getCustomerModel(cid) : CustomerLogic.getCustomerModel(mobile, address); if (customer != null) { using (var dal = FactoryDispatcher.CustomerFactory()) { dal.UpdateStatus(customer.ID, 4); } } //添加 using (var dald = FactoryDispatcher.UserFactory()) { if (model1 != null) { dald.AddTempBeansRecords(model1); } //添加日志 if (model2 != null) { dald.AddBeansRecords(model2); } } //添加优惠券使用记录 using (var cpDal = FactoryDispatcher.CouponFactory()) { if (coupon != null) { if (cpDal.UpdateUserCashCouponUseStatus(coupon.ID)) { //添加优惠券领取操作日志 LogLogic.AddCouponLog(new LogBaseModel() { objId = coupon.CouponId, UserId = coupon.UserId, ShopId = coupon.ShopId, OperationType = 2,//0创建 1领取 2使用 Money = coupon.Money }); } } } } scope.Complete(); return(flag); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Log(string.Format("saveOrder==>Message:{0},StackTrace:{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace), LogHelperTag.ERROR); apiCode = ApiStatusCode.SERVICEERROR; return(false); } }