public Xe(Xe lamboghini) { this.bienSoXe = lamboghini.bienSoXe; this.hd = lamboghini.hd; this.mauXe = lamboghini.mauXe; this.loaiXe = lamboghini.loaiXe; this.ngayGui = lamboghini.ngayGui; this.soGioDuocPhepGui = lamboghini.soGioDuocPhepGui; this.tienguixe = lamboghini.tienguixe; }
public bool kiemTraDuLieu(Xe a) { foreach (Xe item in this.dsxe1) { if (this.dsxe1.Contains(a)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void chupAnh(Xe lamboghini) { xe = new Xe(); xe.bienSoXe = lamboghini.bienSoXe; xe.hd = lamboghini.hd; xe.mauXe = lamboghini.mauXe; xe.loaiXe = lamboghini.loaiXe; xe.ngayGui = lamboghini.ngayGui; xe.soGioDuocPhepGui = lamboghini.soGioDuocPhepGui; xe.tienguixe = lamboghini.tienguixe; }
public static void BangHienThiLog(Xe a, MyEventArgs e) { if (e.content1 == "The xe khong hop le giu xe " || e.content1 == "Khach khong dua du tien nen giu xe ") { Console.WriteLine($"Bang hien thi: {e.content1}{a.bienSoXe}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Bang hien thi: {e.content1}{a.bienSoXe} {e.xeStatus.ToString()}"); } }
public static void NhanVienLog(Xe a, MyEventArgs e) { if (e.xeStatus == XeStatus.vao) { Console.WriteLine($"Nhan vien: Kiem tra cho trong cho xe {a.bienSoXe}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Nhan vien: Kiem tra the cua xe {a.bienSoXe}"); } }
private static object Staff_EVTinhtienth(Server a, Xe b) { if (a.tienphaitra(b) < b.tienguixe) { return($"Nhan Vien: Tra lai khach:{b.tienguixe - a.tienphaitra(b)}\n"); } else { return(""); } }
public int tienphaitra(Xe a) { if (a.loaiXe == PhanLoaiXe.XeDap) { return(2000); } else if (a.loaiXe == PhanLoaiXe.XeMay) { return(4000); } else { return(10000); } }
public void check(Xe a, MyEventArgs e) { //Check xem bai còn chổ ko --->kiểm tra sl xe trong đó if (e.xeStatus == XeStatus.vao)//tới GH hay chưa { if (this.checkChoTrong()) { //chup hinh --->event{ this.cameras.chupAnh(a); //Luu xuong server dsxe1.Add(a); this.soxeht++; a.ngayGui = DateTime.Now; e.content1 = "Van con cho, moi xe "; = barrierStatus.OpenBarrier; } else { e.content1 = "Da het cho, moi xe "; e.xeStatus = XeStatus.ra; = barrierStatus.CloseBarrier; } } else { // kiem tra the xe co luu trong sever hay ko if (this.kiemTraDuLieu(a)) { if (this.tienphaitra(a) <= a.tienguixe) { this.soxeht--; = barrierStatus.OpenBarrier; } else { e.content1 = "Khach khong dua du tien nen giu xe "; = barrierStatus.CloseBarrier; } } else { e.content1 = "The xe khong hop le giu xe "; = barrierStatus.CloseBarrier; } } }
public void BarrierAct(Xe a, MyEventArgs e) { this.status =; }
public object thucThiEVTinhTienth(Server a, Xe b) { return(EVTinhtienth?.Invoke(a, b)); }
public string Giuxelai(Xe a) { return("Giu xe " + a.bienSoXe + "\n"); }
public void Xera(Xe a) { EVInOutHandler?.Invoke(a, new MyEventArgs(barrierStatus.CloseBarrier, "Moi xe ", XeStatus.ra)); }
private static object EV_Out(Xe a) { return($"Xe co bien so {a.bienSoXe} ra"); }
public object thongBaoXeVao(Xe a) { return(In?.Invoke(a)); }
public static void BarrierLog(Xe a, MyEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine($"Barrier: {}"); }
private static object EV_In(Xe a) { return($"Xe co bien so {a.bienSoXe} vao"); }
public object thongBaoXeRa(Xe a) { return(Out?.Invoke(a)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Xe a = new Xe("345", "small", 20000, PhanLoaiXe.XeOto); Xe b = new Xe("34325", "small", 2000, PhanLoaiXe.XeMay); /* Xe b = new Xe(); * b.bienSoXe = Console.ReadLine(); * b.hd = Console.ReadLine(); * b.tienguixe = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); * string temp = Console.ReadLine(); * if (temp == "0") b.loaiXe = PhanLoaiXe.XeDap; * else if (temp == "1") b.loaiXe = PhanLoaiXe.XeMay; * else b.loaiXe = PhanLoaiXe.XeOto; */ //Thanh phan cua bai xe Server sv = new Server(500); NhanVien staff = new NhanVien(); Barrier frontGate = new Barrier(); BangHienThi bang1 = new BangHienThi(); BaiDoXe baidx1 = new BaiDoXe("SPKT", 10, sv, bang1, frontGate, staff); //event Xe check in & out baidx1.EVInOutHandler += NhanVienLog; baidx1.EVInOutHandler += baidx1.server.check; baidx1.EVInOutHandler += BangHienThiLog; baidx1.EVInOutHandler += baidx1.barrier1.BarrierAct; baidx1.EVInOutHandler += BarrierLog; baidx1.OPEN += EV_OPEN; Console.WriteLine(baidx1.moBai()); //event mo bai do xe //baidx1.Xevao(a); b.In += EV_In; Console.WriteLine(b.thongBaoXeVao(b)); //event thong bao xe vao baidx1.Xevao(b); //baidx1.Xera(a); b.Out += EV_Out; Console.WriteLine(b.thongBaoXeRa(b)); //event thong bao xe ra baidx1.Xera(b); //event cai dat 1 camera moi vao bai giu xe Camera i = new Camera(); i.viTriCamera = "Khu a"; staff.EVInstallCam += I_EVInstallCam; Console.WriteLine(staff.thucThiEVInstallCam(i)); //event bao tri camera staff.evMaintainCam += _evMaintainCam; Console.WriteLine(staff.thucThiEVMainTainCam(i)); //event nhan vien tinh tien thoi va tra cho khach staff.EVTinhtienth += Staff_EVTinhtienth; Console.WriteLine(staff.thucThiEVTinhTienth(sv, b)); staff.maNhanVien = "hxp"; staff.NgayDiemdanh = "20"; staff.songaydadiemdanh = 29; staff.NVDiemdanhNgaylamviec(sv); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in sv.DSdiemdanhh) { Console.WriteLine(item.Key + " " + item.Value); } //event phat luong sv.EVphatLuong += Sv_EVphatLuong; sv.thucthiEVphatLuong(staff); //event check so ngay diem danh sau khi phat luong sv.EVChPhatLuong += Sv_EVChPhatLuong; sv.thucthiEVChPhatLuong(staff); baidx1.CLOSE += EV_CLOSE; Console.WriteLine(baidx1.dongBai()); //event dong bai do xe staff.EVMaintainSV += _EVMaintainSV; Console.WriteLine(staff.thucThiEVMaintainSV(sv)); }