public Validation CreateEvent(ref Event auctionEvent,
                                      long currentUserId)
            var val = new Validation();

            var trans = _factory.BuildTransaction("CreateEvent");

                val = _validator.ValidateNewEvent(auctionEvent, ref trans);
                if (val.IsValid)
                    auctionEvent.CreatedBy = currentUserId;
                    _repo.Insert(ref auctionEvent, ref trans);
            catch (Exception e)
                val.AddError(string.Format("Unable to create auction: {0}", e.Message));

            return val;
        public Validation ValidateExistingEvent(Event auctionEvent, ref IAuctionTransaction trans)
            var val = new Validation();

            if (auctionEvent.Id <= 0)
                val.AddError("Auction must have an id");
            if (auctionEvent.Name == string.Empty)
                val.AddError("Name is empty");

            if (auctionEvent.Date == DateTime.MinValue)
                val.AddError("Date is not set");

            return val;
        public Validation ValidateNewEvent(Event auctionEvent, ref IAuctionTransaction trans)
            var val = new Validation();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(auctionEvent.Name))
                val.AddError("Name is empty");

            if(auctionEvent.Date == DateTime.MinValue)
                val.AddError("Date is not set");

            int accountLimit = _accountRepo.GetAllowableEventCount(auctionEvent.AccountId, ref trans);
            int currentEventCount = _eventRepo.GetCountByAccount(auctionEvent.AccountId, ref trans);

            if(currentEventCount + 1 > accountLimit)
                val.AddError("Account has reached maximum number of licensed events");

            return val;