Esempio n. 1
		public ShaderSample()
			this.layeredBlendingEntity = null;
			Metadata[ "Title" ] = "Shader System";
			Metadata[ "Description" ] = "Demonstrate the capabilities of the RT Shader System component." +
			                            "1. Fixed Function Pipeline emulation." +
			                            "2. On the fly shader generation based on existing material." +
			                            "3. On the fly shader synchronization with scene state (Lights, Fog)." +
			                            "4. Built in lighting models: Per vertex, Per pixel, Normal map tangent and object space." +
			                            "5. Pluggable custom shaders extensions." +
			                            "6. Built in material script parsing that includes extended attributes." +
			                            "7. Built in material script serialization.";
			Metadata[ "Thumbnail" ] = "thumb_shadersystem.png";
			Metadata[ "Category" ] = "Lighting";
			Metadata[ "Help" ] = "F2 Toggle Shader System globally. " +
			                     "F3 Toggles Global Lighting Model. " +
			                     "Modify target model attributes and scene settings and observe the generated shaders count. " +
			                     "Press the export button in order to export current target model material. " +
			                     "The model above the target will import this material next time the sample reloads. " +
			                     "Right click on object to see the shaders it currently uses. ";
			this.pointLightNode = null;
			this.reflectionMapFactory = null;
			this.instancedViewportsEnable = false;
			this.instancedViewportsSubRenderState = null;
			this.instancedViewportsFactory = null;
			this.bbsFlare = null;
			this.addedLotsOfModels = false;
			this.numberOfModelsAdded = 0;
Esempio n. 2
		private void DestroyInstancedViewportsFactory()
			if ( this.instancedViewportsFactory != null )
				ShaderGenerator.Instance.RemoveSubRenderStateFactory( this.instancedViewportsFactory );
				this.instancedViewportsFactory = null;
Esempio n. 3
		protected override void UnloadResources()
			ShaderGenerator.Instance.RemoveAllShaderBasedTechniques( "Panels" );
			ShaderGenerator.Instance.RemoveAllShaderBasedTechniques( "Panels_RTSS_Export" );

			if ( this.reflectionMapFactory != null )
				ShaderGenerator.Instance.RemoveSubRenderStateFactory( this.reflectionMapFactory );
				this.reflectionMapFactory = null;
Esempio n. 4
		private void CreateInstancedViewports()
			if ( this.instancedViewportsFactory == null )
				this.instancedViewportsFactory = null; // = new ShaderExInStancedViewportsFactory();
				ShaderGenerator.Instance.AddSubRenderStateFactory( this.instancedViewportsFactory );

			var monitorCount = new Vector2( 2.0f, 2.0f );
			this.instancedViewportsSubRenderState = ShaderGenerator.Instance.CreateSubRenderState( InstancedViewports.SGXType );
			var shaderExInstancedViewports = this.instancedViewportsSubRenderState as InstancedViewports;
			shaderExInstancedViewports.MonitorsCount = monitorCount;
			RenderState renderState = ShaderGenerator.Instance.GetRenderState( ShaderGenerator.DefaultSchemeName );
			renderState.AddTemplateSubRenderState( this.instancedViewportsSubRenderState );

			VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexDeclaration();
			int offset = 0;
			offset = vertexDeclaration.GetVertexSize( 0 );
			vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float4, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 3 );
			offset = vertexDeclaration.GetVertexSize( 0 );
			vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float4, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 4 );
			offset = vertexDeclaration.GetVertexSize( 0 );
			vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float4, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 5 );
			offset = vertexDeclaration.GetVertexSize( 0 );
			vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float4, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 6 );
			offset = vertexDeclaration.GetVertexSize( 0 );
			vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 0, offset, VertexElementType.Float4, VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 7 );

			// vbuf.Unlock();

			// Root.RenderSystem.GlobalInstanceVertexBuffer = vbuf;
			Root.RenderSystem.GlobalInstanceVertexBufferVertexDeclaration = vertexDeclaration;
			Root.RenderSystem.GlobalNumberOfInstances = (int)( monitorCount.x*monitorCount.y );

			//Invalidate the scheme
			ShaderGenerator.Instance.InvalidateScheme( ShaderGenerator.DefaultSchemeName );
			ShaderGenerator.Instance.ValidateScheme( ShaderGenerator.DefaultSchemeName );
Esempio n. 5
		protected override void LoadResources()
			//Create and add the custom refledcdtion map shader extension factory to the shader generator.
			this.reflectionMapFactory = new ReflectionMapFactory();
			ShaderGenerator.Instance.AddSubRenderStateFactory( this.reflectionMapFactory );
