CreateNodeTrack() public method

Creates an NodeAnimationTrack.
public CreateNodeTrack ( ushort handle ) : NodeAnimationTrack
handle ushort Handle to give the track, used for accessing the track later.
return NodeAnimationTrack
        protected void TransformAnimation(Matrix4 exportTransform, 
										  Animation newAnim, Animation anim,
										  Skeleton newSkeleton)
            foreach (NodeAnimationTrack track in anim.NodeTracks.Values) {
                NodeAnimationTrack newTrack = newAnim.CreateNodeTrack(track.Handle);
                Bone targetBone = (Bone)track.TargetNode;
                newTrack.TargetNode = newSkeleton.GetBone(targetBone.Handle);
                TransformTrack(exportTransform, newTrack, track, targetBone);
Esempio n. 2
		/// <summary>
		///    Reads an animation track.
		/// </summary>
		protected void ReadAnimationTrack( BinaryReader reader, Animation anim )
			// read the bone handle to apply this track to
			ushort boneHandle = ReadUShort( reader );

			// get a reference to the target bone
			Bone targetBone = skeleton.GetBone( boneHandle );

			// create an animation track for this bone
			NodeAnimationTrack track = anim.CreateNodeTrack( boneHandle, targetBone );

			// keep reading all keyframes for this track
			if ( !IsEOF( reader ) )
				SkeletonChunkID chunkID = ReadChunk( reader );
				while ( !IsEOF( reader ) && ( chunkID == SkeletonChunkID.KeyFrame ) )
					// read the key frame
					ReadKeyFrame( reader, track );
					// read the next chunk id
					// If we're not end of file get the next chunk ID
					if ( !IsEOF( reader ) )
						chunkID = ReadChunk( reader );
				// backpedal to the start of the chunk
				if ( !IsEOF( reader ) )
					Seek( reader, -ChunkOverheadSize );
        public static void CleanupAnimation(Skeleton skel, Animation anim)
            Animation newAnim = skel.CreateAnimation("_replacement", anim.Length);
            Animation tmpAnim = skel.CreateAnimation("_temporary", anim.Length);
            foreach (NodeAnimationTrack track in anim.NodeTracks.Values) {
                Bone bone = skel.GetBone((ushort)track.Handle);
                NodeAnimationTrack newTrack = newAnim.CreateNodeTrack(track.Handle, bone);
                NodeAnimationTrack tmpTrack = tmpAnim.CreateNodeTrack(track.Handle, bone);
                int maxFrame = track.KeyFrames.Count;
                int lastKeyFrame = -1;
                for (int keyFrameIndex = 0; keyFrameIndex < track.KeyFrames.Count; ++keyFrameIndex) {
                    if (anim.InterpolationMode == InterpolationMode.Linear) {
                        // Linear is based on one point before and one after.
                        TransformKeyFrame cur = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex);
                        if (keyFrameIndex == 0 ||
                            keyFrameIndex == (track.KeyFrames.Count - 1)) {
                            // Add the key frame if it is the first or last keyframe.
                            lastKeyFrame = keyFrameIndex;
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(newTrack, cur);
                        } else {
                            // Make sure tmpTrack is clean.. we just use it for interpolation
                            TransformKeyFrame prior = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(lastKeyFrame);
                            TransformKeyFrame next = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex + 1);
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(tmpTrack, prior);
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(tmpTrack, next);
                            // Check to see if removing this last keyframe will throw off
                            // any of the other keyframes that were considered redundant.
                            bool needKeyFrame = false;
                            for (int i = lastKeyFrame + 1; i <= keyFrameIndex; ++i) {
                                TransformKeyFrame orig = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(i);
                                TransformKeyFrame interp = new TransformKeyFrame(tmpTrack, orig.Time);
                                tmpTrack.GetInterpolatedKeyFrame(orig.Time, interp);
                                // Is this interpolated frame useful or redundant?
                                if (!CompareKeyFrames(interp, cur)) {
                                    needKeyFrame = true;
                            if (needKeyFrame) {
                                lastKeyFrame = keyFrameIndex;
                                DuplicateKeyFrame(newTrack, cur);
                    } else if (anim.InterpolationMode == InterpolationMode.Spline) {
                        // Spline is based on two points before and two after.
                        TransformKeyFrame cur = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex);
            #if DISABLED_CODE
                        if (keyFrameIndex == 0 ||
                            keyFrameIndex == 1 ||
                            keyFrameIndex == (track.KeyFrames.Count - 1) ||
                            keyFrameIndex == (track.KeyFrames.Count - 2)) {
                            // Add the key frame if it is the first, second, last or second to last keyframe.
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(newTrack, cur);
                        } else {
                            // Make sure tmpTrack is clean.. we just use it for interpolation
                            TransformKeyFrame prior1 = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex - 2);
                            TransformKeyFrame prior2 = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex - 1);
                            TransformKeyFrame next1 = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex + 1);
                            TransformKeyFrame next2 = track.GetTransformKeyFrame(keyFrameIndex + 2);
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(tmpTrack, prior1);
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(tmpTrack, prior2);
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(tmpTrack, next1);
                            DuplicateKeyFrame(tmpTrack, next2);
                            TransformKeyFrame interp = new TransformKeyFrame(tmpTrack, cur.Time);
                            tmpTrack.GetInterpolatedKeyFrame(cur.Time, interp);
                            // Is this interpolated frame useful or redundant?
                            if (!CompareKeyFrames(interp, cur))
                                DuplicateKeyFrame(newTrack, cur);
                        DuplicateKeyFrame(newTrack, cur);
                    } else {
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid InterpolationMode: " + anim.InterpolationMode);

            // Recreate the animation with the proper name (awkward)
            anim = skel.CreateAnimation(anim.Name, anim.Length);
            foreach (NodeAnimationTrack track in newAnim.NodeTracks.Values) {
                Bone bone = skel.GetBone((ushort)track.Handle);
                NodeAnimationTrack newTrack = anim.CreateNodeTrack(track.Handle, bone);
                foreach (KeyFrame keyFrame in track.KeyFrames)
                    DuplicateKeyFrame(newTrack, (TransformKeyFrame)keyFrame);
        protected void ReadTrack(XmlNode node, Animation anim)
            string boneName = node.Attributes["bone"].Value;
            // get a reference to the target bone
            Bone targetBone = skeleton.GetBone(boneName);
            // create an animation track for this bone
            NodeAnimationTrack track = anim.CreateNodeTrack(targetBone.Handle, targetBone);

            foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) {
                switch (childNode.Name) {
                    case "keyframes":
                        ReadKeyFrames(childNode, track);
        /// <summary>
        ///   Use the data in the channels structures to create animations on
        ///   our skeleton.  This variant ignores the morph/pose animations,
        ///   and only considers the skeletal node animations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldTransform"></param>
        /// <param name="anim">animation which will be populated with the data from channels</param>
        /// <param name="skeleton">the skeleton that contians the bone data</param>
        protected void ProcessChannels( Matrix4 worldTransform,
                                       Animation anim, Skeleton skeleton )
            // We will get the rotation and translation transforms
            // from our parent, but we need the scale transform
            // as well.
            Quaternion worldRotate;
            Vector3 worldTranslate, worldScale;
            Matrix4.DecomposeMatrix( ref worldTransform, out worldTranslate, out worldRotate, out worldScale );

            // Run through the bones, find the channels associated with that bone.
            // create a track for that bone, and set up keyframes within the track.
            for( ushort i = 0; i < m_AxiomMesh.Skeleton.BoneCount; i++ )
                Bone bone = m_AxiomMesh.Skeleton.GetBone( i );
                string boneName = bone.Name;
                // Build a list of the channels that apply to this bone.
                List<Channel> boneChannels = new List<Channel>();
                foreach( Channel channel in Channels )
                    if( channel.TargetNode != bone.Name )
                        // this channel isn't for this bone.. just continue;
                    boneChannels.Add( channel );

                // Get the bind pose data out of the skeleton
                Quaternion bindRotation = bone.Orientation;
                // bind translation -- the bone.Position has has already been
                // converted, and we are going to compare this to the
                // converted data in the joint transform chains
                Vector3 bindTranslation = bone.Position;
                // Get the scene data that shows the current bone position
                if( !JointTransformChains.ContainsKey( bone.Name ) )
                    m_Log.WarnFormat( "Missing joint transform chain for possible tag point {0}.", bone.Name );
                List<NamedTransform> transforms = JointTransformChains[ bone.Name ];
                Matrix4 posedBoneTransform = MathHelpers.Normalize( worldTransform * GetBonePoseTransform( bone.Name ) );
                Matrix4 posedParentTransform = Matrix4.Identity;
                if( bone.Parent != null )
                    posedParentTransform = MathHelpers.Normalize( worldTransform * GetBonePoseTransform( bone.Parent.Name ) );
                Matrix4 initialPoseTransform = posedParentTransform.Inverse() * posedBoneTransform;
                m_Log.DebugFormat( "Matrices for {0}: posedBoneTransform:\n{1}\nposedParentTransform:\n{2}", bone.Name, posedBoneTransform, posedParentTransform );

                if( boneChannels.Count == 0 )
                    Matrix4 bindTransform = Multiverse.MathLib.MathUtil.GetTransform( bindRotation, bindTranslation );
                    // Check to see if the bind pose and the initial pose for this
                    // scene are the same.  If they are not the same, generate
                    // a track that has one keyframe, just to put the bone in
                    // the right position.
                    m_Log.InfoFormat( "No bone channels for {0}", bone.Name );
                    if( initialPoseTransform == bindTransform )
                        // No need to create an animation track to move the
                        // bone to the initial pose, since this is the bind
                        // pose already.
                    // I used to skip bones for which I lacked bind pose data (from a skin cluster)
                    // but now that I have moved the channel processing code after the skeleton
                    // generation code, I am certain to have bind pose data for the bones in the
                    // skeleton.
                if( m_Log.IsDebugEnabled )
                    m_Log.DebugFormat( "Matrices for {0}: Bind:\n{1}\nInitial:\n{2}", bone.Name, Multiverse.MathLib.MathUtil.GetTransform( bindRotation, bindTranslation ), initialPoseTransform );

                NodeAnimationTrack track = anim.CreateNodeTrack( bone.Handle, bone );

                if( boneChannels.Count == 0 )
                    // Generate a track that has one keyframe, just to put
                    // the bone in the right position.
                    m_Log.InfoFormat( "Generating initial keyframe based on bind pose for {0}", bone.Name );
                    float time = 0;
                    TransformKeyFrame keyFrame = (TransformKeyFrame) track.CreateKeyFrame( time );
                    Matrix4 frameTransform = initialPoseTransform;
                    Quaternion frameRotate;
                    Vector3 frameTranslate, frameScale;
                    Matrix4.DecomposeMatrix( ref frameTransform, out frameTranslate, out frameRotate, out frameScale );
                    m_Log.DebugFormat( "Initial pose for {0}:\n{1}", bone.Name, frameTransform );
                    keyFrame.Rotation = CleanupQuaternion( bindRotation.Inverse() * frameRotate );
                    keyFrame.Translate = frameTranslate - bindTranslation;

                // Set the interpolation mode based on the bone channel
                bool interpModeSet = false;
                foreach( Channel channel in boneChannels )
                    InterpolationMode interpMode = InterpolationMode.Linear;
                    for( int j = 0; j < channel.Sampler.Interpolation.Count; ++j )
                        if( GetInterpolationMode( channel, j, ref interpMode ) )
                            if( interpModeSet && anim.InterpolationMode != interpMode )
                                m_Log.WarnFormat( "Mismatched interpolation modes for different channels: {0} != {1}", anim.InterpolationMode, interpMode );
                            anim.InterpolationMode = interpMode;
                            interpModeSet = true;

                // Assert that all the time accessors for the controlling channels are the same.
                // This will break if we don't bake transforms, since in that case, we will get
                // independent timeChannels for the various boneChannels.
                if( boneChannels.Count != 1 )
                    m_Log.Warn( "Multiple bone channels for a single bone.  Check that transforms have been baked." );
                // Build a list of all the times that we access any bone channel
                List<float> times = new List<float>();
                foreach( Channel channel in boneChannels )
                    Accessor timeAccessor = channel.Sampler.Input.Accessor;
                    for( int j = 0; j < timeAccessor.Count; ++j )
                        // TODO: Hardcoded parameter names
                        float time = 0.0f;
                        if( timeAccessor.ContainsParam( "TIME" ) )
                            time = (float) timeAccessor.GetParam( "TIME", j );
                        else if( timeAccessor.ContainsParam( "time" ) )
                            time = (float) timeAccessor.GetParam( "time", j );
                            Debug.Assert( false, "No time parameter for sampler" );
                        if( !times.Contains( time ) )
                            times.Add( time );
                foreach( float time in times )
                    TransformKeyFrame keyFrame = (TransformKeyFrame) track.CreateKeyFrame( time );
                    Dictionary<Channel, Triple<int, int, float>> channelIndices =
                        GetKeyframeIndicesByTime( boneChannels, time );
                    foreach( Channel channel in boneChannels )
                        Triple<int, int, float> interpInfo = channelIndices[ channel ];
                        SetTransformForChannel( transforms, channel, interpInfo.first, interpInfo.second, interpInfo.third );
                    // Matrix4 fullTransform = worldTransform * GetBakedTransform(transforms) * bone.FullTransform;
                    Matrix4 frameTransform = GetBakedTransform( transforms );
                    Quaternion frameRotate;
                    Vector3 frameTranslate, frameScale;
                    Matrix4.DecomposeMatrix( ref frameTransform, out frameTranslate, out frameRotate, out frameScale );
                    //log.InfoFormat("frameRotate = {0}", GetEulerString(frameRotate));
                    //foreach (NamedTransform nmt in transforms) {
                    //    if (nmt is NamedRotateTransform) {
                    //        Matrix4 tmp = nmt.Transform;
                    //        Quaternion foo = Quaternion.Identity;
                    //        foo.FromRotationMatrix(tmp.GetMatrix3());
                    //        log.InfoFormat("NamedRotateTransform for {0} = {1}", nmt.Name, GetEulerString(foo));
                    //    }
                    // FIXME
                    if( bone.Parent != null )
                        // we have a parent, so apply scale factor to our
                        // translation, but any orientation or translation
                        // from the world will already be included in our
                        // parent.
                        frameTranslate = MathHelpers.ScaleVector( worldScale, frameTranslate );
                        // no parent, so we need to incorporate the world
                        // transform's scale, orientation and translation.
                        frameTranslate = worldTransform * frameTranslate;
                        frameRotate = worldRotate * frameRotate;

                    // Frame transform is our transform relative to the
                    // world-transformed parent bone. If there is no parent,
                    // we are using the identity matrix.
                    // transform from the dae file is based on the position of
                    // the bone relative to the parent bone.  however, in
                    // axiom, the keyframes are based on the position of the
                    // bone relative to the bind position of the bone.
                    // log.DebugFormat("bindRotation = {0}", GetEulerString(bindRotation));
                    // log.DebugFormat("bindRotation.Inverse = {0}", GetEulerString(bindRotation.Inverse()));
                    // log.DebugFormat("frameRotate = {0}", GetEulerString(frameRotate));
                    keyFrame.Rotation = CleanupQuaternion( bindRotation.Inverse() * frameRotate );
                    keyFrame.Translate = frameTranslate - bindTranslation;