public static Dictionary <string, object> get() { label_1: while (true) { try { FakeInfoCore.buildversion = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.regioncode = "en_US"; FakeInfoCore.langcode = "en"; FakeInfoCore.countryISO = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.countryCode = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.timezone = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.location = PointF.Empty; FakeInfoCore.carrier = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.locale = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.model = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.modemVersion = (string)null; FakeInfoCore.systemVersion = (string)null; = (string)null; if (FakeInfoCore._timezones == null) { FakeInfoCore._modemlee = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.Modembylee, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._IMEbylee = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(GlobalConfig.executableDirectory() + "\\IMEbylee.list"); FakeInfoCore._modelbylee = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.modelbylee, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._timezones = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.Timezones, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._carriers = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.Operators, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._regions = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.Regions, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._langs = FakeInfoCore._regions; FakeInfoCore._ua = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.UA, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._names = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(GlobalConfig.executableDirectory() + "\\Names.list"); FakeInfoCore._codes = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.Countries, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._ccodes = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.Codes, "\r\n"); FakeInfoCore._LocaleLanguages = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.LocaleLanguages, "\r\n"); } string[] strArray1 = Split.tachchuoi(ResourceList.IOSLanguageCode, "\r\n"); Dictionary <string, object> dictionary1 = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getBooleanForKey("FakeLocationFromIP")) { string requestUriString = "" + GlobalConfig.currentPublicIP + "?key=kISXZimHUJwHgV7"; string input = (string)null; using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)WebRequest.Create(requestUriString).GetResponse()) { using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(responseStream)) input = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } } if (input != null) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary2 = FakeInfoCore.jss.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(input); = dictionary2["country"].ToString(); string str1 = dictionary2["countryCode"].ToString(); dictionary2["region"].ToString(); string str2 = dictionary2["timezone"].ToString(); double num1 = Convert.ToDouble(dictionary2["lat"].ToString()); double num2 = Convert.ToDouble(dictionary2["lon"].ToString()); double num3 = (double)FakeInfoCore.GetRandomNumber(-10000, 10000) / 100000.0; double num4 = (double)FakeInfoCore.GetRandomNumber(-10000, 10000) / 100000.0; FakeInfoCore.location = new PointF((float)(num1 + num3), (float)(num2 + num4)); FakeInfoCore.timezone = !((IEnumerable <string>)FakeInfoCore._timezones).Contains <string>(str2) ? GlobalConfig.randItem(FakeInfoCore._timezones) : str2; for (int index = 0; index < ((IEnumerable <string>)strArray1).Count <string>(); ++index) { if (strArray1[index].IndexOf( >= 0) { FakeInfoCore.langcode = Split.tachchuoi(strArray1[index], "|")[0]; break; } } List <region> source1 = new List <region>(); foreach (string region in FakeInfoCore._regions) { string str3 = Split.tachchuoi(region, "_")[1]; if (str1.ToLower() == str3.ToLower()) { source1.Add(new region() { code = region }); } try { string str4 = Split.tachchuoi(region, "_")[2]; if (str1.ToLower() == str4.ToLower()) { source1.Add(new region() { code = region }); } } catch { } } try { string langcode = FakeInfoCore.langcode; if (langcode.IndexOf("_") >= 0) { langcode = Split.tachchuoi(langcode, "_")[0]; } for (int index = 0; index < source1.Count <region>(); ++index) { if (source1[index].code.IndexOf(langcode) >= 0) { FakeInfoCore.regioncode = source1[index].code; break; } } } catch { } FakeInfoCore.countryISO = str1.ToLower(); string upper = dictionary2["country"].ToString().ToUpper(); foreach (string code in FakeInfoCore._codes) { if (code.Contains(upper)) { FakeInfoCore.countryCode = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(code)[1]; break; } } if (FakeInfoCore.countryCode == null || FakeInfoCore.countryCode == "") { int num5 = (int)MessageBox.Show("set countryCode", upper); } List <Carrier> source2 = new List <Carrier>(); foreach (string carrier in FakeInfoCore._carriers) { if (carrier.ToUpper().Contains(upper)) { string str3 = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(carrier)[1]; string str4 = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(carrier)[2]; string str5 = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(carrier)[3]; string str6 = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(carrier)[4]; if (str3 != null && str3 != "") { source2.Add(new Carrier() { namecarrier = str3, mcc = str4, mnc = str5, iso = str6 }); } } } if (source2.Count == 0) { int index = new Random().Next(0, ((IEnumerable <string>)FakeInfoCore._carriers).Count <string>()); FakeInfoCore.carrier = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(FakeInfoCore._carriers[index])[1]; FakeInfoCore.mcc = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(FakeInfoCore._carriers[index])[2]; FakeInfoCore.mnc = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(FakeInfoCore._carriers[index])[3]; FakeInfoCore.iso = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(FakeInfoCore._carriers[index])[4]; } else { int index = new Random().Next(0, source2.Count <Carrier>()); FakeInfoCore.carrier = source2[index].namecarrier; FakeInfoCore.mcc = source2[index].mcc; FakeInfoCore.mnc = source2[index].mnc; FakeInfoCore.iso = source2[index].iso; } } else { int num = (int)MessageBox.Show("Lol"); } } else { int int32ForKey1 = LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getInt32ForKey("fakeRegion"); FakeInfoCore.regioncode = FakeInfoCore._e("fakeRegionEnable") ? FakeInfoCore._regions[int32ForKey1] : (string)null; int int32ForKey2 = LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getInt32ForKey("fakeLang"); FakeInfoCore.langcode = FakeInfoCore._e("fakelangEnable") ? FakeInfoCore._langs[int32ForKey2] : (string)null; int int32ForKey3 = LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getInt32ForKey("fakeTz"); FakeInfoCore.timezone = FakeInfoCore._e("fakeTzEnable") ? FakeInfoCore._timezones[int32ForKey3] : (string)null; int int32ForKey4 = LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getInt32ForKey("fakeCa"); FakeInfoCore.carrier = FakeInfoCore._e("fakeCaEnable") ? FakeInfoCore._carriers[int32ForKey4] : (string)null; FakeInfoCore.location = FakeInfoCore._e("fakeLocationEnable") ? new PointF((float)Convert.ToDouble(LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getStringForKey("fakeLocationLat")), (float)Convert.ToDouble(LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getStringForKey("fakeLocationLong"))) : PointF.Empty; string[] strArray2 = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(FakeInfoCore.carrier); if (strArray2.Length >= 2) { FakeInfoCore.carrier = strArray2[1]; foreach (string ccode in FakeInfoCore._ccodes) { if (ccode.StartsWith(strArray2[0].ToUpper())) { FakeInfoCore.countryISO = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(ccode, ";")[1].ToLower(); break; } } foreach (string code in FakeInfoCore._codes) { if (code.StartsWith(strArray2[0].ToUpper())) { FakeInfoCore.countryCode = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(code, " | ")[1].ToLower(); break; } } } } while (true) { if (LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getBooleanForKey("FakeDeviceFromFile")) { do { List <string> source = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < ((IEnumerable <string>)FakeInfoCore._models_).Count <string>(); ++index) { if (frmMain.bool_iphone7 && FakeInfoCore._models_[index].IndexOf("iPhone 7") >= 0) { source.Add(FakeInfoCore._models_[index]); } } FakeInfoCore.model = source.Count <string>() <= 0 ? GlobalConfig.randItem(((IEnumerable <string>)FakeInfoCore._models_).ToArray <string>()) : GlobalConfig.randItem(source.ToArray()); string str1 = Split.tachchuoi(FakeInfoCore.model, " | ")[1]; List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < ((IEnumerable <string>)FakeInfoCore._modemlee).Count <string>(); ++index) { string str2 = Split.tachchuoi(FakeInfoCore._modemlee[index], "|")[1]; if (FakeInfoCore._modemlee[index].IndexOf(str1) >= 0 && str2.IndexOf(FakeInfoCore.iosVersion) >= 0) { stringList.Add(FakeInfoCore._modemlee[index]); } } FakeInfoCore.systemVersion = Split.tachchuoi(GlobalConfig.randItem(stringList.ToArray()), "|")[1]; }while (frmMain.bool_chkonly10_3_1 && FakeInfoCore.systemVersion != "10.3.1"); = GlobalConfig.randItem(FakeInfoCore._names); } else { FakeInfoCore.systemVersion = GlobalConfig.randItem(FakeInfoCore._versions_); FakeInfoCore.model = GlobalConfig.randItem(FakeInfoCore._models_); if (FakeInfoCore._e("FRandName")) { = GlobalConfig.randItem(FakeInfoCore._names); if (FakeInfoCore.model.StartsWith("iPad") || FakeInfoCore.model.StartsWith("iPhone") || !FakeInfoCore.model.StartsWith("iPod")) { ; } } else { = LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().getStringForKey("fakeName"); if ( == null) { = ""; } } } if (FakeInfoCore.timezone != null) { dictionary1["tz"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.timezone; } if (FakeInfoCore.regioncode != null) { dictionary1["locale"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.regioncode; } if (FakeInfoCore.langcode != null) { dictionary1["lang"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.langcode; } if (FakeInfoCore.carrier != null) { dictionary1["carrier"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.carrier; dictionary1["mcc"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.mcc; dictionary1["mnc"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.mnc; dictionary1["iso"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.iso; } if (FakeInfoCore.location != PointF.Empty) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary2 = dictionary1; string index1 = "location_x"; float num = FakeInfoCore.location.X; string str1 = num.ToString(); dictionary2[index1] = (object)str1; Dictionary <string, object> dictionary3 = dictionary1; string index2 = "location_y"; num = FakeInfoCore.location.Y; string str2 = num.ToString(); dictionary3[index2] = (object)str2; } if ( != null) { dictionary1["name"] = (object); } if (FakeInfoCore.systemVersion != null) { string ios = ResourceList.IOS; string[] strArray2 = Split.tachchuoi(ios, "\r\n"); for (int index = 0; index < ios.Count <char>(); ++index) { if (strArray2[index].ToString().Contains(FakeInfoCore.systemVersion)) { dictionary1["systemVersion"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(strArray2[index], "-")[0]; dictionary1["buildversion"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(strArray2[index], "-")[1]; break; } } } if (FakeInfoCore.model != null) { if (FakeInfoCore.model.StartsWith("iPhone")) { dictionary1["model"] = (object)"iPhone"; } if (FakeInfoCore.model.StartsWith("iPad")) { dictionary1["model"] = (object)"iPad"; } if (FakeInfoCore.model.StartsWith("iPod")) { dictionary1["model"] = (object)"iPod"; } string[] strArray2 = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(FakeInfoCore.model); if (strArray2.Length == 2) { dictionary1["machine"] = (object)strArray2[1].Trim(); } } if (FakeInfoCore.systemVersion != null && FakeInfoCore.model != null) { string str1 = dictionary1["model"].ToString() + ";"; if (dictionary1["model"].ToString().StartsWith("iPod")) { str1 = dictionary1["model"].ToString() + " touch;"; } string str2 = FakeInfoCore.systemVersion.Replace(".", "_"); List <string> stringList = new List <string>(); foreach (string str3 in FakeInfoCore._ua) { if (str3.Contains(str2 + " ") && str3.Contains(str1)) { stringList.Add(str3); } } if (stringList.Count > 0) { dictionary1["ua"] = (object)GlobalConfig.randItem(stringList.ToArray()); } else if (stringList.Count == 0) { foreach (string str3 in FakeInfoCore._ua) { if (str3.Contains(str2 + " ")) { stringList.Add(str3); } } if (stringList.Count > 0) { dictionary1["ua"] = (object)GlobalConfig.randItem(stringList.ToArray()); } } } Random random = new Random(); dictionary1["serial"] = (object)GlobalConfig.RandomString((string)null, 12); dictionary1["imei"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.CreateImeibylee(); List <modelVersion> source1 = new List <modelVersion>(); foreach (string chuoi in FakeInfoCore._modelbylee) { string str = dictionary1["machine"].ToString(); if (chuoi.Contains(str)) { source1.Add(new modelVersion() { name = Split.tachchuoi(chuoi, "|")[0] }); } } if (source1.Count <modelVersion>() != 0) { int index = random.Next(0, source1.Count <modelVersion>()); dictionary1["modelVersion"] = (object)(source1[index].name + "J/A"); string str = dictionary1["machine"].ToString() + "|" + dictionary1["systemVersion"] + "|" + dictionary1["buildversion"]; foreach (string chuoi in FakeInfoCore._modemlee) { if (chuoi.Contains(str)) { dictionary1["ModemVersion"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(chuoi, "|")[3]; dictionary1["yearcpr"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(chuoi, "|")[4]; break; } } try { if (!(dictionary1["ModemVersion"].ToString() == "") || dictionary1["ModemVersion"].ToString() != null) { break; } } catch { } } else { goto label_1; } } for (int index = 0; index < ((IEnumerable <string>)FakeInfoCore._LocaleLanguages).Count <string>(); ++index) { if (FakeInfoCore._LocaleLanguages[index].IndexOf( >= 0) { dictionary1["locale"] = dictionary1["AppleLocale"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(FakeInfoCore._LocaleLanguages[index], "|")[1]; dictionary1["lang"] = dictionary1["AppleLanguages"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(FakeInfoCore._LocaleLanguages[index], "|")[2]; break; } } try { if (dictionary1["AppleLocale"].ToString() == "" || dictionary1["AppleLocale"].ToString() == null || dictionary1["AppleLanguages"].ToString() == "" || dictionary1["AppleLanguages"].ToString() == null) { int num = (int)MessageBox.Show("Chua add GEO nay"); } } catch { int num = (int)MessageBox.Show("Chua add GEO nay"); continue; } dictionary1["BSSID"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.CreateBSSIDbylee(); dictionary1["aliMac"] = (object)dictionary1["BSSID"].ToString(); dictionary1["aliImei"] = (object)FakeInfoCore.TOSHA1(dictionary1["aliMac"].ToString()); return(dictionary1); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public void execute(out bool end, int countrun, bool setRRS) { if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.Script2Operation) { if (File.Exists(LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().configDirectory() + "/Scripts/" + this.appScriptOperationAppName.Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName))) { string str = File.ReadAllText(LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().configDirectory() + "/Scripts/" + this.appScriptOperationAppName.Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName)); if (str != null) { this.scripts = GlobalConfig.splitToLines(str); } } else { Operation.__g_var_appId = frmMain.Appid; Operation.__g_var_appName = frmMain.AppnameDefault; if (File.Exists(LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().configDirectory() + "/Scripts/" + this.appScriptOperationAppName.Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName))) { string str = File.ReadAllText(LocalConfig.getCurrentConfig().configDirectory() + "/Scripts/" + this.appScriptOperationAppName.Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName)); if (str != null) { this.scripts = GlobalConfig.splitToLines(str); } } } bool result1 = false; end = false; frmMain.BoolstartTimer1 = true; for (int index = 0; index < this.scripts.Length; ++index) { this.CheckConnectDevice(); if (AutoLeadClient.send(Operation.jss.Serialize((object)new Dictionary <string, object>() { ["cmd"] = (object)"topmostappsystem" })) && AutoLeadClient.receive().IndexOf(Operation.idapp_open) < 0) { string script1Line = "open_app(" + Operation.idapp_open + ")"; try { bool result2; ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result2); } catch { } } string script1Line1 = this.scripts[index].Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName).Replace(Operation.CurrentAppId, Operation.__g_var_appId); if (script1Line1 != null && script1Line1 != "") { frmMain.sttScript2 = script1Line1; if (script1Line1 == "capcharAli") { frmMain.FindAli(); script1Line1 = "text(\"" + Capchar.Getcapchar() + "\")"; } if (script1Line1 == "downChMavrochain") { frmMain.FindMavrochain(); script1Line1 = ""; } if (script1Line1 == "capcharMavrochain") { script1Line1 = "rd(\"" + Capchar.Getcapchar() + "\")"; } this.CheckConnectDevice(); ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line1, out result1, this); } } frmMain.BoolstartTimer1 = false; } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.ScriptOperation && this._description.IndexOf("Script RRS") >= 0) { bool result1 = false; end = false; frmMain.BoolstartTimer1 = true; for (int index = 0; index < this.scripts.Length; ++index) { this.CheckConnectDevice(); if (AutoLeadClient.send(Operation.jss.Serialize((object)new Dictionary <string, object>() { ["cmd"] = (object)"topmostappsystem" })) && AutoLeadClient.receive().IndexOf(frmMain.idappRRS) < 0) { string script1Line = "open_app(" + frmMain.idappRRS + ")"; try { bool result2; ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result2); } catch { } } string script1Line1 = this.scripts[index].Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName).Replace(Operation.CurrentAppId, Operation.__g_var_appId); if (script1Line1 != null && script1Line1 != "") { frmMain.sttScript2 = script1Line1; this.CheckConnectDevice(); ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line1, out result1, this); } } frmMain.BoolstartTimer1 = false; } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.WaitForAppStoreOperation) { try { end = false; this.checkASFlag = true; this.checkAS = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this._check_appstore)); this.checkAS.Start(); while (this.timeout > 0) { if (!frmMain.sttconnect) { end = true; break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); if (this.checkASResult != null) { break; } } this.checkASFlag = false; while (this.checkAS.IsAlive) { if (!frmMain.sttconnect) { end = true; break; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (this.checkASResult == null) { end = true; } this.checkAS = (Thread)null; } catch (Exception ex) { if (this.checkAS != null && this.checkAS.IsAlive) { this.checkAS.Abort(); } throw ex; } } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.OpenDetectedAppOperation) { end = false; if (frmMain.bool_detectapp) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["cmd"] = (object)"topmostappsystem"; string url = (string)null; if (AutoLeadClient.send(Operation.jss.Serialize((object)dictionary))) { string input = AutoLeadClient.receive(); this.checkASResult = Operation.jss.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(input); url = this.checkASResult["url"].ToString(); if (url.Length > 0) { Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId = AppURLToAppID.AppIDFromURL(url); if (Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId.Length <= 0) { Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId = AppURLToAppID.AppIDFromSiteLee(url); } } } if (Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId.Length > 0) { List <Listapp> list = frmMain.ListappInstall.Where <Listapp>((Func <Listapp, bool>)(c => c.app_id == Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId)).ToList <Listapp>(); if (list.Count <Listapp>() > 0) { Operation.nameapp_open = list[0].app_name; if (!frmMain.bool_sml) { if (frmMain.Appid != Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId) { end = true; } else { string script1Line = "open_app(" + Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId + ")"; Operation.idapp_open = Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId; try { bool result; ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result); } catch { } } } else { string script1Line = "open_app(" + Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId + ")"; Operation.idapp_open = Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId; try { bool result; ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result); } catch { } } } else { end = true; } } else { int num1 = (int)MessageBox.Show(url + " \r\n Nhấn OK để copy link app"); if (!frmMain.bool_sml) { int num2 = (int)MessageBox.Show("App này không nhận dạng được, bỏ chọn phần 'Nhận dạng app'"); } end = true; } } else { Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId = frmMain.Appid; string script1Line = "open_app(" + Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId + ")"; Operation.idapp_open = Operation.__g_var_detectedAppId; Operation.nameapp_open = frmMain.AppnameDefault; try { bool result; ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result); } catch { } } } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.GetRunningAppOperation) { Operation.__g_var_appId = Operation.idapp_open; Operation.__g_var_appName = Operation.nameapp_open; end = false; } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.FakeInfoOperation) { Dictionary <string, object> dictionary; while (true) { end = false; dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dictionary["cmd"] = (object)"fake_info"; dictionary["listapp_id"] = (object)this.fakeAppId; if (this.fakeSet) { if (Operation.dict.Count <= 0) { Operation.dict = FakeInfoCore.get(); } if (Operation.dict.Count > 0) { if (!Operation.CheckinfoFake(Operation.dict)) { Operation.dict.Clear(); } else { break; } } else { goto label_101; } } else { goto label_101; } } if (frmMain.bool_fakelangnoIP) { Operation.dict["lang"] = (object)Split.tachchuoi(frmMain.langnoIP, "|")[0]; } Operation.dict["setfakegeo"] = !frmMain.bool_fakegeo ? (object)"0" : (object)"1"; Operation.dict["setfakeUa"] = !frmMain.bool_fakeUA ? (object)"0" : (object)"1"; Operation.dict["setfakescreen"] = !frmMain.bool_fakescreen ? (object)"0" : (object)"1"; dictionary["info"] = (object)Operation.dict; label_101: if (!AutoLeadClient.send(Operation.jss.Serialize((object)dictionary))) { return; } string input = AutoLeadClient.receive(); if (Convert.ToInt32(Operation.jss.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(input)["result"]) != 1) { throw new Exception("ERROR. [" + this.description() + "] return [False]"); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.SetupProxyOperation) { end = false; try { string[] strArray = GlobalConfig.stringSplit(this.ipWithLocation, ","); if (strArray.Length >= 3) { string country = strArray[1].Trim(); strArray[2].Trim(); if (country.Equals("TAIWAN")) { country = "TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA"; } if (country.Equals("BOLIVIA")) { country = "BOLIVIA, PLURINATIONAL STATE OF"; } if (country.Equals("IRAN")) { country = "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF"; } if (country.Equals("IRAN")) { country = "IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF"; } if (country.Equals("KOREA")) { country = "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF"; } if (country.Equals("KOREA")) { country = "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF"; } if (country.Equals("MACEDONIA")) { country = "MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF"; } if (country.Equals("MOLDOVA")) { country = "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF"; } if (country.Equals("PALESTINE")) { country = "PALESTINE, STATE OF"; } string str1 = strArray[0].Trim(); string str2 = this.ipWithLocation.Replace(str1, "").Replace(", " + country, "").Trim(); string region = str2.Length != 0 ? str2.Remove(0, 1).Trim() : (string)null; this.frm.setupProxy(this.tool, str1, country, region, this.previousSshInfo); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (GlobalConfig.currentPublicIP == null) { throw new Exception("ERROR. Could not execute [" + this.description() + "]"); } } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.ChangeIPOperation) { if (!setRRS) { Operation.dict.Clear(); } end = false; try { this.frm.changeIP(); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (GlobalConfig.currentPublicIP == null) { throw new Exception("ERROR. Could not execute [" + this.description() + "]"); } } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.AppScriptOperation) { end = false; new Dictionary <string, object>()["cmd"] = (object)"topmostappsystem"; if (!this._isAppRunning(this.appScriptOperationAppName)) { return; } bool result = false; end = false; for (int index = 0; index < this.scripts.Length; ++index) { this.CheckConnectDevice(); string script1Line = this.scripts[index].Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName).Replace(Operation.CurrentAppId, Operation.__g_var_appId); if (this._isAppRunning(this.appScriptOperationAppName)) { if (!ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result, this)) { if (!result) { throw new Exception("ERROR. Could not execute [" + this.description() + "]"); } end = true; break; } if (!result) { throw new Exception("ERROR. [" + this.description() + "] return [False]"); } } else { break; } } } else if (this.type == Operation.OperationType.ScriptOperation && this._description.IndexOf("Restore") >= 0) { bool result = false; end = false; for (int index = 0; index < this.scripts.Length; ++index) { string script1Line = this.scripts[index].Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName).Replace(Operation.CurrentAppId, Operation.__g_var_appId).Replace(" ", ""); if (script1Line != null && script1Line != "") { ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result, this); frmMain.RestoreRRS(Split.tachchuoi(this.scripts[index].Replace("restore(", "").Replace(",<current_appid>)", ""), ",")[0]); Thread.Sleep(3000); result = true; end = false; } } } else { bool result = false; end = false; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < this.scripts.Length; ++index1) { string script1Line = this.scripts[index1].Replace(Operation.CurrentAppName, Operation.__g_var_appName).Replace(Operation.CurrentAppId, Operation.__g_var_appId); if (script1Line == "exit()") { script1Line = ""; Operation.__g_var_appName = ""; Operation.__g_var_appId = ""; } if (script1Line == "downChMavrochain") { frmMain.FindMavrochain(); script1Line = ""; } if (script1Line == "capcharMavrochain") { script1Line = "rd(\"" + Capchar.Getcapchar() + "\")"; } if (script1Line != null && script1Line != "") { if (script1Line.IndexOf("backup") >= 0) { if (script1Line.IndexOf("backuprrs") >= 0) { string str1 = script1Line.Replace("backuprrs", "backup").Replace(" ", ""); string str2 = Split.tachchuoi(str1, ",")[0].Replace("backup(", ""); frmMain.WipeOlRRSlee(str2); ScriptsCore.executeScript(str1, out result, this); frmMain.BKRRS(str2, true); result = true; end = false; break; } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < frmMain.ListVitriBk.Count; ++index2) { if (frmMain.ListVitriBk[index2].vitri == countrun) { string str = script1Line.Replace(" ", ""); ScriptsCore.executeScript(str, out result, this); frmMain.BKRRS(Split.tachchuoi(str, ",")[0].Replace("backup(", ""), false); frmMain.UpRRSFtp(); result = true; end = false; break; } } result = true; end = false; } else if (!ScriptsCore.executeScript(script1Line, out result, this)) { if (!result) { throw new Exception("ERROR. Could not execute [" + this.description() + "]"); } end = true; break; } if (!result) { throw new Exception("ERROR. [" + this.description() + "] return [False]"); } } } } }