public static void Day5() { Console.WriteLine("Day5: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day05\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); // part 1 List <long> output = new List <long>(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); intcode.Write(1).Run(o => output.Add(o)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', output)); // part 2 output.Clear(); intcode.Reset().Write(5).Run(o => output.Add(o)); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', output)); }
public static void Day2() { Console.WriteLine("Day2: "); long[] prog = "1,12,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,3,4,3,1,5,0,3,2,10,1,19,1,19,6,23,2,13,23,27,1,27,13,31,1,9,31,35,1,35,9,39,1,39,5,43,2,6,43,47,1,47,6,51,2,51,9,55,2,55,13,59,1,59,6,63,1,10,63,67,2,67,9,71,2,6,71,75,1,75,5,79,2,79,10,83,1,5,83,87,2,9,87,91,1,5,91,95,2,13,95,99,1,99,10,103,1,103,2,107,1,107,6,0,99,2,14,0,0" .Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); // part 1 var intcode = new IntCode(prog); var result = intcode.Reset().SetParams(12, 2).Run().ReadMemory(0); Console.WriteLine(result); // part 2 for (int p1 = 0; p1 <= 99; p1++) { for (int p2 = 0; p2 <= 99; p2++) { result = intcode.Reset().SetParams(p1, p2).Run().ReadMemory(0); if (result == 19690720) { Console.WriteLine(100 * p1 + p2); } } } }
public static void Day15() { Console.WriteLine("Day15: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day15\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); // part 1 // we need to explore the game space; and then count the steps to the origin. // idea1: wall following // idea2: traverse to the nearest unexplored space (also could be used to get back to origin) // idea3: keep track of min distance to origin at each square. int[,] board = new int[100, 100]; BlockingCollection <int> game = new(); int x = 25, y = 25, dx = 0, dy = -1, dist = 1, max_dist = 0; bool hitWall = false, findOxygen; bool show_board = false; if (show_board) { Console.WindowHeight = 50; //Console.WindowWidth = 100; for (int cy = 0; cy < Console.WindowHeight; cy++) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.CursorVisible = false; } // part 1 findOxygen = true; board[x, y] = dist; intcode.Reset(); Task.Run(() => { intcode.Run(o => game.Add((int)o)); game.CompleteAdding(); }); RunSimulation(show_board, autoplay: FollowWall); if (show_board) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.WindowTop + Console.WindowHeight - 1); } Console.Write($"Found Oxygen at {x},{y} dist to origin = {dist}"); // part 2 findOxygen = false; // reset dists dist = 0; max_dist = 0; ClearDists(board); RunSimulation(show_board, autoplay: FollowWall); if (show_board) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.WindowTop + Console.WindowHeight); Console.CursorVisible = true; } Console.WriteLine($"Max time for oxygen dispersion: {max_dist}"); void RunSimulation(bool show_board, Action autoplay) { while (true) { if (show_board && board[x, y] != -2) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + Console.WindowTop); Console.Write('D'); Thread.Sleep(10); } autoplay?.Invoke(); if (!game.TryTake(out int r, -1)) { break; } if (show_board && board[x, y] != -2) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + Console.WindowTop); Console.Write('.'); } hitWall = false; x += dx; y += dy; if (show_board) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + Console.WindowTop); } if (r == 0) { if (show_board) { Console.Write('▓'); } board[x, y] = -1; x -= dx; y -= dy; hitWall = true; } else if (r == 1) { if (board[x, y] == 0) { board[x, y] = ++dist; } else { dist = board[x, y]; } if (dist > max_dist) { max_dist = dist; } } else if (r == 2) { if (show_board) { Console.Write('@'); } board[x, y] = -2; if (findOxygen) { break; } } if (!findOxygen && x == 25 && y == 25) // back to the starting position { break; } } } void FollowWall() { if (hitWall) // we smacked into a wall, turn right { var ox = dx; dx = -dy; dy = ox; } else if (board[x + dy, y - dx] != -1) // no wall to left - turn left { var ox = dx; dx = dy; dy = -ox; } else { while (board[x + dx, y + dy] == -1) // wall ahead - turn right { var ox = dx; dx = -dy; dy = ox; } } int next = (dy < 0) ? 1 : (dy > 0) ? 2 : (dx < 0) ? 3 : 4; intcode.Write(next); } void ClearDists(int[,] board) { for (int x = 0; x < board.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < board.GetLength(1); y++) { if (board[x, y] > 0) { board[x, y] = 0; } } } } void PlayManually() { var k = Console.ReadKey(true); dx = dy = 0; if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { dy = -1; intcode.Write(1); } else if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { dy = 1; intcode.Write(2); } else if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { dx = -1; intcode.Write(3); } else if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { dx = 1; intcode.Write(4); } else if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.Q) { intcode.Write(0); } } }
public static void Day21() { Console.WriteLine("Day21: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day21\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); bool show_space = false; // part 1 int damage = 0; var springscript = @" NOT A J NOT B T OR T J NOT C T OR T J AND D J WALK "; RunScript(intcode, springscript); // part 2 springscript = @" NOT A J NOT B T OR T J NOT C T OR T J AND D J NOT E T NOT T T OR H T AND T J RUN "; RunScript(intcode, springscript); void RunScript(IntCode intcode, string springscript) { intcode.Reset(); foreach (var instr in springscript.Split("\r\n").Select(s => s.Trim()).Where(s => s != "")) { foreach (var c in instr + "\n") { intcode.Write(c); } } intcode.Run(o => { if (o > 128) { damage = (int)o; } else if (show_space) { Console.Write((char)o); } }); Console.WriteLine($"Damage: {damage}"); } }
public static void Day17() { Console.WriteLine("Day17: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day17\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); bool show_space = false; // part 1 char[,] space = new char[100, 100]; int x = 0, y = 0; int maxx = 0; int maxy = 0; intcode.Run(o => { space[x, y] = (char)o; if (show_space) { Console.Write(space[x, y]); } x++; if (o == 10) { maxx = Math.Max(maxx, x); x = 0; y++; } else { maxy = y; } }); //Console.WriteLine($"{maxx} x {y}"); // count intersections, calc aligment sum int sum = 0; for (x = 1; x < maxx - 1; x++) { for (y = 1; y < maxy - 1; y++) { if (space[x, y] == '#' && space[x - 1, y] == '#' && space[x + 1, y] == '#' && space[x, y - 1] == '#' && space[x, y + 1] == '#') { sum += x * y; } } } Console.WriteLine(sum); // part 2 // figured it out manually // R6L12R6 R6L12R6 L12R6L8L12 R12L10L10 L12R6L8L12 R12L10L10 L12R6L8L12 R12L10L10 L12R6L8L12 R6L12R6 // A A B C B C B C B A string main = "A,A,B,C,B,C,B,C,B,A"; string progA = "R,6,L,12,R,6"; string progB = "L,12,R,6,L,8,L,12"; string progC = "R,12,L,10,L,10"; string combined = $"{main}\n{progA}\n{progB}\n{progC}\nn\n"; intcode.Reset().WriteMemory(0, 2); foreach (char c in combined) { intcode.Write((long)c); } long dust = 0, last = 0; intcode.Run(o => { if (last == 10 && o == 10) { if (show_space) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.WindowTop); } } if (show_space) { Console.Write((char)o); } last = o; if (o != 10) { dust = o; } }); Console.WriteLine(dust); }
public static void Day13() { Console.WriteLine("Day13: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day13\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); // part 1 BlockingCollection <int> game = new(); Task.Run(() => { intcode.Run(o => game.Add((int)o)); game.CompleteAdding(); }); int num_blocks = 0; int max_x = 0, max_y = 0; while (true) { if (!game.TryTake(out int x, 10000)) { break; } int y = game.Take(); int t = game.Take(); max_x = Math.Max(max_x, x); max_y = Math.Max(max_y, y); if (t == 2) { num_blocks++; } } Console.WriteLine(num_blocks); // part 2 game = new(); bool show_board = false; if (show_board) { for (int y = 0; y < Console.WindowHeight + 2; y++) { Console.WriteLine(); } Console.CursorVisible = false; } int high_score = 0; intcode.Reset(); intcode.WriteMemory(0, 2); // play game Task.Run(() => { intcode.Run(o => game.Add((int)o)); game.CompleteAdding(); }); bool play_manually = false; if (play_manually) // play manually { Task.Run(() => { while (!game.IsCompleted) { var k = Console.ReadKey(); if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow) { intcode.Write(-1); } else if (k.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow) { intcode.Write(1); } else { intcode.Write(0); } } }); } int last_x = -1; int paddle_x = 0; bool auto_play = false; while (true) { if (!game.TryTake(out int x, -1)) { break; } int y = game.Take(); int t = game.Take(); if (x == -1) { if (show_board) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.WindowTop); } if (show_board) { Console.Write("Score: " + t + " "); } high_score = t; continue; } if (show_board) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y + Console.WindowTop + 1); } if (t == 0) { if (show_board) { Console.Write(' '); } } else if (t == 1) { if (show_board) { Console.Write('▓'); } } else if (t == 2) { if (show_board) { Console.Write('░'); } } else if (t == 3) { if (show_board) { Console.Write('▀'); } paddle_x = x; } else if (t == 4) { if (show_board) { Console.Write('o'); } if (!play_manually) { if (paddle_x == last_x) { auto_play = true; } if (!auto_play) { intcode.Write(0); } else if (last_x > x) { intcode.Write(-1); } else if (last_x < x) { intcode.Write(1); } last_x = x; //Thread.Sleep(10); } } } if (show_board) { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Console.WindowTop + max_y + 2); } Console.WriteLine("Game Over! High Score = " + high_score); Console.CursorVisible = true; }
public static void Day25() { Console.WriteLine("Day25: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day25\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); // part 1 bool play_manually = false; bool done = false; intcode.Reset(); List <char> line = new List <char>(); string lastline = ""; Task.Run(() => { intcode.Run(o => { if (play_manually) { Console.Write((char)o); } else if (o == 10) { lastline = new string(line.ToArray()); line.Clear(); } else { line.Add((char)o); } }); done = true; }); if (!play_manually) { string cmds = @"north north north take astrolabe south south take sand south west north take shell south south west take ornament west south south "; cmds = cmds.Trim().Replace("\r", ""); for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length; i++) { intcode.Write(cmds[i]); } intcode.Write(10); while (!done) { Thread.Sleep(10); } Console.WriteLine(lastline); } else { while (!done) { var cmd = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (cmd == "n") { cmd = "north"; } if (cmd == "s") { cmd = "south"; } if (cmd == "e") { cmd = "east"; } if (cmd == "w") { cmd = "west"; } for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Length; i++) { intcode.Write(cmd[i]); } intcode.Write(10); } } }
public static void Day19() { Console.WriteLine("Day19: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day19\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); bool IsBeam(int x, int y) { bool isBeam = false; intcode.Reset().Write(x).Write(y).Run(o => isBeam = (o == 1)); return(isBeam); } // part 1 int x = 0, y = 0; long count = 0; for (y = 0; y < 50; y++) { for (x = 0; x < 50; x++) { if (IsBeam(x, y)) { count++; } } } Console.WriteLine(count); // part 2 x = 0; y = 100; // skip some of the start - the beam is not contiguous there while (true) { //Console.WriteLine($"{x},{y} = {x * 10000 + y}"); if (!IsBeam(x, y)) { x++; } else if (!IsBeam(x + 99, y)) { y++; } else if (!IsBeam(x, y + 99)) { x++; } else if (!IsBeam(x + 99, y + 99)) { y++; // shouldn't happen! } else { // found it break; } } Console.WriteLine($"{x},{y} = {x * 10000 + y}"); }
public static void Day7() { Console.WriteLine("Day7: "); long[] prog = File.ReadAllText("Aoc2019\\Day07\\input.txt").Split(',').Select(c => long.Parse(c)).ToArray(); var intcode = new IntCode(prog); // part 1 long max_thrust = 0; string best = "?"; for (int A = 0; A <= 4; A++) { for (int B = 0; B <= 4; B++) { for (int C = 0; C <= 4; C++) { for (int D = 0; D <= 4; D++) { for (int E = 0; E <= 4; E++) { if (A == B || A == C || A == D || A == E || B == C || B == D || B == E || C == D || C == E || D == E) { continue; } Stack <long> inp = new Stack <long>(); long thrust = 0; intcode.Reset().Write(A).Write(thrust).Run(o => thrust = o); intcode.Reset().Write(B).Write(thrust).Run(o => thrust = o); intcode.Reset().Write(C).Write(thrust).Run(o => thrust = o); intcode.Reset().Write(D).Write(thrust).Run(o => thrust = o); intcode.Reset().Write(E).Write(thrust).Run(o => thrust = o); if (thrust > max_thrust) { max_thrust = thrust; best = $"{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}"; } } } } } } Console.WriteLine(max_thrust); // part 2 var ampA = new IntCode(prog); var ampB = new IntCode(prog); var ampC = new IntCode(prog); var ampD = new IntCode(prog); var ampE = new IntCode(prog); max_thrust = 0; for (int A = 5; A <= 9; A++) { for (int B = 5; B <= 9; B++) { for (int C = 5; C <= 9; C++) { for (int D = 5; D <= 9; D++) { for (int E = 5; E <= 9; E++) { if (A == B || A == C || A == D || A == E || B == C || B == D || B == E || C == D || C == E || D == E) { continue; } ampA.Reset().Write(A).Write(0); ampB.Reset().Write(B); ampC.Reset().Write(C); ampD.Reset().Write(D); ampE.Reset().Write(E); Task.WaitAll( Task.Run(() => ampA.Run(o => ampB.Write(o))), Task.Run(() => ampB.Run(o => ampC.Write(o))), Task.Run(() => ampC.Run(o => ampD.Write(o))), Task.Run(() => ampD.Run(o => ampE.Write(o))), Task.Run(() => ampE.Run(o => ampA.Write(o)))); long thrust = ampA.PopInput(); if (thrust > max_thrust) { max_thrust = thrust; best = $"{A}{B}{C}{D}{E}"; } } } } } } Console.WriteLine(max_thrust); }