private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // store content of text boxes in an array
            employeeDetails = new string[] { comboBoxTitle.SelectedItem.ToString(), textBoxFirstName.Text, textBoxMiddleNames.Text, textBoxLastName.Text, textBoxPhoneNumber.Text.ToString(), textBoxWorkNumber.Text.ToString(), textBoxEmailAddress.Text };
            // store updated email address for later use
            string newEmployeeEmail = employeeDetails[6];

            // convert selected permission level to string for easier manipulation when updating records
            string adminRights;

            if (comboBoxAdminRights.SelectedIndex == 0)
                adminRights = "1";
                adminRights = "0";

            // if administrator is managing other employees and has access to advanced settings, update them first, then continue updating the rest of details
            if (isAdminManaging)
                // if job title has been left empty, display an error message
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxJobTitle.Text))
                    MessageBox.Show("Job title is a required field. Please fill in.", "Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                // update employee's job title and permission level
                DatabaseManagement.GetInstanceOfDatabaseConnection().UpdateRecord(DatabaseQueries.UpdateRecord(DatabaseQueries.UPDATE_EMPLOYEE_ROLE, new string[] { textBoxJobTitle.Text, adminRights }, DatabaseQueries.EMPLOYEE_WHERE_EMAIL, employeeEmail));

            // if title was not selected, update it to null
            if (comboBoxTitle.SelectedItem.ToString() == "None")
                employeeDetails[0] = null;

            // loop through all employee's details except title which was already validated
            for (int i = 1; i < employeeDetails.Length; i++)
                // check if required fields were not left blank
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeDetails[i]))
                    // except middle name and work phone number that are allowed to be null
                    if (i == 2 || i == 5)
                        // in case the text box contains an empty space, set value manually to null
                        employeeDetails[i] = null;
                        // else return error message
                        MessageBox.Show("Fields marked with asterisk are required.", "Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // check if the email address was changed
            if (employeeEmail != newEmployeeEmail)
                // check if email address matches required format, else return error message
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoginValidation.ValidateEmail(newEmployeeEmail)))
                    // check if email address is not used by someone else
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DatabaseManagement.GetInstanceOfDatabaseConnection().GetSingleAttribute(DatabaseQueries.GetRecord(DatabaseQueries.EMPLOYEE_NAME, DatabaseQueries.EMPLOYEE_WHERE_EMAIL, newEmployeeEmail))))
                        MessageBox.Show("Email address already taken.", "Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    MessageBox.Show("Email address does not have valid format.", "Error Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // if employee has not been selected, create a new account
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(employeeEmail))
                AddNewAccount(newEmployeeEmail, adminRights);
                MessageBox.Show("New account created successfully!", "New Account Confirmation");
                Main.mainApplication.OpenPage(new UserControlEmployees());

            // update the rest of employee's details with specified email address using attributes retrieved from text fields
            DatabaseManagement.GetInstanceOfDatabaseConnection().UpdateRecord(DatabaseQueries.UpdateRecord(DatabaseQueries.UPDATE_EMPLOYEE_DETAILS, employeeDetails, DatabaseQueries.EMPLOYEE_WHERE_EMAIL, employeeEmail));

            // if admin is updating own account
            if (!isAdminManaging || Main.mainApplication.employeeEmail == employeeEmail)
                // if email address was updated for current user, change the email address of logged in employee
                if (Main.mainApplication.employeeEmail != employeeEmail)
                    Main.mainApplication.employeeEmail = newEmployeeEmail;

                // update name on main form
                // update current page

            // display message box
            MessageBox.Show("All settings were saved successfully.", "Settings Saved");
            // go back to previous page
        private void buttonLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // store employees email for later use
            string employeeEmail = comboBoxEmail.Text;
            // validate email and store any error messages received
            string errorMessage = LoginValidation.ValidateEmail(comboBoxEmail.Text);

            // if error message returned, turn the flag on
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorMessage))
                errorProvider.SetError(comboBoxEmail, errorMessage);

            // check if password was not left blank before continuing
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBoxPassword.Text))
                errorProvider.SetError(textBoxPassword, "Password must not be left blank!");

            // store results of validation as boolean values (bool emailValid, bool passwordValid)
            var(emailValid, passwordValid) = LoginValidation.ValidateCredentials(employeeEmail, textBoxPassword.Text);

            // if both email and password are valid, continue to main application
            if (emailValid && passwordValid)
                // add logon entry to log file

                // if email address already occurs in the log file, delete it
                FileWriter.DeleteLine(MAIL_LOG_FILE, FileWriter.ContainsLine(MAIL_LOG_FILE, employeeEmail));
                // insert email address at the beginning of the file
                FileWriter.InsertAtBeginning(MAIL_LOG_FILE, employeeEmail);

                // hide current form

                // create main form and open it
                using (Main MainApplication = new Main(employeeEmail))

                // once main application closes, add logoff entry to event file

                // open login page again
                // load default settings of the login page
            // else if email incorrect
            else if (!emailValid)
                errorProvider.SetError(comboBoxEmail, "Email address incorrect!");
            // else if password incorrect
            else if (!passwordValid)
                errorProvider.SetError(textBoxPassword, "Password incorrect!");
            // in case of any inexpected errors
                FileWriter.WriteLog("login validation error");
                MessageBox.Show("Please report this error to your manager.", "Unexpected Error");