Esempio n. 1
 public AttributeDecl(OutputModelFactory factory, Attribute a)
     : base(factory,, a.decl)
     this.Type = a.type;
     this.InitValue = a.initValue;
Esempio n. 2
 public virtual void AddDecl(Attribute a)
     AddDecl(new AttributeDecl(factory, a));
Esempio n. 3
         * For decls like "String foo" or "char *foo32[]" compute the ID
         * and type declarations.  Also handle "int x=3" and 'T t = new T("foo")'
         * but if the separator is ',' you cannot use ',' in the initvalue
         * unless you escape use "\," escape.
        public static Attribute ParseAttributeDef([Nullable] ActionAST action, [NotNull] System.Tuple<string, int> decl, Grammar g)
            if (decl.Item1 == null)
                return null;

            Attribute attr = new Attribute();
            int rightEdgeOfDeclarator = decl.Item1.Length - 1;
            int equalsIndex = decl.Item1.IndexOf('=');
            if (equalsIndex > 0)
                // everything after the '=' is the init value
                attr.initValue = decl.Item1.Substring(equalsIndex + 1).Trim();
                rightEdgeOfDeclarator = equalsIndex - 1;

            string declarator = decl.Item1.Substring(0, rightEdgeOfDeclarator + 1);
            System.Tuple<int, int> p;
            string text = decl.Item1;
            text = text.Replace("::", "");
            if (text.Contains(":"))
                // declarator has type appearing after the name like "x:T"
                p = _ParsePostfixDecl(attr, declarator, action, g);
                // declarator has type appearing before the name like "T x"
                p = _ParsePrefixDecl(attr, declarator, action, g);
            int idStart = p.Item1;
            int idStop = p.Item2;

            attr.decl = decl.Item1;

            if (action != null)
                string actionText = action.Text;
                int[] lines = new int[actionText.Length];
                int[] charPositionInLines = new int[actionText.Length];
                for (int i = 0, line1 = 0, col = 0; i < actionText.Length; i++, col++)
                    lines[i] = line1;
                    charPositionInLines[i] = col;
                    if (actionText[i] == '\n')
                        col = -1;

                int[] charIndexes = new int[actionText.Length];
                for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < actionText.Length; i++, j++)
                    charIndexes[j] = i;
                    // skip comments
                    if (i < actionText.Length - 1 && actionText[i] == '/' && actionText[i + 1] == '/')
                        while (i < actionText.Length && actionText[i] != '\n')

                int declOffset = charIndexes[decl.Item2];
                int declLine = lines[declOffset + idStart];

                int line = action.Token.Line + declLine;
                int charPositionInLine = charPositionInLines[declOffset + idStart];
                if (declLine == 0)
                    /* offset for the start position of the ARG_ACTION token, plus 1
                     * since the ARG_ACTION text had the leading '[' stripped before
                     * reaching the scope parser.
                    charPositionInLine += action.Token.CharPositionInLine + 1;

                int offset = ((CommonToken)action.Token).StartIndex;
                attr.token = new CommonToken(action.Token.InputStream, ANTLRParser.ID, BaseRecognizer.DefaultTokenChannel, offset + declOffset + idStart + 1, offset + declOffset + idStop);
                attr.token.Line = line;
                attr.token.CharPositionInLine = charPositionInLine;
                Debug.Assert(, "Attribute text should match the pseudo-token text at this point.");

            return attr;
Esempio n. 4
        public static System.Tuple<int, int> _ParsePostfixDecl(Attribute attr, string decl, ActionAST a, Grammar g)
            int start = -1;
            int stop = -1;
            int colon = decl.IndexOf(':');
            int namePartEnd = colon == -1 ? decl.Length : colon;

            // look for start of name
            for (int i = 0; i < namePartEnd; ++i)
                char ch = decl[i];
                if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_')
                    start = i;

            if (start == -1)
                start = 0;
                g.tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.CANNOT_FIND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IN_DECL, g.fileName, a.Token, decl);

            // look for stop of name
            for (int i = start; i < namePartEnd; ++i)
                char ch = decl[i];
                if (!(char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_'))
                    stop = i;
                if (i == namePartEnd - 1)
                    stop = namePartEnd;

            if (stop == -1)
                stop = start;

            // extract name from decl
   = decl.Substring(start, stop - start);

            // extract type from decl (could be empty)
            if (colon == -1)
                attr.type = "";
                attr.type = decl.Substring(colon + 1, decl.Length - colon - 1);
            attr.type = attr.type.Trim();

            if (attr.type.Length == 0)
                attr.type = null;
            return Tuple.Create(start, stop);
Esempio n. 5
        public static System.Tuple<int, int> _ParsePrefixDecl(Attribute attr, string decl, ActionAST a, Grammar g)
            // walk backwards looking for start of an ID
            bool inID = false;
            int start = -1;
            for (int i = decl.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                char ch = decl[i];
                // if we haven't found the end yet, keep going
                if (!inID && char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch))
                    inID = true;
                else if (inID && !(char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_'))
                    start = i + 1;
            if (start < 0 && inID)
                start = 0;
            if (start < 0)
                g.tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.CANNOT_FIND_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IN_DECL, g.fileName, a.Token, decl);

            // walk forward looking for end of an ID
            int stop = -1;
            for (int i = start; i < decl.Length; i++)
                char ch = decl[i];
                // if we haven't found the end yet, keep going
                if (!(char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_'))
                    stop = i;
                if (i == decl.Length - 1)
                    stop = i + 1;

            // the name is the last ID
   = decl.Substring(start, stop - start);

            // the type is the decl minus the ID (could be empty)
            attr.type = decl.Substring(0, start);
            if (stop <= decl.Length - 1)
                attr.type += decl.Substring(stop, decl.Length - stop);

            attr.type = attr.type.Trim();
            if (attr.type.Length == 0)
                attr.type = null;

            return Tuple.Create(start, stop);
Esempio n. 6
 public virtual Attribute Add(Attribute a)
     a.dict = this;
     return attributes[] = a;