Esempio n. 1
        protected virtual async Task <bool> VerifyAssertionAsync([NotNull] OpenIdAuthenticationMessage message)
            // Create a new message to store the parameters sent to the identity provider.
            // Note: using a dictionary is safe as OpenID 2.0 parameters are supposed to be unique.
            // See
            var payload = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                [$"{OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.OpenId}." +
                 OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.Mode] = OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.CheckAuthentication

            // Copy the parameters extracted from the assertion.
            foreach (var parameter in message.Parameters)
                if (string.Equals(parameter.Key, $"{OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.OpenId}." +
                                  OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.Mode, StringComparison.Ordinal))

                // Note: the "state" parameter is ignored as it is not part of the
                // OpenID message but directly flowed in the return_to parameter.
                if (string.Equals(parameter.Key, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.State, StringComparison.Ordinal))

                payload.Add(parameter.Key, parameter.Value);

            // Create a new check_authentication request to verify the assertion.
            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, Options.Endpoint);

            request.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(payload);

            var response = await Options.HttpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, Context.RequestAborted);

            if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                Logger.LogWarning("The authentication failed because an invalid check_authentication response was received: " +
                                  "the identity provider returned a {Status} response with the following payload: {Headers} {Body}.",
                                  /* Status: */ response.StatusCode,
                                  /* Headers: */ response.Headers.ToString(),
                                  /* Body: */ await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());


            using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                    // Create a new dictionary containing the parameters extracted from the response body.
                    var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.Ordinal);

                    // Note: the response is encoded using the 'Key-Value Form Encoding'.
                    // See
                    for (var line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); line != null; line = await reader.ReadLineAsync())
                        var parameter = line.Split(':');
                        if (parameter.Length != 2)

                        parameters.Add(parameter[0], parameter[1]);

                    // Stop processing the assertion if the mandatory is_valid
                    // parameter was missing from the response body.
                    if (!parameters.ContainsKey(OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.IsValid))
                        Logger.LogWarning("The authentication response was rejected because the identity provider " +
                                          "returned an invalid check_authentication response.");


                    // Stop processing the assertion if the authentication server declared it as invalid.
                    if (!string.Equals(parameters[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.IsValid], "true", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        Logger.LogWarning("The authentication response was rejected because the identity provider " +
                                          "declared the security assertion as invalid.");


Esempio n. 2
 protected virtual Task <string> GenerateChallengeUrlAsync([NotNull] OpenIdAuthenticationMessage message)
     return(Task.FromResult(QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(Options.Endpoint.AbsoluteUri, message.Parameters)));
Esempio n. 3
        protected override async Task <bool> HandleUnauthorizedAsync(ChallengeContext context)
            var properties = new AuthenticationProperties(context.Properties);

            if (Options.Endpoint == null)
                // Note: altering options during a request is not thread safe but
                // would only result in multiple discovery requests in the worst case.
                Options.Endpoint = await DiscoverEndpointAsync(Options.Authority);

            if (Options.Endpoint == null)
                Logger.LogError("The user agent cannot be redirected to the identity provider because no " +
                                "endpoint was registered in the options or discovered through Yadis.");


            // Determine the realm using the current address
            // if one has not been explicitly provided;
            var realm = Options.Realm;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(realm))
                realm = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host + OriginalPathBase;

            // Use the current address as the final location where the user agent
            // will be redirected to if one has not been explicitly provided.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.RedirectUri))
                properties.RedirectUri = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host +
                                         OriginalPathBase + Request.Path + Request.QueryString;

            // Store the return_to parameter for later comparison.
            properties.Items[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Properties.ReturnTo] =
                Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host +
                OriginalPathBase + Options.CallbackPath;

            // Generate a new anti-forgery token.

            var state = UrlEncoder.Encode(Options.StateDataFormat.Protect(properties));

            // Create a new message containing the OpenID 2.0 request parameters.
            // See
            var message = new OpenIdAuthenticationMessage {
                ClaimedIdentifier = "",
                Identity          = "",
                Mode      = OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.CheckIdSetup,
                Namespace = OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Namespaces.OpenId,
                Realm     = realm,
                ReturnTo  = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(
                    uri: properties.Items[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Properties.ReturnTo],
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.State, value: state)

            if (Options.Attributes.Count != 0)
                // (
                    prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Namespace,
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Aliases.Ax,
                    value: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Namespaces.Ax);

                // (fetch_request)
                    prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Ax,
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.Mode,
                    value: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.FetchRequest);

                foreach (var attribute in Options.Attributes)
                        prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Ax,
                        name: $"{OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Type}.{attribute.Key}",
                        value: attribute.Value);

                    prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Ax,
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.Required,
                    value: string.Join(",", Options.Attributes.Select(attribute => attribute.Key)));

            Response.Redirect(await GenerateChallengeUrlAsync(message));

Esempio n. 4
        protected override async Task <AuthenticateResult> HandleRemoteAuthenticateAsync()
            // Always extract the "state" parameter from the query string.
            var state = Request.Query[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.State];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected " +
                                               "because the state parameter was missing."));

            var properties = Options.StateDataFormat.Unprotect(state);

            if (properties == null)
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected " +
                                               "because the state parameter was invalid."));

            // Validate the anti-forgery token.
            if (!ValidateCorrelationId(properties))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected " +
                                               "because the anti-forgery token was invalid."));

            OpenIdAuthenticationMessage message;

            // OpenID 2.0 responses MUST necessarily be made using either GET or POST.
            // See
            if (!string.Equals(Request.Method, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                !string.Equals(Request.Method, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because it was made " +
                                               "using an invalid method: make sure to use either GET or POST."));

            if (string.Equals(Request.Method, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                message = new OpenIdAuthenticationMessage(Request.Query);

                // OpenID 2.0 responses MUST include a Content-Type header when using POST.
                // See
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.ContentType))
                    return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because " +
                                                   "it was missing the mandatory 'Content-Type' header."));

                // May have media/type; charset=utf-8, allow partial match.
                if (!Request.ContentType.StartsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because an invalid Content-Type header " +
                                                   "was received: make sure to use 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'."));

                message = new OpenIdAuthenticationMessage(await Request.ReadFormAsync(Context.RequestAborted));

            // Ensure that the current request corresponds to an OpenID 2.0 assertion.
            if (!string.Equals(message.Namespace, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Namespaces.OpenId, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because it was missing the mandatory " +
                                               "'openid.ns' parameter or because an unsupported version of OpenID was used."));

            // Stop processing the message if the authentication process was cancelled by the user.
            if (string.Equals(message.Mode, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.Cancel, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because " +
                                               "the operation was cancelled by the user."));

            // Stop processing the message if an error was returned by the provider.
            else if (string.Equals(message.Mode, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.Error, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Error))
                    return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because an " +
                                                   "unspecified error was returned by the identity provider."));

                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because " +
                                               $"an error was returned by the identity provider: {message.Error}."));

            // At this point, stop processing the message if the assertion was not positive.
            else if (!string.Equals(message.Mode, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.IdRes, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because " +
                                               "the identity provider declared it as invalid."));

            // Stop processing the message if the assertion
            // was not validated by the identity provider.
            if (!await VerifyAssertionAsync(message))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected by the identity provider."));

            var address = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(uri: properties.Items[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Properties.ReturnTo],
                                                      name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.State, value: state);

            // Validate the return_to parameter by comparing it to the address stored in the properties.
            // See
            if (!string.Equals(message.ReturnTo, address, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because the return_to parameter was invalid."));

            // Make sure the OpenID 2.0 assertion contains an identifier.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.ClaimedIdentifier))
                return(AuthenticateResult.Fail("The authentication response was rejected because it " +
                                               "was missing the mandatory 'claimed_id' parameter."));

            var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(Options.AuthenticationScheme);

            // Add the claimed identifier to the identity.
            identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, message.ClaimedIdentifier, ClaimValueTypes.String, Options.ClaimsIssuer));

            // Add the most common attributes to the identity.
            var attributes = message.GetAttributes();

            foreach (var attribute in attributes)
                if (string.Equals(attribute.Key, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Attributes.Email, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, attribute.Value, ClaimValueTypes.Email, Options.ClaimsIssuer));

                else if (string.Equals(attribute.Key, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Attributes.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, attribute.Value, ClaimValueTypes.String, Options.ClaimsIssuer));

                else if (string.Equals(attribute.Key, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Attributes.Firstname, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.GivenName, attribute.Value, ClaimValueTypes.String, Options.ClaimsIssuer));

                else if (string.Equals(attribute.Key, OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Attributes.Lastname, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Surname, attribute.Value, ClaimValueTypes.String, Options.ClaimsIssuer));

            // Create a ClaimTypes.Name claim using ClaimTypes.GivenName and ClaimTypes.Surname
            // if the attribute cannot be found in the assertion.
            if (!identity.HasClaim(claim => string.Equals(claim.Type, ClaimTypes.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
                identity.HasClaim(claim => string.Equals(claim.Type, ClaimTypes.GivenName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) &&
                identity.HasClaim(claim => string.Equals(claim.Type, ClaimTypes.Surname, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, $"{identity.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.GivenName).Value} " +
                                            ClaimValueTypes.String, Options.ClaimsIssuer));

            var ticket = await CreateTicketAsync(identity, properties, message.ClaimedIdentifier, attributes);

            if (ticket == null)
                Logger.LogInformation("The authentication process was skipped because returned a null ticket was returned.");


Esempio n. 5
        protected override async Task <bool> HandleUnauthorizedAsync(ChallengeContext context)
            var properties = new AuthenticationProperties(context.Properties);

            var configuration = await Options.ConfigurationManager.GetConfigurationAsync(Context.RequestAborted);

            if (configuration == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The OpenID 2.0 authentication middleware was unable to retrieve " +
                                                    "the provider configuration from the OpenID 2.0 authentication server.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuration.AuthenticationEndpoint))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The OpenID 2.0 authentication middleware was unable to retrieve " +
                                                    "the authentication endpoint address from the discovery document.");

            // Determine the realm using the current address
            // if one has not been explicitly provided;
            var realm = Options.Realm;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(realm))
                realm = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host + OriginalPathBase;

            // Use the current address as the final location where the user agent
            // will be redirected to if one has not been explicitly provided.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.RedirectUri))
                properties.RedirectUri = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host +
                                         OriginalPathBase + Request.Path + Request.QueryString;

            // Store the return_to parameter for later comparison.
            properties.Items[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Properties.ReturnTo] =
                Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host +
                OriginalPathBase + Options.CallbackPath;

            // Generate a new anti-forgery token.

            // Create a new message containing the OpenID 2.0 request parameters.
            // See
            var message = new OpenIdAuthenticationMessage
                ClaimedIdentifier = "",
                Identity          = "",
                Mode      = OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.CheckIdSetup,
                Namespace = OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Namespaces.OpenId,
                Realm     = realm,
                ReturnTo  = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(
                    uri: properties.Items[OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Properties.ReturnTo],
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.State,
                    value: Options.StateDataFormat.Protect(properties))

            if (Options.Attributes.Count != 0)
                // (
                    prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Namespace,
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Aliases.Ax,
                    value: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Namespaces.Ax);

                // (fetch_request)
                    prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Ax,
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.Mode,
                    value: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Modes.FetchRequest);

                foreach (var attribute in Options.Attributes)
                        prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Ax,
                        name: $"{OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Type}.{attribute.Key}",
                        value: attribute.Value);

                    prefix: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Prefixes.Ax,
                    name: OpenIdAuthenticationConstants.Parameters.Required,
                    value: string.Join(",", Options.Attributes.Select(attribute => attribute.Key)));

            var address = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(configuration.AuthenticationEndpoint, message.Parameters);

