//function IsOverLapping of type bool with parameters boxover and pos
 bool IsOverLapping(GameEntity boxover, Vector2 pos)
     Vector2 boxpos = boxover.Position;//boxpos is equal to boxover.position
     if ((boxpos.X >= pos.X + 26) && (boxpos.X <= pos.X + 54))//if boxpos.x is in between pos.x +26 and pos.x+54
         if ((boxpos.Y >= pos.Y - 11) && (boxpos.Y <= pos.Y + 111))//if boxpos.y is in between pos.y-11 and pos.y+111
             return true;//return true
     return false;//return false
 protected override void Initialize()
     gameState = GameState.Menu;//gamestate equals gamestate.Menu
     player = new Player();//player equal new player
     entities.Add(player);//add player to entities
     Addbox();//call addbox function
     soundEffect = Content.Load<SoundEffect>("Bass");//load soundeffect Bass.wav
     soundEffectInstance = soundEffect.CreateInstance();//create sound effect instance called soundEffectInstance