Esempio n. 1
        private static void ExtractAndDecodeASTERIX_CAT_DataBlock(byte[] DataBlock, bool Is_Live_Data)
            // First thing is to store the time of the reception regardless of the category received
            string Time = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" +
                          DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');

            // Save off the time of reception so decoders can use it
            TimeOfReception = DateTime.Now;

            // Extract ASTERIX category
            string Category = ASTERIX.ExtractCategory(DataBlock);

            // Extract lenght in Bytes, as indicated by the ASTERIX
            string LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = ASTERIX.ExtractLengthOfDataBlockInBytes(DataBlock);

            // Here format the lenght of bytes
            // to always use 3 characters for better alignement
            if (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.Length < 3)
                LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = "0" + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes;
            else if (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.Length < 2)
                LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = "00" + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes;

            // Define a string to store data not specific for all messages and add commond data
            // 1. TIME of reception
            // 2. Source IP address
            // 3. Multicast IP address
            // 4. Length of data block in bytes
            // 5. Asterix Category
            // 6. Append Category specifc data, done just below

            string Common_Message_Data_String;

            if (Is_Live_Data == true)
                Common_Message_Data_String = Time + "     " + iep.ToString() + "        " + SharedData.CurrentMulticastAddress + ':' + SharedData.Current_Port.ToString() + "             " + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.ToString() + "        " + Category + "           ";
                Common_Message_Data_String = Time + "     " + "Recorded" + "        " + "Recorded" + ':' + "Recorded" + "             " + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.ToString() + "        " + Category + "           ";
            // Hold individual records of the messages
            // from an individual data block
            string[] MessageData = new string[3000];

            byte[] DataBlockNoCATandLEN = new byte[DataBlock.Length - 3];

            // Now after we extracted Category and Lenght of the Data Block lets remove the first three octets from the data
            // buffer and pass it on to individual message handlers to do message decoding
            Array.Copy(DataBlock, 3, DataBlockNoCATandLEN, 0, (DataBlock.Length - 3));

            DataBlock = DataBlockNoCATandLEN;

            // Now do a switch based on the category received
            int NumOfMsgsDecoded = 0;
Esempio n. 2
        // This method returns the index to the first
        // byte of the user data after FSPEC, SIC and SAC
        // assumes that the first three octets from the data
        // block are removed from the buffer
        public static int GetFirstDataIndex(byte[] Data)
            // Determine Length of FSPEC fields in bytes
            int FSPEC_Length = ASTERIX.DetermineLenghtOfFSPEC(Data);

            // Determine SIC/SAC Index
            int SIC_Index = FSPEC_Length;
            int SAC_Index = SIC_Index + 1;

            return(SAC_Index + 1);
Esempio n. 3
        public static string DecodeAsterixData(string FileName)
            long Position = 0;
            // get total byte length of the file
            long TotalBytes = new System.IO.FileInfo(FileName).Length;

                // Open file for reading
                System.IO.FileStream FileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(FileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);

                // attach filestream to binary reader
                System.IO.BinaryReader BinaryReader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(FileStream);

                while (Position < TotalBytes)
                    // First determine the size of the message
                    // octet    data
                    // 0        ASTERIX CATEGORY
                    // 1 .. 2   LENGTH OF MESSAGE BLOCK
                    byte[] Data_Block_Buffer    = BinaryReader.ReadBytes((Int32)3);
                    int    LengthOfMessageBlock = ASTERIX.ExtractLengthOfDataBlockInBytes_Int(Data_Block_Buffer);

                    BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position = BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position - 3;
                    // Now read the message and pass it to the parser
                    // for decoding
                    Data_Block_Buffer = BinaryReader.ReadBytes((Int32)LengthOfMessageBlock);
                    ExtractAndDecodeASTERIX_CAT_DataBlock(Data_Block_Buffer, false);
                    Position = BinaryReader.BaseStream.Position;

                // close file reader
            catch (Exception Exception)
                // Error

            return("Read " + Position.ToString() + " of total " + TotalBytes.ToString() + " bytes");
Esempio n. 4
        public string[] Decode(byte[] DataBlockBuffer, string Time, out int NumOfMessagesDecoded)
            // Define output data buffer
            string[] DataOut = new string[2000];

            // Determine the size of the datablock
            int LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = DataBlockBuffer.Length;

            // Index into the array of record strings
            int DataOutIndex = 0;

            // Reset buffer indexes
            CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex = 0;
            int DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction = 0;

            // SIC/SAC Indexes
            int SIC_Index = 0;
            int SAC_Index = 0;

            // Lenght of the current record's FSPECs
            int FSPEC_Length = 0;

            // The first four possible FSPEC octets
            BitVector32 FourFSPECOctets = new BitVector32();

            // The fifth FSPEC octet in the case RE or SP field is present
            BitVector32 TheFifthFSPECOctet = new BitVector32();

            while (DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction < LengthOfDataBlockInBytes)
                // Assume that there will be no more than 200 bytes in one record
                byte[] LocalSingleRecordBuffer = new byte[3000];

                Array.Copy(DataBlockBuffer, DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction, LocalSingleRecordBuffer, 0, (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes - DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction));

                // Get all four data words, but use only the number specifed
                // by the length of FSPEC words
                FourFSPECOctets    = ASTERIX.GetFourFSPECOctets(LocalSingleRecordBuffer);
                TheFifthFSPECOctet = ASTERIX.GetFifthFSPECOctet(LocalSingleRecordBuffer);

                // Determine Length of FSPEC fields in bytes
                FSPEC_Length = ASTERIX.DetermineLenghtOfFSPEC(LocalSingleRecordBuffer);

                // Check wether 010 is present
                if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit7] == true)
                    // Determine SIC/SAC Index
                    SIC_Index = FSPEC_Length;
                    SAC_Index = SIC_Index + 1;

                    // Extract SIC/SAC Indexes.
                    DataOut[DataOutIndex] = LocalSingleRecordBuffer[SIC_Index].ToString() + '/' + LocalSingleRecordBuffer[SAC_Index].ToString();

                    // Save of the current data buffer index so it can be used by
                    // Decoder
                    CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex = SAC_Index + 1;
                    // Extract SIC/SAC Indexes.
                    DataOut[DataOutIndex] = "---" + '/' + "---";

                // Populate the current SIC/SAC and Time stamp for this meesage
                I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("010")].value =
                    new ASTERIX.SIC_SAC_Time(LocalSingleRecordBuffer[SIC_Index], LocalSingleRecordBuffer[SAC_Index], ASTERIX.TimeOfReception);

                // Loop for each FSPEC and determine what data item is present
                for (int FSPEC_Index = 1; FSPEC_Index <= FSPEC_Length; FSPEC_Index++)
                    switch (FSPEC_Index)
                    case 1:

                        // 010 Data Source Identifier
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit7] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  010:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("010")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("010")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  010:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("010")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // Spare bit
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit6] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  SPR:T";
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  SPR:F";

                        // 015 Service Identification
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit5] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  015:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("015")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("015")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  015:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("015")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 070 Time Of Track Information
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit4] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  070:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("070")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("070")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  070:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("070")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 105 Calculated Track Position (WGS-84)
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit3] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  105:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("105")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("105")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  105:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("105")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 100 Calculated Track Position (Cartesian)
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit2] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  100:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("100")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("100")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  100:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("100")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 185 Calculated Track Velocity (Cartesian)
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit1] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  185:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("185")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("185")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  185:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("185")].CurrentlyPresent = false;


                    case 2:

                        // 210 Calculated Acceleration (Cartesian)
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit15] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  210:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("210")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("210")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  210:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("210")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 060 Track Mode 3/A Code
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit14] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  060:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("060")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("060")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  060:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("060")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 245 Target Identification
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit13] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  245:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("245")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("245")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  245:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("245")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 380 Aircraft Derived Data
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit12] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  380:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("380")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("380")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  380:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("380")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 040 Track Number
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit11] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  040:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("040")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("040")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  040:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("040")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 080 Track Status
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit10] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  080:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("080")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("080")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  080:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("080")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 290 System Track Update Ages
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit9] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  290:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("290")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("290")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  290:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("290")].CurrentlyPresent = false;


                    case 3:

                        // 200 Mode of Movement
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit23] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  200:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("200")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("200")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  200:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("200")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 295 Track Data Ages
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit22] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  295:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("295")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("295")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  295:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("295")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 136 Measured Flight Level
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit21] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  136:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("136")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("136")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  136:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("136")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 130 Calculated Track Geometric Altitude
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit20] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  130:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("130")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("130")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  130:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("130")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 135 Calculated Track Barometric Altitude
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit19] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  135:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("135")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("135")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  135:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("135")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 220 Calculated Rate Of Climb/Descent
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit18] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  220:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("220")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("220")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  220:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("220")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 390 Flight Plan Related Data
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit17] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  390:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("390")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("390")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  390:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("390")].CurrentlyPresent = false;


                    case 4:

                        // 270 Target Size & Orientation
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit31] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  270:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("270")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("270")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  270:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("270")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 300 Vehicle Fleet Identification
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit30] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  300:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("300")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("300")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  300:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("300")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 110 Mode 5 Data reports & Extended Mode 1 Code
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit29] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  110:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("110")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("110")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  110:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("110")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 120 Track Mode 2 Code
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit28] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  120:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("120")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("120")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  120:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("120")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 510 Composed Track Number
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit27] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  510:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("510")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("510")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  510:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("510")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 500 Estimated Accuracies
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit26] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  500:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("500")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("500")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  500:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("500")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // 340 Measured Information
                        if (FourFSPECOctets[Bit_Ops.Bit25] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  340:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("340")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("340")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  340:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("340")].CurrentlyPresent = false;


                    // These are Reserved Expansion and Special Purpose fileds.
                    case 5:

                        // RE Reserved Expansion Field
                        if (TheFifthFSPECOctet[Bit_Ops.Bit2] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  REF:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("REF")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("REF")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  REF:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("REF")].CurrentlyPresent = false;

                        // SP Special Purpose Indicator
                        if (TheFifthFSPECOctet[Bit_Ops.Bit1] == true)
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  SPI:T";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("SPI")].HasBeenPresent   = true;
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("SPI")].CurrentlyPresent = true;
                            DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  SPI:F";
                            I062DataItems[ItemIDToIndex("SPI")].CurrentlyPresent = false;


                    // Handle errors
                        DataOut[DataOutIndex] = DataOut[DataOutIndex] + "  UKN:T";

                DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction = DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction + CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex;

            // Return decoded data
            NumOfMessagesDecoded = DataOutIndex;
Esempio n. 5
        // The method that gets invoked as a thread when a Connect button is
        // pressed. It will listen on a given multicast address and store messages in the
        // list box above.
        public static void ListenForData()
            bool ThereWasAnException = false;

            // File stream
            // Stream RecordingStream_debug = new FileStream(@"C:\ASTERIX\Italy", FileMode.Create);
            //BinaryWriter RecordingBinaryWriter_debug = new BinaryWriter(RecordingStream_debug);

            // Loop forever
            while (!_shouldStop)
                // Do something only if user has requested so
                if (SharedData.bool_Listen_for_Data)
                    ThereWasAnException = false;
                        // Lets receive data in an array of bytes
                        // (an octet, of course composed of 8bits)
                        UDPBuffer = sock.Receive(ref iep);
                        LastDataBlockDateTimeForStalleData = DateTime.Now;
                        ThereWasAnException = true;

                    if (ThereWasAnException == false)
                        int DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction = 0;

                        // Check if this is non-standard 6 byte RMCDE header ASTERIX.

                        // Now write the data block

                        // Extract lenghts
                        int LengthOfASTERIX_CAT = ASTERIX.ExtractLengthOfDataBlockInBytes_Int(UDPBuffer);
                        int LenghtOfDataBuffer  = UDPBuffer.Length;

                        // Loop through the buffer and pass on each ASTERIX category block to
                        // the category extractor. The extractor itslef will then extract individual
                        // data records.
                            while (DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction < LenghtOfDataBuffer)
                                byte[] LocalSingle_ASTERIX_CAT_Buffer = new byte[LengthOfASTERIX_CAT];
                                Array.Copy(UDPBuffer, DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction, LocalSingle_ASTERIX_CAT_Buffer, 0, LengthOfASTERIX_CAT);
                                ExtractAndDecodeASTERIX_CAT_DataBlock(LocalSingle_ASTERIX_CAT_Buffer, true);

                                DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction = DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction + LengthOfASTERIX_CAT;

                                if (DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction < LenghtOfDataBuffer)
                                    Array.Copy(UDPBuffer, DataBufferIndexForThisExtraction, LocalSingle_ASTERIX_CAT_Buffer, 0, 3);
                                    LengthOfASTERIX_CAT = ASTERIX.ExtractLengthOfDataBlockInBytes_Int(LocalSingle_ASTERIX_CAT_Buffer);

                        // Check if recording of the currently live connection is requested
                        if (SharedData.DataRecordingClass.DataRecordingRequested == true)
                            if (RecordingJustStarted == true)
                                RecordingJustStarted              = false;
                                RecordingStream                   = new FileStream(SharedData.DataRecordingClass.FilePathandName, FileMode.Create);
                                RecordingBinaryWriter             = new BinaryWriter(RecordingStream);
                                LastDataBlockDateTimeForRecording = DateTime.Now;
                        else if (RecordingJustStarted == false)
                            RecordingJustStarted = true;
                            // Close the data stream
                            if (RecordingBinaryWriter != null)
                            if (RecordingStream != null)

            _shouldStop = false;