//Execute block with stream and error catching data
        public object Execute(MlfBlock block, SnekScope scope, out string stream, out Exception error, params object[] arguments)
            stream = null;
            error  = null;

            if (scope == null)
                scope = defaultScope;

            SnekScriptSource source = (SnekScriptSource)block.GetFormatData("scriptSource");

            if (source == null)

            scope.scriptScope.SetVariable("block", block);

            AddContextsToScope(block.contexts, scope, block, arguments);

            object output = Execute(source.ScriptSource, scope, out stream, out error);

            RemoveContextsFromScope(block.contexts, scope, block);


        //Execute a block
        public object Execute(MlfBlock block, SnekScope scope, Dictionary <string, MlfProperty> properties = null, params object[] arguments)
            string    stream = null;
            Exception error  = null;

            if (scope == null)
                scope = defaultScope;

            //Find source
            SnekScriptSource source = (SnekScriptSource)block.GetFormatData("scriptSource");

            if (source == null)

            ApplyPropertyList(scope, properties);
            ApplyArgumentList(block, scope, arguments);

            object output = Execute(block, scope, out stream, out error, arguments);

            RemoveArgumentList(block, scope, arguments);
            RemovePropertyList(scope, properties);

            if (stream != null)
                string stackTrace = GetStackTrace(source.ScriptSource, block);
                Log(stream, StackTraceLogType.None, stackTrace);

            if (error != null)
                string stackTrace = GetStackTrace(source.ScriptSource, block, error);
                LogError(error.Message, StackTraceLogType.None, stackTrace);
