public static Thread CreateServer(
            ContextWrapper InternalContext,
            IPAddress ipa, int port,
            Action <string> Console_WriteLine,
            InternalFileInfo[] Files)
            var random = new System.Random();

            // Error 312 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_PORT): Unknown error.
            if (port < 1024)
                port = random.Next(1024, 32000);

            var cid = 0;

            NetworkStreamAction AtConnection =
                InternalStream =>
                var id = cid++;

                Console_WriteLine("#" + cid);


                var r = new SmartStreamReader(InternalStream);

                #region __Global
                var __Request  = new __HttpRequest();
                var __Response = new __HttpResponse {
                    InternalStream = InternalStream, InternalContext = InternalContext
                var __Global = new __Global();
                __Global.Files      = Files;
                __Global.WebMethods =
                    new InternalWebMethodInfo[]
                    new InternalWebMethodInfo
                        Name          = "WebMethod2",
                        TypeFullName  = "TestGAE.ApplicationWebService",
                        MetadataToken = "06000001",

                        Parameters = new InternalWebMethodParameterInfo[]
                            new InternalWebMethodParameterInfo
                                Name       = "e",
                                Value      = "",
                                IsDelegate = false

                            new InternalWebMethodParameterInfo
                                Name       = "y",
                                Value      = "",
                                IsDelegate = true

                __Global.ScriptApplications =
                    new WebServiceScriptApplication
                        TypeName     = "Application",
                        TypeFullName = "TestGAE.Application",

                        PageSource = "<body>\r\n  <noscript>Error: This Application requires JavaScript.</noscript>\r\n  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"assets/TestGAE/Default.css\" />\r\n  <div id=\"PageContainer\">\r\n    <h1 id=\"Header\">JSC - The .NET crosscompiler for web platforms.</h1>\r\n    <p id=\"Content\" style=\"padding: 2em;     color: blue;\">Hello world</p>\r\n  </div>\r\n</body>",

                        References = new []
                            new WebServiceScriptApplication.Reference
                                AssemblyFile = "ScriptCoreLib.dll"
                            new WebServiceScriptApplication.Reference
                                AssemblyFile = "TestGAE.Application.exe"

                ((__HttpApplication)(object)__Global).Request  = (HttpRequest)(object)__Request;
                ((__HttpApplication)(object)__Global).Response = (HttpResponse)(object)__Response;
                var Context = __Global.Context;

                #region __Request { HttpMethod, QueryString, Headers }
                var HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY = r.ReadLine();
                var HTTP_METHOD            = HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY.TakeUntilOrEmpty(" ");
                __Request.HttpMethod = HTTP_METHOD;

                Console.WriteLine("#" + cid + " " + HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY);

                #region check METHOD
                if (HTTP_METHOD != "POST")
                    if (HTTP_METHOD != "GET")
                        var m = new MemoryStream();

                        Action <string> WriteLineASCII = (string e) =>
                            var x = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(e + "\r\n");

                            m.Write(x, 0, x.Length);

                        Console_WriteLine("#" + cid + " 500");

                        WriteLineASCII("HTTP/1.1 500 OK");
                        WriteLineASCII("Connection: close");

                        var oa = m.ToArray();

                        InternalStream.Write(oa, 0, oa.Length);


                var HTTP_PATH_QUERY = HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY.SkipUntilOrEmpty(" ").TakeUntilLastOrEmpty(" ");
                var HTTP_PATH       = HTTP_PATH_QUERY.TakeUntilIfAny("?");
                __Request.Path = HTTP_PATH;

                #region QueryString
                var HTTP_QUERY = HTTP_PATH_QUERY.SkipUntilOrEmpty("?");

                var __QueryStringItems = HTTP_QUERY.Split('&');

                foreach (var item in __QueryStringItems)
                    var Key = item.TakeUntilOrEmpty("=");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Key))
                        var Value = item.SkipUntilIfAny("=");

                        __Request.QueryString[Key] = Value;

                __Request.Headers["Content-Type"] = "";

                #region Headers
                var NextHeader = r.ReadLine();
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextHeader))

                    var HeaderKey   = NextHeader.TakeUntilOrEmpty(":");
                    var HeaderValue = NextHeader.SkipUntilIfAny(":").Trim();

                    __Request.Headers[HeaderKey] = HeaderValue;

                    NextHeader = r.ReadLine();


                var data = r.ReadToMemoryStream();

                var boundary = __Request.Headers["Content-Type"].SkipUntilOrEmpty("multipart/form-data; boundary=");

                #region Form
                if (__Request.Headers["Content-Type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
                    var p = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.ToBytes());
                    var q = p.Split('&');

                    foreach (var item in q)
                        var Key   = item.TakeUntilOrEmpty("=");
                        var Value = item.SkipUntilIfAny("=");

                        __Request.Form[Key] = Value;

                #region selected_item
                var selected_item = default(InternalFileInfo);

                foreach (var item in Files)
                    // LINQ please!
                    if (HTTP_PATH == "/" + item.Name)
                        selected_item = item;

                    if (__Request.Path == "/jsc")

                    Console.WriteLine("#" + cid + " " + HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY + " done");



                    #region selected_item
                    if (selected_item != null)
                        var path = selected_item.Name;

                        __Response.StatusCode           = 200;
                        __Response.Headers["X-Handler"] = "";

                        if (path.EndsWith(".gif"))
                            __Response.ContentType = ("image/gif");
                        else if (path.EndsWith(".png"))
                            __Response.ContentType = ("image/png");
                        else if (path.EndsWith(".htm"))
                            __Response.ContentType = ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
                            __Response.ContentType = ("application/octet-stream");



                    __Response.StatusCode           = 200;
                    __Response.ContentType          = ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
                    __Response.Headers["X-Handler"] = "";

                    #region index

                    #region WriteLineASCII
                    Action <string> WriteLine = (string e) =>
                        __Response.Write(e + "\r\n");

                    #region html index


                    foreach (var HeaderKey in Context.Request.Headers.AllKeys)
                        var HeaderValue = Context.Request.Headers[HeaderKey];

                        WriteLine("<code style='color: gray;'>" + HeaderKey + "</code>:");
                        WriteLine("<code style='color: green;'>" + HeaderValue + "</code><br />");

                    WriteLine("<h3>data: 0x" + data.Length.ToString("x8") + "</h3>");

                    WriteLine("<pre>" + boundary + "</pre>");
                    WriteLine("<hr />");

                    WriteLine("<pre>" + HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY + "</pre>");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(boundary))
                        WriteLine("<pre>" + WriteHexDump(data.ToBytes()) + "</pre>");

                    #region by boundary
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boundary))
                        boundary = "--" + boundary;

                        var bytes         = data.ToBytes();
                        var boundarybytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(boundary);

                        var boundaries = new List <Int32Box>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length - boundarybytes.Length; i++)
                            var AtBoundary = false;

                            // is i at boundary?
                            for (int j = 0; j < boundarybytes.Length; j++)
                                if (bytes[i + j] != boundarybytes[j])
                                    AtBoundary = false;
                                AtBoundary = true;

                            if (AtBoundary)
                                boundaries.Add(new Int32Box {
                                    value = i

                        var boundaries_a = boundaries.ToArray();

                        for (int i = 0; i < boundaries_a.Length - 1; i++)
                            var start = boundaries_a[i].value + boundarybytes.Length + 2;
                            var end   = boundaries_a[i + 1].value;

                            var chunk = new byte[end - start];

                            Array.Copy(bytes, start, chunk, 0, chunk.Length);
                            WriteLine("<hr />");
                            WriteLine("<pre>" + WriteHexDump(chunk) + "</pre>");

                    WriteLine("<hr />");

                    WriteLine("<form target='_blank' action='/jsc?WebMethod=06000048' method='POST'><br /> <img src=',VS.90).gif' /> method: <code><a href='?WebMethod=06000048'>Hello</a></code><input type='submit' value='Invoke'  /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>data</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_data' value='' /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>foo</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_foo' value='' /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>result</code></form>");

                    WriteLine("<hr />");
                    WriteLine("<form target='_blank' action='/jsc?WebMethod=06000048' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>");
                    WriteLine("  <br /> <img src=',VS.90).gif' /> method: <code><a href='?WebMethod=06000048'>Hello</a></code><input type='submit' value='Invoke'  /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>data</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_data' value='' /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>foo</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_foo' value='' /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>result</code></form>");

                    WriteLine("<hr />");
                    WriteLine("<form target='_blank' action='?WebMethod=06000048' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>");
                    WriteLine("  <input type='file' name='pic' size='40' accept='image/*' />");
                    WriteLine("  <input type='file' name='foo' />");
                    WriteLine("  <br /> <img src=',VS.90).gif' /> method: <code><a href='?WebMethod=06000048'>Hello</a></code><input type='submit' value='Invoke'  /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>data</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_data' value='' /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>foo</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_foo' value='' /><br />");
                    WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>result</code></form>");




            var t = new Thread(
                Console_WriteLine(ipa + ":" + port);

                var r = new TcpListener(ipa, port);


                while (true)
                    var c = r.AcceptTcpClient();
                    //log("AcceptTcpClient done, GetStream");

                    var s = c.GetStream();
                    //log("AcceptTcpClient done, GetStream done");


                    new Thread(
                        //log("before AtConnection");
                        IsBackground = true,

                //    log("AcceptTcpClient error!");

                //    throw;
                IsBackground = true,

        public static Thread CreateServer(
            ContextWrapper InternalContext,
            IPAddress ipa, int port,
            Action<string> Console_WriteLine,
            InternalFileInfo[] Files)
            var random = new System.Random();

            // Error 312 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_PORT): Unknown error.
            if (port < 1024)
                port = random.Next(1024, 32000);

            var cid = 0;

            NetworkStreamAction AtConnection =
                InternalStream =>
                    var id = cid++;

                    Console_WriteLine("#" + cid);


                    var r = new SmartStreamReader(InternalStream);

                    #region __Global
                    var __Request = new __HttpRequest();
                    var __Response = new __HttpResponse { InternalStream = InternalStream, InternalContext = InternalContext };
                    var __Global = new __Global();
                    __Global.Files = Files;
                    __Global.WebMethods =
                        new InternalWebMethodInfo[]
                                new InternalWebMethodInfo
                                    Name = "WebMethod2",
                                    TypeFullName = "TestGAE.ApplicationWebService",
                                    MetadataToken =  "06000001",

                                    Parameters = new InternalWebMethodParameterInfo[]
                                        new InternalWebMethodParameterInfo 
                                            Name = "e",
                                            Value = "",
                                            IsDelegate = false
                                        new InternalWebMethodParameterInfo 
                                            Name = "y",
                                            Value = "",
                                            IsDelegate = true

                    __Global.ScriptApplications =
                                new WebServiceScriptApplication
                                    TypeName = "Application",
                                    TypeFullName = "TestGAE.Application",

                                    PageSource = "<body>\r\n  <noscript>Error: This Application requires JavaScript.</noscript>\r\n  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"assets/TestGAE/Default.css\" />\r\n  <div id=\"PageContainer\">\r\n    <h1 id=\"Header\">JSC - The .NET crosscompiler for web platforms.</h1>\r\n    <p id=\"Content\" style=\"padding: 2em;     color: blue;\">Hello world</p>\r\n  </div>\r\n</body>",

                                    References = new []
                                        new WebServiceScriptApplication.Reference
                                            AssemblyFile = "ScriptCoreLib.dll"
                                        new WebServiceScriptApplication.Reference
                                            AssemblyFile = "TestGAE.Application.exe"

                    ((__HttpApplication)(object)__Global).Request = (HttpRequest)(object)__Request;
                    ((__HttpApplication)(object)__Global).Response = (HttpResponse)(object)__Response;
                    var Context = __Global.Context;

                    #region __Request { HttpMethod, QueryString, Headers }
                    var HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY = r.ReadLine();
                    var HTTP_METHOD = HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY.TakeUntilOrEmpty(" ");
                    __Request.HttpMethod = HTTP_METHOD;

                    Console.WriteLine("#" + cid + " " + HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY);

                    #region check METHOD
                    if (HTTP_METHOD != "POST")
                        if (HTTP_METHOD != "GET")
                            var m = new MemoryStream();

                            Action<string> WriteLineASCII = (string e) =>
                                var x = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(e + "\r\n");

                                m.Write(x, 0, x.Length);

                            Console_WriteLine("#" + cid + " 500");

                            WriteLineASCII("HTTP/1.1 500 OK");
                            WriteLineASCII("Connection: close");

                            var oa = m.ToArray();

                            InternalStream.Write(oa, 0, oa.Length);


                    var HTTP_PATH_QUERY = HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY.SkipUntilOrEmpty(" ").TakeUntilLastOrEmpty(" ");
                    var HTTP_PATH = HTTP_PATH_QUERY.TakeUntilIfAny("?");
                    __Request.Path = HTTP_PATH;

                    #region QueryString
                    var HTTP_QUERY = HTTP_PATH_QUERY.SkipUntilOrEmpty("?");

                    var __QueryStringItems = HTTP_QUERY.Split('&');

                    foreach (var item in __QueryStringItems)
                        var Key = item.TakeUntilOrEmpty("=");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Key))
                            var Value = item.SkipUntilIfAny("=");

                            __Request.QueryString[Key] = Value;

                    __Request.Headers["Content-Type"] = "";

                    #region Headers
                    var NextHeader = r.ReadLine();
                    while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextHeader))

                        var HeaderKey = NextHeader.TakeUntilOrEmpty(":");
                        var HeaderValue = NextHeader.SkipUntilIfAny(":").Trim();

                        __Request.Headers[HeaderKey] = HeaderValue;

                        NextHeader = r.ReadLine();


                    var data = r.ReadToMemoryStream();

                    var boundary = __Request.Headers["Content-Type"].SkipUntilOrEmpty("multipart/form-data; boundary=");

                    #region Form
                    if (__Request.Headers["Content-Type"] == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
                        var p = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data.ToBytes());
                        var q = p.Split('&');

                        foreach (var item in q)
                            var Key = item.TakeUntilOrEmpty("=");
                            var Value = item.SkipUntilIfAny("=");

                            __Request.Form[Key] = Value;

                    #region selected_item
                    var selected_item = default(InternalFileInfo);

                    foreach (var item in Files)
                        // LINQ please!
                        if (HTTP_PATH == "/" + item.Name)
                            selected_item = item;



                        if (__Request.Path == "/jsc")

                        Console.WriteLine("#" + cid + " " + HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY + " done");


                        #region selected_item
                        if (selected_item != null)
                            var path = selected_item.Name;

                            __Response.StatusCode = 200;
                            __Response.Headers["X-Handler"] = "";

                            if (path.EndsWith(".gif"))
                                __Response.ContentType = ("image/gif");
                            else if (path.EndsWith(".png"))
                                __Response.ContentType = ("image/png");
                            else if (path.EndsWith(".htm"))
                                __Response.ContentType = ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
                                __Response.ContentType = ("application/octet-stream");




                        __Response.StatusCode = 200;
                        __Response.ContentType = ("text/html; charset=utf-8");
                        __Response.Headers["X-Handler"] = "";

                        #region index

                        #region WriteLineASCII
                        Action<string> WriteLine = (string e) =>
                            __Response.Write(e + "\r\n");

                        #region html index


                        foreach (var HeaderKey in Context.Request.Headers.AllKeys)
                            var HeaderValue = Context.Request.Headers[HeaderKey];

                            WriteLine("<code style='color: gray;'>" + HeaderKey + "</code>:");
                            WriteLine("<code style='color: green;'>" + HeaderValue + "</code><br />");

                        WriteLine("<h3>data: 0x" + data.Length.ToString("x8") + "</h3>");

                        WriteLine("<pre>" + boundary + "</pre>");
                        WriteLine("<hr />");

                        WriteLine("<pre>" + HTTP_METHOD_PATH_QUERY + "</pre>");

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(boundary))
                            WriteLine("<pre>" + WriteHexDump(data.ToBytes()) + "</pre>");

                        #region by boundary
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(boundary))
                            boundary = "--" + boundary;

                            var bytes = data.ToBytes();
                            var boundarybytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(boundary);

                            var boundaries = new List<Int32Box>();

                            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length - boundarybytes.Length; i++)
                                var AtBoundary = false;

                                // is i at boundary?
                                for (int j = 0; j < boundarybytes.Length; j++)
                                    if (bytes[i + j] != boundarybytes[j])
                                        AtBoundary = false;
                                    AtBoundary = true;

                                if (AtBoundary)
                                    boundaries.Add(new Int32Box { value = i });

                            var boundaries_a = boundaries.ToArray();

                            for (int i = 0; i < boundaries_a.Length - 1; i++)
                                var start = boundaries_a[i].value + boundarybytes.Length + 2;
                                var end = boundaries_a[i + 1].value;

                                var chunk = new byte[end - start];

                                Array.Copy(bytes, start, chunk, 0, chunk.Length);
                                WriteLine("<hr />");
                                WriteLine("<pre>" + WriteHexDump(chunk) + "</pre>");


                        WriteLine("<hr />");

                        WriteLine("<form target='_blank' action='/jsc?WebMethod=06000048' method='POST'><br /> <img src=',VS.90).gif' /> method: <code><a href='?WebMethod=06000048'>Hello</a></code><input type='submit' value='Invoke'  /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>data</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_data' value='' /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>foo</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_foo' value='' /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>result</code></form>");

                        WriteLine("<hr />");
                        WriteLine("<form target='_blank' action='/jsc?WebMethod=06000048' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>");
                        WriteLine("  <br /> <img src=',VS.90).gif' /> method: <code><a href='?WebMethod=06000048'>Hello</a></code><input type='submit' value='Invoke'  /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>data</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_data' value='' /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>foo</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_foo' value='' /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>result</code></form>");

                        WriteLine("<hr />");
                        WriteLine("<form target='_blank' action='?WebMethod=06000048' method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>");
                        WriteLine("  <input type='file' name='pic' size='40' accept='image/*' />");
                        WriteLine("  <input type='file' name='foo' />");
                        WriteLine("  <br /> <img src=',VS.90).gif' /> method: <code><a href='?WebMethod=06000048'>Hello</a></code><input type='submit' value='Invoke'  /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>data</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_data' value='' /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>foo</code> = <input type='text'  name='_06000048_foo' value='' /><br />");
                        WriteLine("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src=',VS.90).gif' /> parameter: <code>result</code></form>");





            var t = new Thread(
                        Console_WriteLine(ipa + ":" + port);

                        var r = new TcpListener(ipa, port);


                        while (true)
                            var c = r.AcceptTcpClient();
                            //log("AcceptTcpClient done, GetStream");

                            var s = c.GetStream();
                            //log("AcceptTcpClient done, GetStream done");


                            new Thread(
                                    //log("before AtConnection");
                                IsBackground = true,

                        //    log("AcceptTcpClient error!");

                        //    throw;

                IsBackground = true,
            return t;