Esempio n. 1
        private void UpdateExistingEdgeGoData(GameObject edgeExistingGo, CdmEdgeBtc edgeNewBtc)
            Msg.Log("GraphFactory.UpdateExistingEdgeGoData is refreshing edge data");

            // TODO What might need updated? Since Cdm handles merges, it seems safe enough to overwrite whole object.
            GraphEdgeBrain blb = edgeExistingGo.GetComponent <GraphEdgeBrain>();

            if (blb != null)
                blb.CdmEdgeBtc = edgeNewBtc;
                // TODO plus propogate any values across the edge GO ?
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create game object for edge
        /// Terrible code, needs refactored
        /// </summary>
        private GameObject InstantiateEdge(string id, string idFriendly, int edgeNumSource, int edgeNumTarget, GameObject source, GameObject target, EdgeType edgeType, bool valueIsKnown, float valueMBtc, float valueMBtcAdditional)
            if (source == null || target == null || (source == target))
                Msg.LogWarning("GraphFactory.InstantiateEdge: source or target do not exist, or are identical. Edge not created.");

            // an entirely new link
            GraphEdgeBrain linkObject = Instantiate(LinkPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, ParentFolder) as GraphEdgeBrain;

   = id;
            linkObject.edgeNumInSource = edgeNumSource;
            linkObject.edgeNumInTarget = edgeNumTarget;
              = idFriendly + "--" + edgeNumSource + "--" + edgeNumTarget; // Game Object name
            linkObject.source          = source;
            = target;
            //linkObject.SetBitLinkValue(valueIsKnown, valueMBtc);

            EdgeType linkType = EdgeType.Input;

            if (edgeType == EdgeType.Input)
                linkType = EdgeType.Input;
                linkObject.SetBitLinkTypeAndValue_Initial(linkType, valueIsKnown, valueMBtc, edgeType);
            else if (edgeType == EdgeType.Output)
                linkType = EdgeType.Output;
                linkObject.SetBitLinkTypeAndValue_Initial(linkType, valueIsKnown, valueMBtcAdditional, edgeType);
                // TODO Horrible and needs refactored, this is hangover from proof of concept
                // We are now a mixed link, the method SetBitLinkTypeAndValue_Additional() will handle setting the type to Mixed itself
                Msg.Log("GraphFactory.InstantiateEdge: Link between source " + + " and target " + + " being PROMOTED TO MIXED");
                linkObject.SetBitLinkTypeAndValue_Initial(EdgeType.Input, valueIsKnown, valueMBtc, edgeType);
                linkObject.SetBitLinkTypeAndValue_Additional(EdgeType.Output, valueIsKnown, valueMBtcAdditional, edgeType);

                // this counts towards our link counters of course
                UpdateLinkCountersOnSourceAndTarget(source, target);


            // Update link counters
            UpdateLinkCountersOnSourceAndTarget(source, target);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new edge game object, or update an existing one. New edges get added to _graphIndex list.
        /// </summary>
        void IGraphFactory.CreateOrUpdateEdge(CdmEdge edgeNew)
            CdmEdgeBtc edgeNewBtc = edgeNew as CdmEdgeBtc;

            // Do we exist already?
            GameObject edgeExistingGo;

            if (_graphIndex.TryGetValue(edgeNewBtc.EdgeId, out edgeExistingGo))
                UpdateExistingEdgeGoData(edgeExistingGo, edgeNewBtc);

            // We are new. Do necessary nodes exist?
            GameObject sourceGo;
            bool       sourceExists = _graphIndex.TryGetValue(edgeNewBtc.NodeSourceId, out sourceGo);
            GameObject targetGo;
            bool       targetExists = _graphIndex.TryGetValue(edgeNewBtc.NodeTargetId, out targetGo);

            if (!sourceExists || !targetExists)
                Msg.LogWarning("GraphFactory.CreateEdge cannot create edge because source or target GameObject dont exist yet");

            // Do it
            GameObject createdEdge = null;

            //Msg.Log("GraphFactory.CreateEdge: Edge about to be created: " + edgeNewBtc.EdgeId);
            createdEdge = InstantiateEdge(edgeNewBtc.EdgeId, edgeNewBtc.EdgeIdFriendly, edgeNewBtc.EdgeNumberInSource, edgeNewBtc.EdgeNumberInTarget,
                                          sourceGo, targetGo, edgeNewBtc.EdgeType, true, edgeNewBtc.ValueInSource, edgeNewBtc.ValueInTarget);

            if (createdEdge == null)
                Msg.LogWarning("GraphFactory.CreateEdge: Edge not created.");
                Msg.Log("GraphFactory.GenerateEdge: Edge created: " +;
                GraphEdgeBrain geb = createdEdge.GetComponent <GraphEdgeBrain>();
                if (geb != null)
                    geb.CdmEdgeBtc = edgeNewBtc;

                // index it
                _graphIndex.Add(edgeNewBtc.EdgeId, createdEdge);
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // Free up the mouse
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
                if (Screen.fullScreen)
                    // if we are full screen, first Esc press takes to window
                    Screen.fullScreen = !Screen.fullScreen;
                else if (Cursor.lockState == CursorLockMode.Locked)
                    // second Esc press frees cursor
                    Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.None;
                    Cursor.visible   = true;
                else if (Cursor.lockState == CursorLockMode.None)
                    // third Esc toggle cursor back into window
                    Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
                    Cursor.visible   = false;

            // Mouse recapture also possible with a left click in the Window
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                if (Cursor.lockState == CursorLockMode.None)
                    // Recapture mouse
                    Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
                    Cursor.visible   = false;

            // Toggle labels
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L))
                GlobalData.Instance.IsGlobalLinkLabelActive = !GlobalData.Instance.IsGlobalLinkLabelActive;

                foreach (GameObject linkGo in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("edge"))
                    //Debug.Log("UiInputController: Toggle Labels: examine label: " +;

                    GraphEdgeBrain edgeBrain = linkGo.GetComponent <GraphEdgeBrain>();
                    if (GlobalData.Instance.IsGlobalLinkLabelActive)

            // Toggle Physics
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P))
                GraphFactoryBtc.Instance.AllStatic = !GraphFactoryBtc.Instance.AllStatic;

            // Toggle Auto Grow
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.G))
                GraphFactorySprout.Instance.IsAutoGrowActive = !GraphFactorySprout.Instance.IsAutoGrowActive;

            // Toggle Mouse
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))
                if (GlobalData.Instance.FlipMouseYAxis < 0f)
                    GlobalData.Instance.FlipMouseYAxis = 1f;
                    GlobalData.Instance.FlipMouseYAxis = -1f;