public void InitialiseEntityModel(ArchAngel.Providers.EntityModel.ProviderInfo providerInfo, PreGenerationData data)
            providerInfo.MappingSet.CodeParseResults = null;
            // Clear the current mapped class.
            providerInfo.MappingSet.EntitySet.Entities.ForEach(e => e.MappedClass = null);

            // Find the csproj file we are going to use
            string filename;
            var    csprojDocument = GetCSProjDocument(data, out filename);

            if (csprojDocument == null)

            CSProjFile csproj   = new CSProjFile(csprojDocument, filename);
            var        hbmFiles = ProjectLoader.GetHBMFilesFromCSProj(csproj, fileController);

            // Load HBMs
            foreach (string hbmFilePath in hbmFiles)
                if (!File.Exists(hbmFilePath))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("A file is defined is your csproj file [{0}], but it cannot be found: [{1}]", filename, hbmFilePath), hbmFilePath);
            var mappings = hbmFiles.Select(f => MappingFiles.Version_2_2.Utility.Open(f)).ToList();

            // Parse the CSharp files
            var csharpFiles  = ProjectLoader.GetCSharpFilesFromCSProj(csproj, fileController);
            var parseResults = ParseResults.ParseCSharpFiles(csharpFiles);

            providerInfo.MappingSet.CodeParseResults = parseResults;

            // Clear the current mapped class.
            providerInfo.MappingSet.EntitySet.Entities.ForEach(e => e.MappedClass = null);

            // Map the Entity objects to the parsed Class
            var entities = providerInfo.MappingSet.EntitySet.Entities.ToDictionary(e => e.Name);

            foreach (var hm in mappings)
                foreach (var hClass in hm.Classes())
                    var fullClassName  = HibernateMappingHelper.ResolveFullClassName(hClass, hm);
                    var shortClassName = HibernateMappingHelper.ResolveShortClassName(hClass, hm);

                    // try find the entity
                    Entity entity;
                    if (entities.TryGetValue(shortClassName, out entity))
                        // try find class in parse results
                        var parsedClass = parseResults.FindClass(fullClassName, entity.Properties.Select(p => p.Name).ToList());
                        entity.MappedClass = parsedClass;
                        Log.InfoFormat("Could not find entity for class named {0} in the NHibernate project on disk.", shortClassName);
            // Now, try to map entities that haven't been found yet
            foreach (var entity in entities.Select(v => v.Value).Where(e => e.MappedClass == null))
                string entityName = entity.Name;
                // try find class in parse results
                var parsedClass = parseResults.FindClass(entityName, entity.Properties.Select(p => p.Name).ToList());
                entity.MappedClass = parsedClass;
        public void Setup()
            var csprojText = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("Resources", "NHProject.txt"));
            csprojPath = @"C:\test.csproj";

            doc = new XmlDocument();

            nsManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
            nsManager.AddNamespace("msb", MSB_NAMESPACE);

            var fileController = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IFileController>();
                .Stub(f => f.ReadAllText(csprojPath))
                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"Model\Mappings\Category.hbm.xml", csprojPath))
                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"Model\Mappings\CustomerDemographic.hbm.xml", csprojPath))
                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"Model\Mappings\Customer.hbm.xml", csprojPath))

                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"hibernate.cfg.xml", csprojPath))

                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"Model\Category.cs", csprojPath))
                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"Model\CustomerDemographic.cs", csprojPath))
                .Stub(f => f.ToAbsolutePath(@"Model\Customer.cs", csprojPath))

            loader = new ProjectLoader(fileController);