private static void onSendStruct(ulong objectId, [MarshalAs(20)] string function, IntPtr param) { ApolloObject apolloObject = ApolloObjectManager.Instance.dictObjectCollection[objectId]; if (apolloObject != null && function != null) { Type type = apolloObject.GetType(); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(function, 16777276, null, new Type[] { typeof(IntPtr) }, null); if (method != null) { method.Invoke(apolloObject, new object[] { param }); } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendStruct not exist method:" + function + " " + type.get_FullName()); } } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendStruct:" + objectId + " do not exist"); } }
public void Action(ApolloActionBufferBase info, ApolloActionDelegate callback) { if (info == null) { ADebug.LogError("PayService Action Info == null"); } else { byte[] buffer; if (!info.Encode(out buffer)) { ADebug.LogError("Action Encode error!"); } else { if (this.actionCallbackCollection.ContainsKey(info.Action)) { this.actionCallbackCollection[info.Action] = callback; } else { this.actionCallbackCollection.Add(info.Action, callback); } apollo_pay_action(buffer, buffer.Length); } } }
private static void onSendResultBuffer(ulong objectId, [MarshalAs(20)] string function, int result, IntPtr buffer, int len) { ApolloObject apolloObject = ApolloObjectManager.Instance.dictObjectCollection[objectId]; if (apolloObject != null && function != null) { Type type = apolloObject.GetType(); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(function, 16777276, null, new Type[] { typeof(int), typeof(byte[]) }, null); if (method != null) { byte[] array = new byte[len]; if (buffer != IntPtr.Zero && len > 0) { Marshal.Copy(buffer, array, 0, len); } method.Invoke(apolloObject, new object[] { result, array }); } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendResultBuffer not exist method:" + function + " " + type.get_FullName()); } } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendResultBuffer:" + objectId + " do not exist"); } }
public ApolloResult Send(TalkerMessageType type, TalkerCommand command, byte[] bodyData, int usedSize, ApolloMessage message) { if (command == null || bodyData == null || usedSize <= 0) { return(ApolloResult.InvalidArgument); } byte[] array = null; if (message == null) { message = new ApolloMessage(); } if (message.PackRequestData(command, bodyData, usedSize, out array, type)) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Sending:", command, " data size:", array.Length })); return(this.connector.WriteData(array, -1)); } ADebug.LogError("Send: " + command + " msg.PackRequestData error"); return(ApolloResult.InnerError); }
private static void onSendMessage(ulong objectId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string function, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string param) { if (!Instance.dictObjectCollection.ContainsKey(objectId)) { ADebug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "onSendMessage not exist: ", objectId, " function:", function, " param:", param })); } else { ApolloObject obj2 = Instance.dictObjectCollection[objectId]; if ((obj2 != null) && (function != null)) { System.Type[] types = new System.Type[] { typeof(string) }; MethodInfo info = obj2.GetType().GetMethod(function, BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance, null, types, null); if (info != null) { object[] parameters = new object[] { param }; info.Invoke(obj2, parameters); } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendMessage not exist method:" + function); } } else { ADebug.Log("onSendMessage:" + objectId + " do not exist"); } } }
private void parse(string src, Dictionary <string, string> collection) { if ((src == null) || (src.Length == 0)) { ADebug.LogError("ApolloStringParser src is null"); } else { char[] separator = new char[] { '&' }; foreach (string str in src.Split(separator)) { char[] chArray2 = new char[] { '=' }; string[] strArray3 = str.Split(chArray2); if (strArray3.Length > 1) { if (collection.ContainsKey(strArray3[0])) { collection[strArray3[0]] = strArray3[1]; } else { collection.Add(strArray3[0], strArray3[1]); } } } } }
public ApolloResult Send(TalkerMessageType type, TalkerCommand command, IPackable request, ApolloMessage message) { if (command == null || request == null) { return(ApolloResult.InvalidArgument); } byte[] array = null; if (message == null) { message = new ApolloMessage(); } if (message.PackRequestData(command, request, out array, type)) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Sending:", command, " data size:", array.Length })); ApolloResult apolloResult = this.connector.WriteData(array, -1); if (apolloResult == ApolloResult.Success && message.Handler != null) { ApolloMessageManager.Instance.SeqMessageCollection.Add(message.SeqNum, message); } return(apolloResult); } ADebug.LogError("Send: " + command + " msg.PackRequestDat error"); return(ApolloResult.InnerError); }
private void onRecvedData() { ADebug.Log("onRecvedData OnDataRecvedProc"); while (true) { int num; byte[] buffer = null; if (this.connector.ReadData(out buffer, out num) != ApolloResult.Success) { return; } try { ApolloMessage message = ApolloMessageManager.Instance.UnpackResponseData(buffer, num); if (message != null) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Recved:", message.Command, " and resp is:", message.Response })); ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "OnDataRecvedProc: apolloMessage.Handler != null?: ", message.Handler != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithReceipt != null?: ", message.HandlerWithReceipt != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null?: ", message.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null })); message.HandleMessage(); } else { ADebug.LogError("OnDataRecvedProc UnpackResponseData error"); } } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
private static void onSendBuffer(ulong objectId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string function, IntPtr buffer, int len) { ApolloObject obj2 = Instance.dictObjectCollection[objectId]; if ((obj2 != null) && (function != null)) { System.Type type = obj2.GetType(); System.Type[] types = new System.Type[] { typeof(byte[]) }; MethodInfo info = type.GetMethod(function, BindingFlags.IgnoreReturn | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance, null, types, null); if (info != null) { byte[] destination = new byte[len]; Marshal.Copy(buffer, destination, 0, len); object[] parameters = new object[] { destination }; info.Invoke(obj2, parameters); } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendBuffer not exist method:" + function + " " + type.FullName); } } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendBuffer:" + objectId + " do not exist"); } }
private void parse(string src, Dictionary <string, string> collection) { if (src == null || src.get_Length() == 0) { ADebug.LogError("ApolloStringParser src is null"); return; } string[] array = src.Split(new char[] { '&' }); string[] array2 = array; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { string text = array2[i]; string[] array3 = text.Split(new char[] { '=' }); if (array3.Length > 1) { if (collection.ContainsKey(array3[0])) { collection.set_Item(array3[0], array3[1]); } else { collection.Add(array3[0], array3[1]); } } } }
public ApolloResult ReadUdpData(out byte[] buffer, out int realLength) { buffer = null; realLength = 0; if (!this.Connected) { } if (this.tempReadBuffer == null) { this.tempReadBuffer = new byte[ApolloCommon.ApolloInfo.MaxMessageBufferSize]; } int num = this.tempReadBuffer.Length; ApolloResult apolloResult = ApolloConnector.apollo_connector_readUdpData(base.ObjectId, this.tempReadBuffer, ref num); if (apolloResult == ApolloResult.Success) { if (num == 0) { ADebug.LogError("ReadUdpData empty len==0"); return(ApolloResult.Empty); } buffer = this.tempReadBuffer; realLength = num; } return(apolloResult); }
private void OnConnectProc(string msg) { ADebug.Log("c#:OnConnectProc: " + msg); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { ADebug.LogError("OnConnectProc msg is null"); return; } ApolloStringParser apolloStringParser = new ApolloStringParser(msg); ApolloResult @int = (ApolloResult)apolloStringParser.GetInt("Result", 6); this.LoginInfo = apolloStringParser.GetObject <ApolloLoginInfo>("LoginInfo"); if (@int == ApolloResult.Success) { this.Connected = true; } else { this.Connected = false; } ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "c#:OnConnectProc: ", @int, " loginfo:", this.LoginInfo })); if (this.LoginInfo != null && this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo != null && this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.TokenList != null) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "C# logininfo| platform:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.Platform, " openid:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.OpenId, " tokensize:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.TokenList.Count, " pf:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.Pf, " pfkey:", this.LoginInfo.AccountInfo.PfKey })); } if (this.ConnectEvent != null) { try { this.ConnectEvent(@int, this.LoginInfo); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } else { ADebug.Log("OnConnectProc ConnectEvent is null"); } }
public void OnApolloPayActionProc(int ret, byte[] data) { ADebug.Log("OnApolloPayActionProc!"); PluginBase currentPlugin = PluginManager.Instance.GetCurrentPlugin(); if (currentPlugin == null) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc plugin is null"); } else { ApolloAction action = new ApolloAction(); if (!action.Decode(data)) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc Action Decode failed"); } else if (this.actionCallbackCollection.ContainsKey(action.Action)) { ApolloActionBufferBase base3 = currentPlugin.CreatePayResponseAction(action.Action); if (base3 != null) { if (!base3.Decode(data)) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc Decode failed"); } else { ApolloActionDelegate delegate2 = this.actionCallbackCollection[action.Action]; if (delegate2 != null) { try { delegate2((ApolloResult)ret, base3); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc exception:" + exception); } } else { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc callback is null while action == " + action.Action); } } } else { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc info is null"); } } else { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPayActionProc not exist action:" + action.Action); } } }
private void OnCrashExtMessageNotify(string msg) { try { if (this.onCrashExtMessageEvent != null) { this.onCrashExtMessageEvent(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ADebug.LogError("OnCrashExtMessageNotify" + ex); } }
private void OnAccountInitializeProc(int ret, byte[] buf) { ADebug.Log("OnAccountInitializeProc result:" + (ApolloResult)ret); if (this.InitializeEvent != null) { try { this.InitializeEvent((ApolloResult)ret, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ADebug.LogError("OnAccountInitializeProc:" + ex); } } }
public ApolloResult SetRouteInfo(ApolloRouteInfoBase routeInfo) { byte[] buffer; if (routeInfo == null) { return(ApolloResult.InvalidArgument); } routeInfo.Encode(out buffer); if (buffer == null) { ADebug.LogError("WriteData Encode error!"); return(ApolloResult.InnerError); } return(apollo_connector_setRouteInfo(base.ObjectId, buffer, buffer.Length)); }
public ApolloResult SetRouteInfo(ApolloRouteInfoBase routeInfo) { if (routeInfo == null) { return(ApolloResult.InvalidArgument); } byte[] array; routeInfo.Encode(out array); if (array == null) { ADebug.LogError("WriteData Encode error!"); return(ApolloResult.InnerError); } return(ApolloConnector.apollo_connector_setRouteInfo(base.ObjectId, array, array.Length)); }
private void OnAccountLogoutProc(int ret) { ADebug.Log("OnAccountLogoutProc result:" + (ApolloResult)ret); if (this.LogoutEvent != null) { try { this.LogoutEvent((ApolloResult)ret); } catch (Exception ex) { ADebug.LogError("OnAccountLogoutProc:" + ex); } } }
public void SendToQQWithRichPhoto(string summary, ApolloImgPaths imgFilePaths) { if (imgFilePaths != null) { byte[] array; imgFilePaths.Encode(out array); if (array != null) { ApolloSnsService.Apollo_Sns_SendToQQWithRichPhoto(base.ObjectId, summary, array, array.Length); } else { ADebug.LogError("SendToQQWithRichPhoto Encode Error"); } } }
public static ApolloResult Initialize(NoneAccountInitInfo initInfo) { if (initInfo == null) { ADebug.LogError("NoneAccountService initInfo == null"); return(ApolloResult.InvalidArgument); } byte[] buffer = null; if (initInfo.Encode(out buffer) && (buffer != null)) { apollo_none_account_initialize(buffer, buffer.Length); return(ApolloResult.Success); } ADebug.LogError("NoneAccountService Encode error!"); return(ApolloResult.InnerError); }
public static ApolloResult Initialize(NoneAccountInitInfo initInfo) { if (initInfo == null) { ADebug.LogError("NoneAccountService initInfo == null"); return(ApolloResult.InvalidArgument); } byte[] array = null; if (initInfo.Encode(out array) && array != null) { NoneAccountService.apollo_none_account_initialize(array, array.Length); return(ApolloResult.Success); } ADebug.LogError("NoneAccountService Encode error!"); return(ApolloResult.InnerError); }
private void onRecvedData() { ADebug.Log("onRecvedData OnDataRecvedProc"); while (true) { byte[] data = null; int realSize; ApolloResult apolloResult = this.connector.ReadData(out data, out realSize); if (apolloResult != ApolloResult.Success) { break; } try { ApolloMessage apolloMessage = ApolloMessageManager.Instance.UnpackResponseData(data, realSize); if (apolloMessage != null) { ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Recved:", apolloMessage.Command, " and resp is:", apolloMessage.Response })); ADebug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "OnDataRecvedProc: apolloMessage.Handler != null?: ", apolloMessage.Handler != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithReceipt != null?: ", apolloMessage.HandlerWithReceipt != null, " apolloMessage.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null?: ", apolloMessage.HandlerWithoutReceipt != null })); apolloMessage.HandleMessage(); } else { ADebug.LogError("OnDataRecvedProc UnpackResponseData error"); } } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
private void OnRealNameAuthProc(byte[] data) { ADebug.Log("OnRealNameAuthProc!"); ApolloRealNameAuthResult apolloRealNameAuthResult = new ApolloRealNameAuthResult(); if (this.RealNameAutEvent != null && data.Length > 0) { if (!apolloRealNameAuthResult.Decode(data)) { ADebug.LogError("OnRealNameAuthProc Decode failed"); } this.RealNameAutEvent(apolloRealNameAuthResult); } else { ADebug.Log("RealNameAutEvent is null"); } }
public bool Initialize(ApolloBufferBase initInfo) { if (initInfo != null) { byte[] array; initInfo.Encode(out array); if (array != null) { return(ApolloAccountService.apollo_account_initialize(array, array.Length)); } ADebug.LogError("Account Initialize Encode Error"); } else { ADebug.LogError("Account Initialize param is null"); } return(false); }
public bool Initialize(ApolloBufferBase initInfo) { if (initInfo != null) { byte[] buffer; initInfo.Encode(out buffer); if (buffer != null) { return(apollo_account_initialize(buffer, buffer.Length)); } ADebug.LogError("Account Initialize Encode Error"); } else { ADebug.LogError("Account Initialize param is null"); } return(false); }
public void OnApolloPaySvrNotify(byte[] data) { ADebug.Log("ApolloPay OnApolloPaySvrNotify!"); if (this.PayEvent != null) { PluginBase currentPlugin = PluginManager.Instance.GetCurrentPlugin(); if (currentPlugin == null) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPaySvrNotify plugin is null"); } else { ApolloAction action = new ApolloAction(); if (!action.Decode(data)) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPaySvrNotify Action Decode failed"); } else { ApolloBufferBase payResponseInfo = currentPlugin.CreatePayResponseInfo(action.Action); if (payResponseInfo != null) { if (!payResponseInfo.Decode(data)) { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPaySvrNotify Decode failed"); } else { this.PayEvent(payResponseInfo); } } else { ADebug.LogError("OnApolloPaySvrNotify info is null"); } } } } else { ADebug.Log("PayEvent is null"); } }
private void OnConnectorErrorProc(string msg) { ApolloStringParser apolloStringParser = new ApolloStringParser(msg); ApolloResult @int = (ApolloResult)apolloStringParser.GetInt("Result", 6); ADebug.LogError("OnConnectorErrorProc:" + @int); this.Connected = false; if (this.ErrorEvent != null) { try { this.ErrorEvent(@int); } catch (Exception exception) { ADebug.LogException(exception); } } }
public void RealNameAuth(ApolloRealNameAuthInfo info) { if (info != null) { byte[] array; info.Encode(out array); if (array != null) { ApolloAccountService.apollo_account_realname_auth(array, array.Length); } else { ADebug.LogError("RealNameAuth Encode Error"); } } else { ADebug.LogError("RealNameAuth param is null"); } }
private static void onSendMessage(ulong objectId, [MarshalAs(20)] string function, [MarshalAs(20)] string param) { if (!ApolloObjectManager.Instance.dictObjectCollection.ContainsKey(objectId)) { ADebug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "onSendMessage not exist: ", objectId, " function:", function, " param:", param })); return; } ApolloObject apolloObject = ApolloObjectManager.Instance.dictObjectCollection[objectId]; if (apolloObject != null && function != null) { Type type = apolloObject.GetType(); MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(function, 16777276, null, new Type[] { typeof(string) }, null); if (method != null) { method.Invoke(apolloObject, new object[] { param }); } else { ADebug.LogError("onSendMessage not exist method:" + function); } } else { ADebug.Log("onSendMessage:" + objectId + " do not exist"); } }
public IList ReadList <T>(ref T l) { int num = 0; this.Read(ref num); IList list = l as IList; if (list == null) { ADebug.LogError("ReadList list == null"); return(null); } list.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { object obj = BasicClassTypeUtil.CreateListItem(list.GetType()); this.Read <object>(ref obj); list.Add(obj); } return(list); }