internal static IEnumerable <T> ParseGetSearchResponse <T>(HttpResponseMessage response)
            if (response == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response", "The http response message to parse cannot be null.");

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)

                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <T> >(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result));
                throw new InfobloxCustomException(response);
        internal static string ParsePostPutDeleteResponse(HttpResponseMessage response)
            if (response == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response", "The http response message to parse cannot be null.");

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)

                return(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result.Replace("\"", ""));
                throw new InfobloxCustomException(response);
        internal static object ParseGetResponse(HttpResponseMessage response, Type type)
            if (response == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("response", "The http response message to parse cannot be null.");

            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type", "The type to parse the response message to cannot be null");

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)

                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result.Trim(_charsToTrim), type));
                throw new InfobloxCustomException(response);
        public static async Task <HttpClient> BuildHttpClient(string gridMaster, string apiVersion, TimeSpan?timeout = null)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gridMaster))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiVersion))
                    if (await CommandHelpers.CheckConnection(gridMaster))
                        if (InfobloxSessionData.UseSessionData)
                            if (InfobloxSessionData.Cookie != null && !InfobloxSessionData.Cookie.Expired)
                                HttpClientHandler Handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                                    CookieContainer = new CookieContainer()

                                if (!apiVersion.StartsWith("v"))
                                    apiVersion = $"v{apiVersion}";

                                Uri Address = new Uri("https://" + gridMaster + "/wapi/" + apiVersion + "/");

                                Handler.CookieContainer.Add(Address, InfobloxSessionData.Cookie);

                                Handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

                                HttpClient Client = new HttpClient(Handler)
                                    BaseAddress = Address

                                //The actual default is 100 seconds
                                if (timeout != null)
                                    Client.Timeout = (TimeSpan)timeout;

                                throw new Exception("There is not a valid cookie to utilize, you must specify a credential.");
                            throw new Exception("There is not a valid cookie to utilize, you must specify a credential.");
                        throw new WebException("The grid master could not be contacted.");
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("apiVersion", "The api version parameter cannot be null or empty.");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gridMaster", "The value for the grid master cannot be null or empty.");
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds a full URL search request including the object type, the query, and the fields to return
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">An actual infoblox object class type.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="search">The type of search to be performed.</param>
 /// <param name="searchField">The field to search on.</param>
 /// <param name="recordValue">The value to search for.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static string BuildGetSearchRequest <T>(SearchType search, string searchField, string recordValue, IEnumerable <string> fieldsToReturn)
     return(CommandHelpers.BuildGetSearchRequest(typeof(T), search, searchField, recordValue, fieldsToReturn));
        public static async Task <HttpClient> BuildHttpClient(string gridMaster, string apiVersion, string username, SecureString password, TimeSpan?timeout = null)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gridMaster))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiVersion))
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                        if (password != null)
                            if (await CommandHelpers.CheckConnection(gridMaster))
                                HttpClientHandler Handler = new HttpClientHandler();
                                Handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

                                if (!apiVersion.StartsWith("v"))
                                    apiVersion = $"v{apiVersion}";

                                HttpClient Client = new HttpClient(Handler)
                                    BaseAddress = new Uri("https://" + gridMaster + "/wapi/" + apiVersion + "/")

                                //The actual default is 100 seconds
                                if (timeout != null)
                                    Client.Timeout = (TimeSpan)timeout;

                                Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic",
                                                                                                                                   Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(username + ":" + SecureStringHelper.ToReadableString(password))));

                                throw new WebException("The grid master could not be contacted.");
                            throw new ArgumentNullException("password", "The provided password cannot be null.");
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("username", "The username used to connect to the grid master cannot be null or empty.");
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("apiVersion", "The api version parameter cannot be null or empty.");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gridMaster", "The value for the grid master cannot be null or empty.");
        public static async Task <HttpClient> BuildHttpClient(string gridMaster, string apiVersion, Cookie cookie, TimeSpan?timeout = null)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(gridMaster))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiVersion))
                    if (cookie != null)
                        if (!cookie.Expired)
                            if (await CommandHelpers.CheckConnection(gridMaster))
                                HttpClientHandler Handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                                    CookieContainer = new CookieContainer()

                                if (!apiVersion.StartsWith("v"))
                                    apiVersion = $"v{apiVersion}";

                                Uri Address = new Uri("https://" + gridMaster + "/wapi/" + apiVersion + "/");

                                Handler.CookieContainer.Add(Address, cookie);

                                Handler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

                                HttpClient Client = new HttpClient(Handler)
                                    BaseAddress = Address

                                //The actual default timeout is 100 seconds
                                if (timeout != null)
                                    Client.Timeout = (TimeSpan)timeout;

                                throw new WebException("The grid master could not be contacted.");
                            throw new ArgumentException($"The provided cookie is expired, it expired on {cookie.Expires.ToUniversalTime().ToString()} UTC");
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("cookie", "Cookie cannot be null");
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("apiVersion", "The api version parameter cannot be null or empty.");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("gridMaster", "The value for the grid master cannot be null or empty.");