/// <summary>
        /// Inserts the lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project.</param>
        /// <param name="lineCount">The line count.</param>
        private void InsertLines(
			Project project,
			int lineCount)
            // Pull out some useful variables.
            ProjectBlockCollection blocks = project.Blocks;

            // Modify the first line, which is always there.
            using (blocks[0].AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                blocks[0].SetText("Line 1");

            // Add in the additional lines after the first one.
            for (int i = 1;
                i < lineCount;
                var block = new Block(blocks);
                using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                    block.SetText("Line " + (i + 1));
        public void AnalyzeBlock(
			Block block,
			int blockVersion)
            // Grab the information about the block.
            string text;
            var originalMispelledWords = new TextSpanCollection();

            using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Read))
                // If we are stale, then break out.
                if (block.IsStale(blockVersion))

                // Grab the information from the block. We need the text and
                // alow the current spelling areas.
                text = block.Text;

                    block.TextSpans.Where(span => span.Controller == this));

            // Split the word and perform spell-checking.
            var misspelledWords = new List<TextSpan>();
            IList<TextSpan> words = Splitter.SplitAndNormalize(text);
            IEnumerable<TextSpan> misspelledSpans =
                words.Where(span => !IsCorrect(span.GetText(text)));

            foreach (TextSpan span in misspelledSpans)
                // We aren't correct, so add it to the list.
                span.Controller = this;


            // Look to see if we have any change from the original spelling
            // errors and this one. This will only happen if the count is
            // identical and every one in the original list is in the new list.
            if (originalMispelledWords.Count == misspelledWords.Count)
                bool isMatch = originalMispelledWords.All(misspelledWords.Contains);

                if (isMatch)
                    // There are no new changes, so we don't have anything to
                    // update.

            // Inside a write lock, we need to make modifications to the block's list.
            using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Check one last time to see if the block is stale.
                if (block.IsStale(blockVersion))

                // Make the changes to the block's contents.

                // Raise that we changed the spelling on the block.
		/// <summary>
		/// Processes any block analysis on the given block.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="block">The block.</param>
		public async void ProcessBlockAnalysis(Block block)
			// If we don't have any analysis controllers, we don't have to do anything.
			if (BlockAnalyzers.Count == 0)

			// Keep track of the running tasks so we can wait for them to finish
			// (if needed).
			Interlocked.Increment(ref tasksRunning);

				// Grab information about the block inside a read lock.
				int blockVersion;
				HashSet<IBlockAnalyzerProjectPlugin> analysis;

				using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Read))
					blockVersion = block.Version;
					analysis = block.GetAnalysis();

				// Create a background task that will analyze the block. This will return
				// false if the block had changed in the process of analysis (which would
				// have triggered another background task).
				var analyzer = new BlockAnalyzer(
					block, blockVersion, BlockAnalyzers, analysis);
				Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(analyzer.Run);

				// Wait for the task to complete in the background so we can then
				// decrement our running counter.
				await task;
				// Decrement the counter to keep track of running tasks.
				Interlocked.Decrement(ref tasksRunning);
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the block and counts the word. Once counted, this updates
        /// the block and all parent blocks with the altered change.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">The block.</param>
        /// <param name="blockVersion">The block version of the initial request.</param>
        public void AnalyzeBlock(
			Block block,
			int blockVersion)
            // Grab counts from the current block text.
            int newCount = 1;
            int newWordCount;
            int newCharacterCount;
            int newNonWhitespaceCount;
            string text = block.Text;

                text, out newWordCount, out newCharacterCount, out newNonWhitespaceCount);

            // Grab the existing counts from the current block, if we have one.
            int oldCount;
            int oldWordCount;
            int oldCharacterCount;
            int oldNonWhitespaceCount;

                out oldCount,
                out oldWordCount,
                out oldCharacterCount,
                out oldNonWhitespaceCount);

            // Calculate the deltas between the values.
            int delta = newCount - oldCount;
            int wordDelta = newWordCount - oldWordCount;
            int characterDelta = newCharacterCount - oldCharacterCount;
            int nonWhitespaceDelta = newNonWhitespaceCount - oldNonWhitespaceCount;

            // Build up a dictionary of changes so we can have a simple loop to
            // set them in the various elements.
            Dictionary<HierarchicalPath, int> deltas =
                    this, block, delta, wordDelta, characterDelta, nonWhitespaceDelta);

            // Get a write lock on the blocks list and update that block and all
            // parent blocks in the document.
            using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Log that we are analyzing this block.
                Log("BEGIN AnalyzeBlock: {0}: Words {1:N0}", block, newWordCount);

                // First check to see if we've gotten stale.
                if (block.IsStale(blockVersion))

                // Update the block and the document.
                UpdateDeltas(block, deltas);
                UpdateDeltas(block.Project, deltas);

                // Log that we finished processing this block.
                Log("END   AnalyzeBlock: {0}: Words {1:N0}", block, newWordCount);
        public void ChangeBlockType(
			Block block,
			BlockType oldBlockType)
            // We need a write lock on the blocks while we make this change.
            using (block.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))
                // Report what we're doing if we have logging on.
                Log("ChangeBlockType: {0}: Old Type {1}", block, oldBlockType);

                //// Figure out the deltas for this block.
                //var deltas = new Dictionary<HierarchicalPath, int>();
                //deltas[WordCounterPathUtility.GetPath(oldBlockType)] = -1;
                //deltas[WordCounterPathUtility.GetPath(block.BlockType)] = 1;

                //// Update the parent types.
                //UpdateDeltas(block, deltas);
                //UpdateDeltas(block.Project, deltas);
        public void Do(BlockCommandContext context)
            // We have to clear the undo buffer every time because we'll be creating
            // new blocks.

            // Start by breaking apart the lines on the newline.
            string[] lines = Text.Split('\n');

            // Make changes to the first line by creating a command, adding it to the
            // list of commands we need an inverse for, and then performing it.
            Block block = context.Blocks[BlockPosition.BlockKey];
            string remainingText = block.Text.Substring((int) BlockPosition.TextIndex);
            deleteFirstCommand = new DeleteTextCommand(BlockPosition, block.Text.Length);
            insertFirstCommand = new InsertTextCommand(BlockPosition, lines[0]);


            // Update the final lines text with the remains of the first line.
            int lastLineLength = lines[lines.Length - 1].Length;
            lines[lines.Length - 1] += remainingText;

            // For the remaining lines, we need to insert each one in turn.
            if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                context.Position = BlockPosition.Empty;

            if (lines.Length > 1)
                // Go through all the lines in reverse order to insert them.
                int firstBlockIndex = context.Blocks.IndexOf(block);

                for (int i = lines.Length - 1;
                    i > 0;
                    // Insert the line and set its text value.
                    var newBlock = new Block(context.Blocks);


                    using (newBlock.AcquireBlockLock(RequestLock.Write))

                    context.Blocks.Insert(firstBlockIndex + 1, newBlock);

                    // Update the last position as we go.
                    if (context.Position == BlockPosition.Empty)
                        if (UpdateTextPosition.HasFlag(DoTypes.Do))
                            context.Position = new BlockPosition(
                                newBlock.BlockKey, (CharacterPosition) lastLineLength);