public static SAPost Build(HtmlNode node, SAThreadPage page) { SAPost result = null; Awful.Core.Event.Logger.AddEntry("SAPost - Parsing postNode for html..."); int id = Factory.ParsePostID(node); try { result = new SAPost(); result.ID = id; result.ThreadPageID = page.ID; Factory.ParseSeenUrl(result, node); Factory.ParseAuthor(result, node); Factory.ParsePostDate(result, node); Factory.ParseUserID(result, node); result.ContentNode = Factory.ParseContent(node); Factory.ParseHasSeen(result, node); Factory.ParseIcon(result, node); } catch (Exception ex) { string error = string.Format("An error occured while processing the post to the database. [{0}] {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); Awful.Core.Event.Logger.AddEntry(error); } return result; }
private string BuildPreviewHtml(HtmlNode node) { SAPost post = new SAPost(); post.PostAuthor = "Post Preview"; post.PostDate = DateTime.Now; post.ShowPostIcon = false; post.PostIndex = 1; var previewContentNode = node.Descendants("div") .Where(n => n.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("postbody")) .FirstOrDefault(); if (previewContentNode != null) { post.ContentNode = previewContentNode; this.Posts = new List<PostData>(1); this.Posts.Add(post); } string content = PostWebViewContentItemBuilder.MergePostsToHtml(this.Posts); return content; }
private void ParseAuthor(SAPost post, HtmlNode postNode) { var authorNode = postNode.Descendants() .Where(node => (node.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("author")) || (node.GetAttributeValue("title", "").Equals("Administrator")) || (node.GetAttributeValue("title", "").Equals("Moderator"))) .FirstOrDefault(); if (authorNode != null) { var type = authorNode.GetAttributeValue("title", ""); switch (type) { case "Administrator": post.AccountType = Models.AccountType.Admin; break; case "Moderator": post.AccountType = Models.AccountType.Moderator; break; default: post.AccountType = Models.AccountType.Normal; break; } post.PostAuthor = authorNode.InnerText; } else { post.PostAuthor = "SAPoster"; post.AccountType = Models.AccountType.Normal; } post.PostAuthor = ContentFilter.Censor(post.PostAuthor); }
private void HandleMark(SAPost post) { var confirm = MessageBox.Show("Mark this post as last read?", ":o", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (confirm == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) return; App.IsBusy = true; threadSvc.MarkThreadToPostAsync(post, result => { if (result == Awful.Core.Models.ActionResult.Success) MessageBox.Show("Mark successful.", ":)", MessageBoxButton.OK); else MessageBox.Show("Mark failed.", ":(", MessageBoxButton.OK); App.IsBusy = false; }); }
public void MarkThreadToPostAsync(SAPost post, Action<Awful.Core.Models.ActionResult> result) { if (Awful.Core.Event.Logger.IsEnabled) { Awful.Core.Event.Logger.AddEntry( string.Format("MarkThreadToPost - PostID: {0}", post.ID)); } var markUrl = post.MarkSeenUrl; RunURLTaskAsync(markUrl, result); }
private Brush HandleForeground(SAPost post) { if (post != null && post.HasSeen) return new SolidColorBrush() { Color = App.Layout.CurrentTheme.PostHasSeen }; return new SolidColorBrush() { Color = App.Layout.CurrentTheme.PostForeground }; }
private object HandleAccountType(SAPost post) { var colorString = ((Color)App.Current.Resources["PhoneForegroundColor"]).ToString(); if (post == null) return colorString; switch (post.AccountType) { case AccountType.Moderator: colorString = "gold"; break; case AccountType.Admin: colorString = "red"; break; } return colorString; }
private static string AppendPostAuthor(SAPost post) { var color = string.Empty; switch (post.AccountType) { case AccountType.Admin: color = "style='color:red; font-size: large'"; break; case AccountType.Moderator: color = "style='color:yellow; font-size: large'"; break; case AccountType.Normal: color = string.Format("style='color:#{0}; font-size: large'", Globals.Resources.Foreground.ToString().Substring(3)); break; } return string.Format("<span class='text_title3style' {1}>{0}</span><br/>", post.PostAuthor, color); }
private void ScrollToPost(SAPost post) { if (post == null) return; string smooth; if (App.Settings.SmoothScrolling == true) { smooth = "true"; ThreadContentView.InvokeScript("scrollTo", "postlink" + post.PostIndex, smooth); } else { smooth = "false"; ThreadContentView.InvokeScript("scrollTo", "post_" + post.PostIndex, smooth); } }
private void ParseIcon(SAPost post, HtmlNode postNode) { try { post.PostIconUri = postNode.Descendants() .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("title")) .First() .Descendants("img") .First() .GetAttributeValue("src", ""); post.ShowPostIcon = true; } catch (Exception) { post.PostIconUri = null; post.ShowPostIcon = false; } }
private void PostJumpListItemTap(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Controls.GroupPickerItemTapEventArgs e) { _selectedPost = e.DataItem as SAPost; }
private void ParseUserID(SAPost post, HtmlNode postNode) { var userIDNode = postNode.Descendants() .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains("userid")) .FirstOrDefault(); if (userIDNode != null) { string value = userIDNode.GetAttributeValue("class", ""); value = value.Replace("userinfo userid-", ""); int userid = 0; int.TryParse(value, out userid); post.UserID = userid; } }
private void ParseSeenUrl(SAPost post, HtmlNode postNode) { var seenUrlNode = postNode.Descendants("a") .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("title", "").Equals("Mark thread seen up to this post")) .FirstOrDefault(); if (seenUrlNode == null) { post.MarkSeenUrl = String.Empty; } else { // make sure the string is in the right format so the uri class can parse correctly. var nodeValue = seenUrlNode.GetAttributeValue("href", ""); post.MarkSeenUrl = string.Format("{0}", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(nodeValue)); } }
private void ParsePostDate(SAPost post, HtmlNode postNode) { var postDateNode = postNode.Descendants() .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Equals("postdate")) .FirstOrDefault(); var postDateString = postDateNode == null ? string.Empty : postDateNode.InnerText; post.PostDate = postDateNode == null ? default(DateTime) : Convert.ToDateTime(postDateString.SanitizeDateTimeHTML()); }
private void HandleQuote(SAPost post) { App.IsBusy = true; string id = post.ID.ToString(); replySvc.GetQuote(id, (result, text) => { ContentLoaded.Fire<WebContentLoadedEventArgs>(this, new WebContentLoadedEventArgs(RequestType.Quote, text)); App.IsBusy = false; }); }
private void PostJumpList_CloseAnimationEnded(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_selectedPost != null) { this._reloaded = true; ScrollToPost(_selectedPost); this._selectedPost = null; ThreadContentView.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; PostJumpList.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } }
private void ParseHasSeen(SAPost post, HtmlNode postNode) { var hasSeenMarker = postNode.Descendants("tr") .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("class", "").Contains(HAS_SEEN_FLAG)) .FirstOrDefault(); var hasNotSeenMarker = postNode.Descendants("img") .Where(node => node.GetAttributeValue("src", "") .Equals(HAS_NOT_SEEN_URL)).FirstOrDefault(); bool firstGuess = hasSeenMarker != null; bool secondGuess = hasNotSeenMarker == null; post.HasSeen = firstGuess || secondGuess; }