Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new InstanceStatistics.
        /// </summary>
        public InstanceStatistics(Instance currentInstance)
            this.currentInstance = currentInstance;

            if (this.currentInstance != null)
Esempio n. 2
        private string CreateMergedTaxonomyFileNameFromInstanceDocumentMultiple(Instance instanceDoc, bool promptUser, string baseHref)
            StringBuilder taxonomyNameSpace = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder importStatement = new StringBuilder();
            string linkbaseStatement = instanceDoc.GetEmbeddedLinkbaseInfo();

            foreach (string loc in instanceDoc.schemaRefs)
                string location = ApplyBaseHRef(baseHref, loc);

                Taxonomy t = new Taxonomy();
                if (t.Load(location, promptUser) > 0)
                    return string.Empty;


                string href = ApplyBaseHRef(baseHref, t.schemaFile);

                //CEE 2009-05-28:  Clean up the & within "W R Grace & Company"
                //Remove 1 level of encoding, and then reapply it.
                href = href.Replace( "&amp;", "&" ).Replace( "&", "&amp;" );

                importStatement.Append(string.Format(@"<import namespace=""{0}"" schemaLocation=""{1}"" />",
                    t.TargetNamespace, href ) );


            string fileName = "Temp_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + "_Merged.xsd";
            fileName = Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, fileName);

            string taxonomyFileInfo = string.Format(Taxonomy.WrapperTaxonomyTemplate,
                taxonomyNameSpace.ToString(), prefix.ToString(), importStatement.ToString(), linkbaseStatement);

            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileName, false);

            return fileName;
Esempio n. 3
        public void ValidateInstanceInformationForRequiresElementCheck( Instance ins,
			out string[] validationsFailures )
            validationsFailures = null;
            if ( this.NetDefinisionInfo == null ) return;

            Hashtable uniqueElementIds = new Hashtable();
            foreach ( MarkupProperty mp in ins.markups )
                uniqueElementIds[mp.elementId] = 1;

            ValidateInstanceInformationForRequiresElementCheck( uniqueElementIds, out validationsFailures );
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load and Parser a taxonomy based on the instance document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="instanceDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="promptUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument(string currentFolder, Instance instanceDoc,
			bool promptUser, string baseHref)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseHref))

                baseHref = baseHref.TrimEnd('/', '\\');


            lock (synObjectForLoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument)
                string oldworkingfolder = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = currentFolder;

                this.PromptUser = promptUser;

                bool deleteFile = false;
                string fileName = string.Empty;

                    if (instanceDoc.schemaRefs.Count == 1)
                        fileName = ApplyBaseHRef(baseHref, instanceDoc.schemaRefs[0] as string);
                        deleteFile = true;
                        fileName = this.CreateMergedTaxonomyFileNameFromInstanceDocumentMultiple(instanceDoc, promptUser, baseHref);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                            string msg = string.Format("Failed to build Taxonomy from Instance document {0}", instanceDoc.mergeFilename);
                            errorList = new ArrayList();
                            Common.WriteError(msg, new ArrayList() );
                            return false;


                    if (this.Load(fileName, promptUser) > 0)
                        return false;

                    int error = 0;
                    return this.Parse(out error);
                catch (Exception exp)
                    string msg = string.Format("Failed to build Taxonomy from Instance document {0}", instanceDoc.mergeFilename);
                    errorList = new ArrayList();

                    Common.WriteError("XBRLParser.Error.Exception", errorList, exp.Message);
                    return false;
                    if (deleteFile)
                        if (File.Exists(fileName))

                    System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = oldworkingfolder;
Esempio n. 5
 public bool LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument(string currentFolder, Instance instanceDoc, bool promptUser)
     return LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument(currentFolder, instanceDoc, promptUser, string.Empty);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Performs the "building of reports" based on the <paramref name="instancePath"/> and <paramref name="taxonomy"/> provided.</para>
        /// <para>As a result, <paramref name="filingSummary"/>.<see>MyReports</see> (<see cref="FilingSummary"/>) will be populated with instances of <see cref="ReportHeader"/>,</para>
        /// <para>and <paramref name="filingSummary"/>.<see>MyReports</see> will be XML serialized to <paramref name="filingSummaryPath"/></para>
        /// <para>If an error occurs, <paramref name="error" /> will be populated.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instancePath">The path to the instance document.</param>
        /// <param name="taxonomy">The loaded and parsed taxonomy object.</param>
        /// <param name="filingSummaryPath">The path where the generated <see cref="FilingSummary"/> object should be saved.</param>
        /// <param name="reportDirectory">The path where the generated content is saved.</param>
        /// <param name="filingSummary">The <see cref="FilingSummary"/> object to populate.</param>
        /// <param name="error">The error message for any critical errors which might occur.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success or false for fail.</returns>
        public bool BuildReports( string instancePath, Taxonomy taxonomy,
			string filingSummaryPath, string reportDirectory,
			out FilingSummary filingSummary, out string error )
            error = string.Empty;
            filingSummary = null;
            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Now;

                this.currentFilingSummary = new FilingSummary();
                this.currentInstancePath = instancePath;
                this.currentTaxonomy = taxonomy;
                this.currentReportDirectory = reportDirectory;

                if( !this.ValidateSettings( out error ) )
                    return false;

                //create the reports directory so that defnref can be generated
                if( !Directory.Exists( this.currentReportDirectory ) )
                    Directory.CreateDirectory( this.currentReportDirectory );

                if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( this.CurrencyMappingFile ) )

                //set up this symbol for reuse throughout
                InstanceUtils.USDCurrencySymbol = InstanceUtils.GetCurrencySymbolFromCode( InstanceUtils.USDCurrencyCode );

                if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( this.preferredLanguage ) )
                    this.preferredLanguage = this.GetPreferredLanguage();

                bool isIMBased = this.CheckIsIMBased();

                //DateTime startInstance = DateTime.Now;

                ArrayList errors = null;
                if( !InstanceUtils.TryLoadInstanceDocument( this.currentInstancePath, out this.currentInstance, out errors ) )
                    string[] arrErrors = new string[ errors.Count ];
                    for( int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++ )
                        arrErrors[ i ] = ( (ParserMessage)errors[ i ] ).Message;

                    string instanceDocErrors = string.Join( "\r\n  ", arrErrors );
                    Regex splitPoint = new Regex( @"\S\s+at" );
                    arrErrors = splitPoint.Split( instanceDocErrors );
                    instanceDocErrors = arrErrors[ 0 ];
                    error = "Unable to load the instance document:\r\n  " + instanceDocErrors;
                    return false;

                ArrayList taxonomies = new ArrayList();
                taxonomies.Add( this.currentTaxonomy );
                this.currentInstance.FixPrefixInInstanceDocument( taxonomies );

                //this.currentFilingSummary.InstanceLoadTime = DateTime.Now - startInstance;
                //this.currentFilingSummary.FactCount = this.currentInstance.markups.Count;



                ArrayList topNodes = currentTaxonomy.GetNodesByPresentation( false, this.ExcludedReports );
                foreach( Node topNode in topNodes )
                    InstanceReport report = null;

                        if( this.BuildReport( topNode, out report ) )
                            if( report.IsEmbedReport || report.HasEmbeddedReports )
                                this.roleAxes[ report.RoleURI ] = report.AxisByPresentation;
                                this.roleAxisDefaults[ report.RoleURI ] = report.AxisMemberDefaults;
                                this.roleAxisMembers[ report.RoleURI ] = report.AxisMembersByPresentation;

                            ReportHeader header = this.currentFilingSummary.AddReport( report );
                            this.ApplyRulesToReport( report );

                            report.OnRuleProcessing -= this.OnRuleProcessing;
                            report.OnRuleProcessing += this.OnRuleProcessing;

                            report.OnRuleProcessed -= this.OnRuleProcessed;
                            report.OnRuleProcessed += this.OnRuleProcessed;

                            report.UnitDictionary = this.unitDictionary;
                            string fullPath = Path.Combine( this.currentReportDirectory, header.XmlFileName );
                            report.BuildXMLDocument( fullPath, true, isIMBased, this.currentFilingSummary );
                            report.UnitDictionary = null;

                            report.OnRuleProcessing -= this.OnRuleProcessing;
                            report.OnRuleProcessed -= this.OnRuleProcessed;

                            if( header.HasEmbeddedReports )
                                this.reportsWithEmbeds.Add( header );
                        if( report != null )

                //Build Missing Elements (Uncategorized) Report before we flush the markups
                InstanceReport missingReport;
                if( this.BuildMissingDataReport( out missingReport ) )
                    ReportHeader uncatHeader = this.currentFilingSummary.AddReport( missingReport );
                    uncatHeader.XmlFileName = InstanceUtils.TOP_LEVEL_REPORT_INDICATOR+ _missingReportIndex +".xml";

                //Free up some resources
                this.currentInstance = null;

                if( this.internalReports.Count == 0 )
                    this.currentTaxonomy = null;

                //clear the dictionaries after checking internalReports

                #region Clean up Columns

                //if the company has filed earning release, do not touch the reports.
                //Based on request from SEC, do not remove any reports if the base taxonomy is the new GAAP taxonomy (2208)

                if( !this.HasEarningRelease() )
                    //DO NOT REMOVE - These are used in rule processing
                    isGAAP2005 = this.TaxonomyIsGAAP2005();
                    isNewGAAP = ( !isGAAP2005 );



                #region Build All Reports

                //Build book
                ReportHeader r1 = new ReportHeader();
                r1.LongName = _allReports;
                r1.ShortName = _allReports;
                r1.ReportType = ReportHeaderType.Book;
                r1.IsDefault = this.currentFilingSummary.MyReports.Count == 0;
                this.currentFilingSummary.AddReports( r1 );


                #region Process Embeeded Reports

                bool isRuleEnabled = this.FireRuleProcessing( RulesEngineUtils.EMBED_REPORTS_RULE );
                if( isRuleEnabled && this.reportsWithEmbeds.Count > 0 )
                    List<ReportHeader> embedReports = this.ProcessEmbeddedReports();
                    if( embedReports.Count > 0 )
                        foreach( ReportHeader embedReport in embedReports )
                            if( this.currentFilingSummary.MyReports.Contains( embedReport ) )
                                this.currentFilingSummary.MyReports.Remove( embedReport );

                                string reportNameToDelete = Path.Combine( this.currentReportDirectory, embedReport.XmlFileName );
                                if( File.Exists( reportNameToDelete ) )
                                    File.Delete( reportNameToDelete );

                    this.FireRuleProcessed( RulesEngineUtils.EMBED_REPORTS_RULE );

                #region Generate Excel Workbook

                isRuleEnabled = this.FireRuleProcessing( RulesEngineUtils.GENERATE_EXCEL_RULE );
                if( isRuleEnabled )
                    string excelReportName = "Financial_Report";
                    bool processed = ExcelUtility.GenerateExcelWorkbook( this.currentFilingSummary, this.currentReportDirectory, excelReportName );
                    this.FireRuleProcessed( RulesEngineUtils.GENERATE_EXCEL_RULE );

                    if( !processed )
                        error = "Failed to generate Excel Workbook for report: " + this.currentReportDirectory + " " + excelReportName;
                        return false;


                #region Generate Output Formats
                if( ( this.ReportFormat & ReportFormat.Html ) == ReportFormat.Html )
                    if( !this.GenerateHtmlFiles() )
                        //The error was logged to the tracer

                if( ( this.ReportFormat & ReportFormat.Xml ) == ReportFormat.Xml )
                    //this format already exists
                    // this.currentFilingSummary.TraceInformation( "Information: Report Formart does not include 'Xml'.  Removing references and files." );

                    foreach( ReportHeader rh in this.currentFilingSummary.MyReports )
                        if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( rh.HtmlFileName ) )
                            string deleteFile = Path.Combine( this.currentReportDirectory, rh.XmlFileName );
                            if( File.Exists( deleteFile ) )
                                File.Delete( deleteFile );

                            rh.XmlFileName = null;


                #region Check and fix default report

                //Recheck the default report just in case it was deleted
                bool foundDefault = false;
                foreach( ReportHeader header in this.currentFilingSummary.MyReports )
                    if( header.IsDefault )
                        foundDefault = true;

                if( !foundDefault )
                    foreach( ReportHeader header in this.currentFilingSummary.MyReports )
                        if( header.IsBalanceSheet() || header.ReportType == ReportHeaderType.Book )
                            header.IsDefault = true;


                return true;
            catch( Exception ex )
                error = string.Format( "Exception thrown in BuildReports: {0}", ex.Message );
                return false;

                this.currentFilingSummary.ProcessingTime = DateTime.Now - dtStart;
                this.currentFilingSummary.SaveAsXml( filingSummaryPath );
                filingSummary = this.currentFilingSummary;
                this.currentFilingSummary = null;

                if( this.currentTaxonomy != null )

                this.currentTaxonomy = null;
        private void ValidateInstanceDoc( Taxonomy tax,
			string fileName, int countErrors, Hashtable prefixXRef )
            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errs;
            if( !ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc( fileName, out errs ))
                Assert.Fail( "Failed to load instance document" + fileName);
            foreach( MarkupProperty mp in ins.markups )
                if ( prefixXRef[mp.elementPrefix] != null )
                    string realPrefix = prefixXRef[mp.elementPrefix] as string;
                    mp.elementPrefix = realPrefix;
                    mp.elementId = string.Format(DocumentBase.ID_FORMAT, mp.elementPrefix, mp.elementName);


            string[] validationErrors;
            tax.ValidateInstanceInformationForRequiresElementCheck( ins, out validationErrors );

            Assert.IsNotNull( validationErrors , "Validation errors object should not be null");
            foreach( string str in validationErrors )
                Console.WriteLine( str );
            Assert.AreEqual( countErrors, validationErrors.Length,"Failed to ValidateInstanceInformationForRequiresElementCheck");
Esempio n. 8
        public static bool TryLoadInstanceDocument(string instanceDocPath, 
			out Instance currentInstance, out ArrayList errors)
            errors = new ArrayList();
            currentInstance = new Instance();

            if (currentInstance.TryLoadInstanceDoc( instanceDocPath, out errors ))
                if ( currentInstance.NumAttributeErrors > 0 || currentInstance.NumSchemaErrors > 0 )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Instance doc parsing attribute errors: " + currentInstance.NumAttributeErrors );
                    Console.WriteLine( "Instance doc parsing schema errors: " + currentInstance.NumSchemaErrors );

                return true;
                Console.WriteLine( "TryLoadInstanceDoc failed" );
                foreach ( ParserMessage pm in errors )
                    if ( pm.Level != TraceLevel.Error )
                        break; // thru the errors

                    Console.WriteLine( "InstanceDoc error: " + pm.Message );

            return false;
Esempio n. 9
 public static InstanceStatistics GetStatisticsFromInstance(Instance currentInstance)
     InstanceStatistics instanceStat = new InstanceStatistics(currentInstance);
     return instanceStat;
Esempio n. 10
        public void TestPerformSECValidations2()
            Taxonomy tax = new Taxonomy();

            tax.Load(@"S:\TESTSCHEMAS\BEN Taxonomy\ben-20091231.xsd");
            int errors;
            Assert.IsTrue(tax.Parse(out errors), "Failed to parse taxonomy");

            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errorsstr;
            Assert.IsTrue(ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc(@"S:\TESTSCHEMAS\BEN Taxonomy\ben-20091231.xml", out errorsstr));

            Dictionary<string, bool> eleDt = new Dictionary<string,bool>();
            List<MarkupProperty> validMarkups = new List<MarkupProperty>();
            foreach (MarkupProperty mp in ins.markups)
                mp.element = new Node( tax.allElements[mp.elementId] as Element);
               eleDt[mp.elementId] = true;


            List<ValidationErrorInfo> outParam =  new List<ValidationErrorInfo>();
            tax.PerformSECValidations(validMarkups, eleDt, null, false, ref outParam);
            foreach( ValidationErrorInfo vei in outParam )
                Console.WriteLine( vei.MyErrorString);
Esempio n. 11
        public void TestLoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument_SEC_4Tax_Local_Partial2()
            string copyTo = Path.GetTempFileName();
            string curDir = Path.GetDirectoryName( copyTo );
            string fileName = @"";
            string baseHRef = @"";

            WebClient cli = new WebClient();
            cli.DownloadFile( fileName, copyTo );

            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errors;
            ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc( copyTo, out errors );
            Taxonomy tax = new Taxonomy();

                tax.LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument( curDir, ins, false, baseHRef ),
                "Failed to load taxonomy." );
Esempio n. 12
        public void TestLoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument_SEC_4Tax_Local_HREF()
            string fileName = @"S:\TestSchemas\BaseHRef\Instance\aabxx-20060228.xml";
            string baseHRef = @"S:\TestSchemas\BaseHRef\Instance\";

            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errors;
            ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc( fileName, out errors );
            Taxonomy tax = new Taxonomy();

                tax.LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument( Path.GetTempPath(), ins, false, baseHRef ),
                "Failed to load taxonomy" );

            ArrayList nodes = tax.GetNodesByPresentation();
            Assert.IsTrue( nodes.Count >= 16, "should have presentation nodes" );
Esempio n. 13
        public void TestLoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument_SEC_4Tax()
            string fileName = @"";
            string baseHRef = @"";

            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errors;
            ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc( fileName, out errors );
            Taxonomy tax = new Taxonomy();

                tax.LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument( Path.GetTempPath(), ins, false, baseHRef ),
                "Failed to load taxonomy" );

            ArrayList nodes = tax.GetNodesByPresentation();
            Assert.IsTrue( nodes.Count >= 16, "should have presentation nodes" );
Esempio n. 14
        public void TestLoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument_SEC_2Tax()
            string fileName = @"";
            string baseHRef = @"";

            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errors;
            ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc( fileName, out errors );
            Taxonomy tax = new Taxonomy();

                tax.LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument( Path.GetTempPath(), ins, false, baseHRef ),
                "Failed to load taxonomy" );

            ArrayList nodes = tax.GetNodesByPresentation();
            Assert.IsTrue( nodes.Count >= 5, "should have presentation nodes" );
Esempio n. 15
        public void TestLoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument()
            string fileName = @"S:\TestSchemas\Instance With TaxonomyInfo.xml";
            Instance ins = new Instance();
            ArrayList errors;
            ins.TryLoadInstanceDoc( fileName, out errors );
            Taxonomy tax = new Taxonomy();

            tax.LoadTaxonomyFromInstanceDocument( @"S:\TestSchemas", ins, false ),
            "Failed to load taxonomy" );

            ArrayList nodes = tax.GetNodesByPresentation();

            Assert.IsTrue( nodes.Count > 10, "should have presentation nodes" );