Esempio n. 1
        private KeyValuePair <string, string>[] ParseHeaders(FileBuffer buffer)
            var    headers = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            string row;
            string headerName = null;

            while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(row = buffer.TryPopFirst()))
                var success = TryParseHeader(row, out var header);

                if (success)
                    headerName = header.Key;

                else if (headerName != null)
                    // Assume this is a multi-line header value, where the name was defined on a
                    // previous row
                    headers.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(headerName, row));
                    throw new Exception($"The row '{row}' does not match the expected header format");

Esempio n. 2
        private (HttpMethod, string) ParseMethodAndPathAndQuery(FileBuffer buffer)
            var row = buffer.PopFirst();

            var match = methodAndPathAndQueryRegex.Match(row);

            if (!match.Success)
                throw new ArgumentException($"The row '{row}' does not match the expected method, path and query format");

            var method       = new HttpMethod(match.Groups["method"].Value);
            var pathAndQuery = match.Groups["pathAndQuery"].Value;

            return(method, pathAndQuery);
Esempio n. 3
        private HttpContent ParseContent(FileBuffer buffer)
            // If the second last row is a empty string, then the last row is the request content
            if (buffer.Length >= 2 && buffer[buffer.Length - 2] == string.Empty)
                var content = buffer.PopLast();

                // Lets also remove the empty row

                var contentTypeRow = buffer.TryPopStartingWith("Content-Type");
                TryParseHeader(contentTypeRow, out var header);

                return(new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, header.Value));

Esempio n. 4
        public HttpRequestMessage Deserialize()
            var buffer = new FileBuffer(filePath);
            var to     = new HttpRequestMessage();

            // Method, path and query are defined on the first row
            var(method, pathAndQuery) = ParseMethodAndPathAndQuery(buffer);
            to.Method     = method;
            to.RequestUri = new UriBuilder("" + pathAndQuery).Uri;

            // The content, if existing, is defined in two last rows
            to.Content = ParseContent(buffer);

            // Everything else is headers
            foreach (var(name, value) in ParseHeaders(buffer))
                // Skip the 'X-Amz-Date' header, since it is defined in the test context, and it is
                // the responsibility of the signing algorithm to add it to the request
                if (name == HeaderKeys.XAmzDateHeader)

                // The following headers are specified in some scenarios, but are irrelevant for
                // .NET. The HttpClient will add these headers based on the attached Content, and
                // in fact throws an exception if you try to add them to the HttpRequestMessage.
                // We will have to skip unit tests that are based on scenarios with these headers,
                // and instead rely on integration tests.
                if (name == "Content-Type")
                if (name == "Content-Length")

                to.Headers.Add(name, value);
