public Servo(ref Arduino myArduino, int Digital_Pin, int MaxAngle = 180, int MinAngle = 0) { this.Angle = 90; this.myArduino = myArduino; this.Digital_Pin = Digital_Pin; this.myArduino.ServoAttach(Digital_Pin); this.MaxAngle = MaxAngle; this.MinAngle = MinAngle; }
public Base() { var comports = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); if (comports.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Error: No COM ports found"); } for (int i = 0; i < comports.Length; i++) { try { Mega2560 = new Arduino(comports[i]); break; } catch (Exception) {} } ForceSensor = new ResistiveForce(Mega2560, Force_Analog_Pin); DistanceSensor = new SharpIR(Mega2560, Distance_Analog_Pin); LightSensor = new Sensor(Mega2560, Light_Analog_Pin); Webcam = new Capture(); Dictionary = new SpeechDictionary(); Webcam.SetCaptureProperty(CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280); Webcam.SetCaptureProperty(CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720); // set cam resolution to 720P Webcam.QueryFrame(); // take a test photo Webcam.ImageGrabbed += new EventHandler(Webcam_ImageGrabbed); XboxController = new Controller(UserIndex.One); xAxisServo = new Servo(ref Mega2560, xServoPin); yAxisServo1 = new Servo(ref Mega2560, y1ServoPin, y1ServoMax, y1ServoMin); yAxisServo2 = new Servo(ref Mega2560, y2ServoPin, y2ServoMax, y2ServoMin); gripperServo = new Servo(ref Mega2560, gripServoPin, gripServoMax, gripServoMin); xAxisServo.ServoAngleChange(xServoStart); yAxisServo1.ServoAngleChange(y1ServoStart); yAxisServo2.ServoAngleChange(y2ServoStart); gripperServo.ServoAngleChange(gripServoStart); SpeechEngine = new SpeechRecognition.Base(); }
protected Arduino myArduino; // the arduino that is hooked up to the sensor #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Sensor(Arduino Board, int Pin) { this.myArduino = Board; this.analogPin = Pin; }
public ResistiveForce(Arduino Board, int Pin) : base(Board, Pin) { }
public SharpIR(Arduino Board, int Pin) : base(Board, Pin) { }