Esempio n. 1
		/*public void UpdateNeighbours () {
			neighbours.Clear ();
			float sqrDist = neighbourDistance*neighbourDistance;
			for ( int i = 0; i < simulator.agents.Count; i++ ) {
				float dist = (simulator.agents[i].position - position).sqrMagnitude;
				if ( dist <= sqrDist ) {
					neighbours.Enqueue ( simulator.agents[i] );

		public void InsertObstacleNeighbour (ObstacleVertex ob1, float rangeSq) {
			ObstacleVertex ob2 =;
			float dist = AstarMath.DistancePointSegmentStrict (ob1.position,ob2.position, Position);
			if (dist < rangeSq) {
				obstacles.Add (ob1);
				obstacleDists.Add (dist);
				int i = obstacles.Count-1;
				while ( i != 0 && dist < obstacleDists[i-1]) {
					obstacles[i] = obstacles[i-1];
					obstacleDists[i] = obstacleDists[i-1];
				obstacles[i] = ob1;
				obstacleDists[i] = dist;
		/** Removes the obstacle identified by the vertex.
		  * This must be the same vertex as the one returned by the AddObstacle call.
		  * \see AddObstacle
		public void RemoveObstacle (ObstacleVertex v) {
			if (v == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertex must not be null");
			//Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
			if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
			obstacles.Remove (v);
			UpdateObstacles ();
		 * Adds a line obstacle with a specified height.
		 * \see RemoveObstacle
		public ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float height) {
			ObstacleVertex first = new ObstacleVertex ();
			ObstacleVertex second = new ObstacleVertex ();

			first.layer = RVOLayer.DefaultObstacle;
			second.layer = RVOLayer.DefaultObstacle;

			first.prev = second;
			second.prev = first; = second; = first;

			first.position = a;
			second.position = b;
			first.height = height;
			second.height = height;
			second.ignore = true;

			first.dir = new Vector2 (b.x-a.x,b.z-a.z).normalized;
			second.dir = -first.dir;
			//Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
			if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
			obstacles.Add (first);
			UpdateObstacles ();
			return first;
		/** Updates the vertices of an obstacle.
		 * \param obstacle %Obstacle to update
		 * \param vertices New vertices for the obstacle, must have at least the number of vertices in the original obstacle
		 * \param matrix %Matrix to multiply vertices with before updating obstacle
		 * The number of vertices in an obstacle cannot be changed, existing vertices can only be moved.
		public void UpdateObstacle (ObstacleVertex obstacle, Vector3[] vertices, Matrix4x4 matrix) {
			if (vertices == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertices must not be null");
			if (obstacle == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Obstacle must not be null");
			if (vertices.Length < 2) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Less than 2 vertices in an obstacle");
			if (obstacle.split) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Obstacle is not a start vertex. You should only pass those ObstacleVertices got from AddObstacle method calls");
			//Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
			if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
			//Compact obstacle and count
			int count = 0;
			ObstacleVertex c = obstacle;
			do {
				while ( { =; = c;
				if (count >= vertices.Length) {
					Debug.DrawLine (c.prev.position, c.position,;
					throw new System.ArgumentException ("Obstacle has more vertices than supplied for updating (" + vertices.Length+ " supplied)");
				c.position = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (vertices[count]);
				c =;
			} while (c != obstacle);
			c = obstacle;
			do {
				Vector3 dir = - c.position;
				c.dir =  new Vector2 (dir.x,dir.z).normalized;

				c =;
			} while (c != obstacle);
			ScheduleCleanObstacles ();
		/** Adds an obstacle described by the vertices.
		 * \see RemoveObstacle
		public ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3[] vertices, float height, Matrix4x4 matrix, RVOLayer layer = RVOLayer.DefaultObstacle) {
			if (vertices == null) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("Vertices must not be null");
			if (vertices.Length < 2) throw new System.ArgumentException ("Less than 2 vertices in an obstacle");
			ObstacleVertex first = null;
			ObstacleVertex prev = null;
			bool identity = matrix == Matrix4x4.identity;
			//Don't interfere with ongoing calculations
			if (Multithreading && doubleBuffering) for (int j=0;j<workers.Length;j++) workers[j].WaitOne();
			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
				ObstacleVertex v = new ObstacleVertex();
				if (first == null) first = v;
				else = v;
				v.prev = prev;
				v.layer = layer;

				//Premature optimization ftw!
				v.position = identity ? vertices[i] : matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vertices[i]);
				//v.thin = thin;
				v.height = height;
				prev = v;
			} = first;
			first.prev = prev;
			ObstacleVertex c = first;
			do {
				Vector3 dir = - c.position;
				c.dir = new Vector2 (dir.x,dir.z).normalized;

				c =;
			} while (c != first);
			obstacles.Add (first);
			UpdateObstacles ();
			return first;