// Add the selected field in the "group by" list to the "order by" list
        private void AddSortFieldClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is a selected field in the "group by" list
            if (GroupFieldsListBox.SelectedItem == null)

            // Get the name of the selected field and ensure that it's in the list of selected group fields (checked on in the list, e.g.)
            string selectedFieldName = GroupFieldsListBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

            if (!_groupByFields.Contains(selectedFieldName))
                DisplayAlert("Only fields used for grouping can be used to order results.", "Query", "OK");

            // Verify that the field isn't already in the "order by" list
            OrderFieldOption existingOrderBy = _orderByFields.FirstOrDefault(field => field.OrderInfo.FieldName == selectedFieldName);

            if (existingOrderBy == null)
                // Create a new OrderBy for this field and add it to the collection (default to ascending sort order)
                OrderBy          newOrderBy = new OrderBy(selectedFieldName, SortOrder.Ascending);
                OrderFieldOption orderField = new OrderFieldOption(false, newOrderBy);
        // Toggle the sort order (ascending/descending) for the field selected in the sort fields list
        private void ChangeFieldSortOrder(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is a selected sort field in the list
            OrderFieldOption selectedSortField = OrderByFieldsListBox.SelectedItem as OrderFieldOption;

            if (selectedSortField == null)

            // Create a new order field info to define the sort for the selected field
            OrderBy          newOrderBy        = new OrderBy(selectedSortField.OrderInfo.FieldName, selectedSortField.OrderInfo.SortOrder);
            OrderFieldOption newSortDefinition = new OrderFieldOption(true, newOrderBy);

            // Toggle the sort order from the current value
            if (newSortDefinition.OrderInfo.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending)
                newSortDefinition.OrderInfo.SortOrder = SortOrder.Descending;
                newSortDefinition.OrderInfo.SortOrder = SortOrder.Ascending;

            // Add the new OrderBy at the same location in the collection and remove the old one
            _orderByFields.Insert(_orderByFields.IndexOf(selectedSortField), newSortDefinition);
Esempio n. 3
        // Handle the dismiss event on the dialog to raise a custom event that passes the updated order fields back
        public override void OnDismiss(IDialogInterface dialog)

            // Verify the event has listeners
            if (OrderFieldDialogClosed != null)
                // Get an array of checked list item positions (indices)
                SparseBooleanArray checkedItemsArray = _orderFieldsListView.CheckedItemPositions;

                // Loop through all the available order fields
                for (int i = 0; i < _potentialOrderByFields.Count; i++)
                    // Initially set each order option to false
                    OrderFieldOption orderOption = _potentialOrderByFields[i];
                    orderOption.OrderWith = false;

                    // If the item was checked in the list view, set the order option to true
                    if (checkedItemsArray.KeyAt(i) == i && checkedItemsArray.ValueAt(i))
                        orderOption.OrderWith = true;

                // Raise the event and pass back the updated list of order field options
                OrderFieldDialogClosed(this, _potentialOrderByFields);
        private void OrderBySwitched(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use the control's tag to get the row that was changed
            nint index = (sender as UISwitch).Tag;

            // Get the corresponding field and update it's choice as a sort field
            OrderFieldOption orderByOption = _potentialOrderByFields.ElementAt((int)index);

            orderByOption.OrderWith = (sender as UISwitch).On;
        // Remove the selected field from the list of "order by" fields
        private void RemoveSortFieldClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that there is a selected item in the "order by" list
            if (OrderByFieldsListBox.SelectedItem == null)

            // Get the selected OrderFieldOption object and remove it from the collection
            OrderFieldOption selectedOrderBy = OrderByFieldsListBox.SelectedItem as OrderFieldOption;

Esempio n. 6
        private void ShowGroupFields(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a dialog for choosing fields to group results with
            GroupFieldsDialog groupFieldsDialog = new GroupFieldsDialog(_groupByFields);

            // Handle the dialog closing event to read the selected fields
            groupFieldsDialog.GroupFieldDialogClosed += (s, args) =>
                // Update the dictionary of group fields from the dialog
                _groupByFields = args;

                // Get the current list of group fields and create/update the sort field choices
                // (only fields selected for grouping can be used to order results)
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, bool> > currentGroupFields = _groupByFields.Where(field => field.Value == true);

                // Loop through the group fields
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> groupField in currentGroupFields)
                    // Check if this field is missing from the current sort field options
                    OrderFieldOption existingOption = _orderByFields.Find((opt) => opt.OrderInfo.FieldName == groupField.Key);
                    if (existingOption == null)
                        // If the field is missing, create a new OrderFieldOption and add it to the list
                        existingOption = new OrderFieldOption(false, new OrderBy(groupField.Key, SortOrder.Ascending));

                // Also make sure to remove any 'order by' fields that were removed from the 'group by' list
                for (int i = _orderByFields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    // If the order by field is not also one of the group fields, remove it from the list
                    OrderFieldOption            opt = _orderByFields.ElementAt(i);
                    KeyValuePair <string, bool> existingGroupField = currentGroupFields.FirstOrDefault(field => field.Key == opt.OrderInfo.FieldName);
                    if (existingGroupField.Key == null)

            // Begin a transaction to show a UI fragment (group fields dialog)
            FragmentTransaction trans = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();

            groupFieldsDialog.Show(trans, "group_flds");
        // Show fields the user can choose to sort results with (must be one of the group by fields)
        private void ShowOrderByFields(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a new table
            UITableViewController sortFieldsTable = new UITableViewController(UITableViewStyle.Plain);

            // Get the current list of group fields and create/update the sort field choices
            IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, bool> > sortFieldChoices = _groupByFields.Where(field => field.Value == true);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, bool> sortChoice in sortFieldChoices)
                // If this group field is not in the list of available order fields, add it to the list
                OrderFieldOption existingOption = _orderByFields.Find(opt => opt.OrderInfo.FieldName == sortChoice.Key);
                if (existingOption == null)
                    existingOption = new OrderFieldOption(false, new OrderBy(sortChoice.Key, SortOrder.Ascending));

            // Also make sure to remove any order by fields that were removed as 'group by' fields
            for (int i = _orderByFields.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                // If this field is not in the grouped field list, remove it from the order fields list
                OrderFieldOption            opt = _orderByFields.ElementAt(i);
                KeyValuePair <string, bool> existingGroupField = sortFieldChoices.FirstOrDefault(field => field.Key == opt.OrderInfo.FieldName);
                if (existingGroupField.Key == null)

            // Create an instance of a custom data source to show the order fields
            OrderByFieldsDataSource sortFieldsDataSource = new OrderByFieldsDataSource(_orderByFields);

            // Set the data source on the table
            sortFieldsTable.TableView.Source = sortFieldsDataSource;

            // Show the table view
            this.NavigationController.PushViewController(sortFieldsTable, true);
        // Handle when the switch for a "group by" field is toggled on or off by adding or removing the field from the collection
        private void GroupFieldCheckChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the check box that raised the event (group field)
            Switch groupFieldCheckBox = (sender as Switch);

            // Get the field name
            string fieldName = groupFieldCheckBox.BindingContext.ToString();

            // See if the field is being added or removed from the "group by" list
            bool fieldAdded = groupFieldCheckBox.IsToggled;

            // See if the field already exists in the "group by" list
            bool fieldIsInList = _groupByFields.Contains(fieldName);

            // If the field is being added, and is NOT in the list, add it ...
            if (fieldAdded && !fieldIsInList)

                // Also add it to the "order by" list
                OrderBy          orderBy     = new OrderBy(fieldName, SortOrder.Ascending);
                OrderFieldOption orderOption = new OrderFieldOption(false, orderBy);
            // If the field is being removed and it IS in the list, remove it ...
            else if (!fieldAdded && fieldIsInList)

                // Also check for this field in the "order by" list and remove if necessary (only group fields can be used to order results)
                OrderFieldOption orderBy = _orderByFields.FirstOrDefault(field => field.OrderInfo.FieldName == fieldName);
                if (orderBy != null)
                    // Remove the field from the "order by" list