/// <summary>
 /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws text that autowraps at the given blockWidth.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="page">Page to draw to.</param>
 /// <param name="x">X coordinate left-bottom of the first line of text.</param>
 /// <param name="y">Y coordinate left-bottom of the first line of text.</param>
 /// <param name="text">Text to draw.</param>
 /// <param name="blockWidth">Width of the text block.</param>
 /// <param name="options">Text options (font, style, etc.)</param>
 /// <param name="leftRotationDegrees">Left rotation expressed in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="align">Alignment: -1=left (default), 0=center, +1=right.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Currently, when alignment is non-left, the rotation arguments is ignored as both are not supported together.
 /// </remarks>
 public static PdfObjectRef DrawTextblock(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, string text, double blockWidth, PdfTextOptions options, double leftRotationDegrees = 0.0, int align = -1)
     if (align < 0)
         return(page.DrawText(x, y, options.Font.SplitText(text, options.FontSize, blockWidth), options, leftRotationDegrees));
         var lines = options.Font.SplitText(text.Replace('\r', ' '), options.FontSize, blockWidth).Split('\n');
         var obj   = new PdfScriptObject();
         obj.BeginText(x, y, options);
         // Centered or right-alignment is not compatible with rotation:
         //if (leftRotationDegrees != 0.0) obj.SetTextRotation(x, y, leftRotationDegrees);
         var liney = y;
         foreach (var line in lines)
             if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                 var tline     = line.Trim();
                 var textwidth = options.Font.GetStringWidth(tline, options.FontSize);
                 var linex     = (align > 0) ? (x + blockWidth - textwidth) : (x + (blockWidth - textwidth) / 2);
                 obj.SetTextStartPosition(linex, liney);
             liney -= options.FontSize;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws an image previously added to the DocumentWriter,
        /// stretched to the given width and height.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawImageRef(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, PdfObjectRef imageRef, double width, double leftRotationDegrees = 0.0)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawImageByName(x, y, width, page.DocumentWriter.GetImageHeight(imageRef, width), page.DocumentWriter.GetNameOfXObject(imageRef), leftRotationDegrees);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws an XObject.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawXObjectRef(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, PdfObjectRef xObjRef, double width)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies these options to the given script object, and sets initial coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual void Apply(PdfScriptObject onObject, double x, double y)
     onObject.SetFont(this.Font, this.FontSize);
     if (this.LeftRotationDegrees != 0)
         onObject.SetTextRotation(x, y, this.LeftRotationDegrees);
         onObject.SetTextStartPosition(x, y);
     if (this.OutlineColor != null)
     if (this.LineDashPattern != null)
     if (this.LineCapStyle.HasValue)
     if (this.OutlineWidth.HasValue)
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies these options to the given script object.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual void Apply(PdfScriptObject onObject)
     if (this.LineCapstyle.HasValue) onObject.SetLineCapStyle(this.LineCapstyle.Value);
     if (this.LineJoinStyle.HasValue) onObject.SetLineJoinStyle(this.LineJoinStyle.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws a rounded rectangle given 2 coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawRoundedRectangle2(this PdfPageWriter page, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double radius, PdfGraphicsOptions options)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawRoundedRectangle2(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius);
            obj.EndPath(true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws a rounded rectangle given left-upper coordinates and width and height.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawRoundedRectangle(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, double width, double height, double radius, PdfGraphicsOptions options)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawRoundedRectangle(x, y, width, height, radius);
            obj.EndPath(true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws a rectangle given 2 coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawRectangle2(this PdfPageWriter page, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, PdfGraphicsOptions options, double leftRotationDegrees = 0.0)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawRectangle2(x1, y1, x2, y2, leftRotationDegrees);
            obj.EndPath(true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws a rectangle given left-upper coordinates and width and height.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawRectangle(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, double width, double height, PdfGraphicsOptions options, double leftRotationDegrees = 0.0)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawRectangle(x, y, width, height, leftRotationDegrees);
            obj.EndPath(true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws a circle.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawCircle(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, double ray, PdfGraphicsOptions options)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawCircle(x, y, ray);
            obj.EndPath(true, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws a line.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawLine(this PdfPageWriter page, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, PdfGraphicsOptions options)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.BeginPath(x1, y1);
            obj.DrawLineTo(x2, y2);
            obj.EndPath(false, true, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws text.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawText(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, string text, PdfTextOptions options, double leftRotationDegrees = 0.0)
            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.BeginText(x, y, options);
            if (leftRotationDegrees != 0.0)
                obj.SetTextRotation(x, y, leftRotationDegrees);
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies these options to the given script object.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual void Apply(PdfScriptObject onObject)
     if (this.LineCapstyle.HasValue)
     if (this.LineJoinStyle.HasValue)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a PdfScriptObject to the page that draws an image previously added to the DocumentWriter,
        /// scaled to the given width and height.
        /// </summary>
        public static PdfObjectRef DrawImageRef(this PdfPageWriter page, double x, double y, PdfObjectRef imageRef, double width, double height, PdfImagePlacement imagePlacement, PdfImageRotation rotation = PdfImageRotation.None)
            var width2  = width;
            var height2 = height;
            var xdelta  = 0.0;
            var ydelta  = 0.0;

            // Fix for rotations:
            if (rotation == PdfImageRotation.Left || rotation == PdfImageRotation.Right)
                Swap(ref width2, ref height2);
            imagePlacement = imagePlacement.Rotated(rotation);

            if (imagePlacement != PdfImagePlacement.Stretch)
                // Calculate box aspect ratio and image aspect ratio:
                var boxar = height2 / width2;
                var imgar = page.DocumentWriter.GetImageHeight(imageRef, 1.0);

                if (imgar < boxar)
                    var imgh = height2 / boxar * imgar;
                    switch (imagePlacement)
                    case PdfImagePlacement.LeftOrTop:
                    case PdfImagePlacement.RightOrTop:
                        ydelta = (height2 - imgh);

                    case PdfImagePlacement.Center:
                        ydelta = (height2 - imgh) / 2.0;
                    height2 = imgh;
                    var imgw = width2 * boxar / imgar;
                    switch (imagePlacement)
                    case PdfImagePlacement.RightOrBottom:
                        xdelta = (width2 - imgw);

                    case PdfImagePlacement.RightOrTop:
                        xdelta = (width2 - imgw);

                    case PdfImagePlacement.Center:
                        xdelta = (width2 - imgw) / 2.0;
                    width2 = imgw;

            // Correct for rotations:
            switch (rotation)
            case PdfImageRotation.None: break;

            case PdfImageRotation.Left:
                Swap(ref xdelta, ref ydelta);
                xdelta = width - xdelta;

            case PdfImageRotation.Right:
                Swap(ref xdelta, ref ydelta);
                ydelta = height - ydelta;

            case PdfImageRotation.UpsideDown:
                xdelta = width - xdelta;
                ydelta = height - ydelta;

            var obj = new PdfScriptObject();

            obj.DrawImageByName(x + xdelta, y + ydelta, width2, height2, page.DocumentWriter.GetNameOfXObject(imageRef), ((int)rotation) * 90.0);
Esempio n. 15
        public static void Run(string outputfilename)
            // Prepare document options:
            var options = new PdfDocumentOptions();
            options.Author = "Arebis";
            options.Title = "PDF Generation Sample";
            options.Subject = "Demonstrate Arebis.Pdf generation library.";
            options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfDeflateStreamFilter();
            //options.TextFilter = new Arebis.Pdf.Common.PdfASCIIHexDecodeFilter();

            // Make stream and writer objects:
            using (var stream = new FileStream(outputfilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
            using (var writer = new PdfDocumentWriter(stream, options))
                // Load an image to place on all pages:
                var logo = Properties.Resources.ArebisLogo160;
                var logoref = writer.AddImage(logo);
                // Create a page header object:
                var header = new PdfScriptObject();
                header.BeginText(50, 810, PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanItalic, 10.0);
                header.DrawText("Arebis.Pdf Library - Sample 1");
                header.DrawImageByRef(465, 25, 100, 100 * logo.Height / logo.Width, logoref);
                header.BeginPath(50, 808);
                header.DrawLineA(50, 808, 0, 500);
                header.EndPath(true, true, false);
                var headerref = writer.WriteObject(header);

                // Add a page with text:
                using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                    // Write header:

                    // Text options template:
                    var h1 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, 36);
                    var p = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRoman, 12);

                    // Write title:
                    page.DrawText(50, 760, "Lorem Ipsum", h1);

                    // Draw box (box has no function, just to show) and write text splitted to fit:
                    page.DrawRectangle(45, 255, 510, 480, new PdfGraphicsOptions(0, PdfColor.Gray));
                    page.DrawTextblock(50, 720, Properties.Resources.LoremIpsum, 500, p);

                // Add a page with font effects:
                using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                    var text1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
                    var text2 = "Åxèl Dößeçais won € 25.95";

                    // Write header:

                    // Text options template:
                    var to1 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, 23.3, PdfColor.Blue, PdfTextRenderingMode.Fill, PdfColor.LightBlue, 1.6);
                    var to2 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold, 14.0);
                    var to3 = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic, 8, PdfColor.Gray);

                    // Draw text with different effects:
                    page.DrawText(50, 760, text1, to1);
                    page.DrawText(50, 720, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1) { InkColor = PdfColor.Red });
                    page.DrawText(50, 680, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1) { RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.FillAndStroke });
                    page.DrawText(50, 640, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1) { RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke });
                    page.DrawText(50, 600, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1) { RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.Medium });
                    page.DrawText(50, 560, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to1) { RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 0.1, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Red });

                    // Draw with different fonts:
                    page.DrawText(50, 600 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.Courier });
                    page.DrawText(50, 585 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.CourierItalic });
                    page.DrawText(50, 570 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.CourierBold });
                    page.DrawText(50, 555 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.CourierBoldItalic });
                    page.DrawText(50, 525 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.Helvetica });
                    page.DrawText(50, 510 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic });
                    page.DrawText(50, 495 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBold });
                    page.DrawText(50, 480 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaBoldItalic });
                    page.DrawText(50, 450 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRoman });
                    page.DrawText(50, 435 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanItalic });
                    page.DrawText(50, 420 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanBold });
                    page.DrawText(50, 405 - 80, text1, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { Font = PdfPredefinedFont.TimesRomanBoldItalic });

                    // Draw rotated text:
                    page.DrawText(65, 50, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { InkColor = PdfColor.DarkOliveGreen });
                    page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { InkColor = new PdfColor(200, 200, 200) });
                    page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { InkColor = new PdfColor(150, 150, 150) }, 22.0);
                    page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { InkColor = new PdfColor(100,100,100) }, 45.0);
                    page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { InkColor = new PdfColor(50, 50, 50) }, 67.0);
                    page.DrawText(65, 70, text2, new PdfTextOptions(to2) { InkColor = new PdfColor(0, 0, 0) }, 90.0);

                    // Draw big 'A' with different LineCapStyles:
                    page.DrawText(240, 170, "A", new PdfTextOptions(to1) { FontSize = 144.0, RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 8, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Red, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.XLarge, LineCapStyle = PdfLineCapStyle.Butt });
                    page.DrawText(340, 170, "A", new PdfTextOptions(to1) { FontSize = 144.0, RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 8, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Green, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.XLarge, LineCapStyle = PdfLineCapStyle.Round });
                    page.DrawText(440, 170, "A", new PdfTextOptions(to1) { FontSize = 144.0, RenderingMode = PdfTextRenderingMode.Stroke, OutlineWidth = 8, OutlineColor = PdfColor.Blue, LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.XLarge, LineCapStyle = PdfLineCapStyle.Square });
                    // Legend:
                    page.DrawText(240, 155, "LineCapStyle.Butt", new PdfTextOptions(to3) { InkColor = PdfColor.Red });
                    page.DrawText(340, 155, "LineCapStyle.Round", new PdfTextOptions(to3) { InkColor = PdfColor.Green });
                    page.DrawText(440, 155, "LineCapStyle.Square", new PdfTextOptions(to3) { InkColor = PdfColor.Blue });

                // Add a page with drawings:
                using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                    // Write header:

                    // Graphical options template:
                    var helpline = new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.0, PdfColor.Gray, PdfColor.White, PdfLineDashPattern.Small);
                    var got1 = new PdfGraphicsOptions(2.0, PdfColor.Black, PdfColor.White, PdfLineDashPattern.Solid);

                    // Draw rectangles:
                    var got2 = new PdfGraphicsOptions(got1) { LineDashPattern = PdfLineDashPattern.Medium, FillColor = PdfColor.Yellow };
                    page.DrawRectangle(50, 700, 240, 80, got1);
                    page.DrawRoundedRectangle(50 + 10, 700 + 10, 240 - 20, 80 - 20, 15, got2);
                    page.DrawRectangle(50 + 240 + 10 + 10, 700, 240, 80, got2);
                    page.DrawRoundedRectangle(50 + 240 + 10 + 10 + 10, 700 + 10, 240 - 20, 80 - 20, 15, got1);

                    // Draw oval in rectangle:
                    page.DrawRectangle(50, 600, 400, 80, helpline);
                    page.DrawOval(50, 600, 400, 80, got1);

                    // Draw circle in rectangle:
                    page.DrawRectangle(550 - 80, 600, 80, 80, helpline);
                    page.DrawCircle(550 - 40, 600 + 40, 40, got1);

                    // Draw various line types:
                    page.DrawLine(50, 560, 550, 560, new PdfGraphicsOptions(8.0, PdfColor.Goldenrod));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 540, 550, 540, new PdfGraphicsOptions(4.0, PdfColor.Green));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 520, 550, 520, new PdfGraphicsOptions(2.0, PdfColor.Brown));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 500, 550, 500, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Coral));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 480, 550, 480, new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.5, PdfColor.Lime));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 460, 550, 460, new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.0, PdfColor.Magenta));

                    // Dashed lines (with the last one, a custom dash definition):
                    page.DrawLine(50, 420, 550, 420, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Red, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Large));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 400, 550, 400, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Green, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Medium));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 380, 550, 380, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Blue, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Small));
                    page.DrawLine(50, 360, 550, 360, new PdfGraphicsOptions(1.0, PdfColor.Gray, null, new PdfLineDashPattern(2, 8)));

                    // Circle of lines:
                    var cl = new PdfScriptObject();
                    for (int a = 0; a < 360; a += 15)
                        cl.DrawLineA(150, 220, a, 100);
                    cl.EndPath(false, true, false);

                    // Circle of squares:
                    var got3 = new PdfGraphicsOptions(got1) { StrokeColor = PdfColor.Green };
                    for (int a = 15; a <= 360; a += 15)
                        page.DrawRectangle(450, 220, 70, 70, got3, a);

                // Add a page with images:
                var imgHRef = writer.AddImage(Properties.Resources.ImgH);
                var imgVRef = writer.AddImage(Properties.Resources.ImgV);
                using (var page = writer.NewPage(PdfPageFormat.A4Portrait))
                    // Write header:

                    // Graphical options template:
                    var bo = new PdfGraphicsOptions(0.5, PdfColor.Gray, null, PdfLineDashPattern.Medium);
                    var to = new PdfTextOptions(PdfPredefinedFont.HelveticaItalic, 8, PdfColor.Gray);

                    // First row: a vertical image:
                    page.DrawRectangle(48, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Stretch);
                    page.DrawText(48, 650, "Stretch", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 130, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 130, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center);
                    page.DrawText(48+130, 650, "Center", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 260, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 260, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.LeftOrTop);
                    page.DrawText(48+260, 650, "LeftOrTop", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 390, 658, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 390, 660, imgVRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.RightOrBottom);
                    page.DrawText(48+390, 650, "RightOrBottom", to);

                    // Second row: a horizontal image:
                    page.DrawRectangle(48, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Stretch);
                    page.DrawText(48, 500, "Stretch", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 130, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 130, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center);
                    page.DrawText(48 + 130, 500, "Center", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 260, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 260, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.LeftOrTop);
                    page.DrawText(48 + 260, 500, "LeftOrTop", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 390, 508, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 390, 510, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.RightOrBottom);
                    page.DrawText(48 + 390, 500, "RightOrBottom", to);

                    // Third row: a rotated image:
                    page.DrawRectangle(48, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.None);
                    page.DrawText(48, 350, "No rotation", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 130, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 130, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.Left);
                    page.DrawText(48 + 130, 350, "Rotated Left", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 260, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 260, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.Right);
                    page.DrawText(48 + 260, 350, "Rotated Right", to);

                    page.DrawRectangle(48 + 390, 358, 114, 114, bo);
                    page.DrawImageRef(50 + 390, 360, imgHRef, 110, 110, PdfImagePlacement.Center, PdfImageRotation.UpsideDown);
                    page.DrawText(48 + 390, 350, "Upside Down", to);

                    // Free rotation:
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0);
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 15.0);
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 30.0);
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 45.0);
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 60.0);
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 75.0);
                    page.DrawImageRef(194.0, 90.0, imgVRef, 110.0, 90.0);
                    page.DrawText(48, 80, "Free rotation", to);
Esempio n. 16
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies these options to the given script object, and sets initial coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal virtual void Apply(PdfScriptObject onObject, double x, double y)
     onObject.SetFont(this.Font, this.FontSize);
     if (this.LeftRotationDegrees != 0)
         onObject.SetTextRotation(x, y, this.LeftRotationDegrees);
         onObject.SetTextStartPosition(x, y);
     if (this.OutlineColor != null)
     if (this.LineDashPattern != null)
     if (this.LineCapStyle.HasValue)
     if (this.OutlineWidth.HasValue)