protected override void AssignNextValue(EffectableObject obj, float nextVal)
            var prevVec = obj.Get <Vector2>(EffectedPropertyName);

            prevVec.X = nextVal;
            obj.Set(EffectedPropertyName, prevVec);
        public virtual void InternalInitialize(EffectableObject obj)
            if (Initialized)
                string exceptionMessage = "The most likely cause for this is the same effector " +
                                          "was added to multiple objects. Check to ensure you aren't reusing the same " +
                                          "effector instance.";
                if (Anonymous)
                    exceptionMessage = String.Format(
                        "Anonymous effector of type '{0}' was initialized twice.", this.GetType()) +
                    exceptionMessage = String.Format(
                        "Effector with name '{0}' and type '{1}' was initialized twice.",
                        EffectorName, this.GetType()) +
                throw new EffectorException(exceptionMessage);

            if (ValueType == EffectorValueType.RelativeToStart)
                InitialValues.Add(obj, CoerceTo((T1)obj.Get(EffectedPropertyName)));

            // If this effector is reusable, then it may be used for multiple
            // ArtemisObject instances, meaning we can't store an internal reference
            // to any single one.
            // The advantage of using a non-reusable effector over a reusable one is
            // that the effector can initialize it's own properties based on it's
            // assigned instance.
            if (!Reusable)
                Object = obj;


            Initialized = true;