Esempio n. 1
        public Func <IList <Tin>, double[][]> CreatePreprocessorFunction(PreprocessorCoefficients coefficients)
            var means  = coefficients.Means;
            var sigmas = coefficients.Sigmas;

            return((sequence) =>
                if (sequence.Count == 0)
                    return new double[0][];

                double[][] result = new double[sequence.Count][];
                for (int i = 0; i < sequence.Count; i++)
                    result[i] = Datapoint.AsDblArrayFrom <Tin>(sequence[i]);

                double[][] zscores = Accord.Statistics.Tools.ZScores(result, means, sigmas);

                return Accord.Math.Elementwise.Add(zscores, 10);
Esempio n. 2
        public double[][] Preprocess(double[][] extracted, PreprocessorCoefficients?coefficients = null)
            // If not using the (more advanced) precalculated full-dataset averages & sigmas, calculate them locally here.
            if (coefficients == null)
                //var dims = Datapoint.From<Tsource>(default(Tsource)).Dimensions;
                var      dims = Dimensions;
                double[] currentAxisValues = new double[extracted.Length]; // Just to save on allocations a tiny bit by reusing it within a single axis.
                double[] means             = new double[dims];
                double[] sigmas            = new double[dims];

                for (int j = 0; j < dims; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < extracted.Length; i++)
                        currentAxisValues[i] = extracted[i][j];
                    means[j]  = currentAxisValues.Average();
                    sigmas[j] = Accord.Statistics.Measures.StandardDeviation(currentAxisValues);

                // Use our standard crosslinking function to lock values which should share a normalization constant into the same scale as each other.
                if (doCrosslink)
                    sigmas = CrosslinkAxes.Apply <Tin>(sigmas);             // Locks values in the same space - like X and Y axes - to the same window size.
                coefficients = new PreprocessorCoefficients()
                    Means = means, Sigmas = sigmas

            // Calculate the z-scores, then make them positive by the simple expedient of adding ten to them.  (Yes, yes, but ten-sigma? Gotta mean an error anyway.)
            double[][] zscores = Accord.Statistics.Tools.ZScores(extracted, coefficients.Value.Means, coefficients.Value.Sigmas);
            return(Accord.Math.Elementwise.Add(zscores, 10));