public void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { if(_skip) // Only show this message once! return; _skip = true; AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); mb.Show(string.Format(Resources.UnsupportedWorkingCopyFound, e.Argument)); }
bool EnsureAllProjectsLoaded(IAnkhServiceProvider context) { List<IVsHierarchy> unloaded = GetProjects(context, __VSENUMPROJFLAGS.EPF_UNLOADEDINSOLUTION); if(unloaded != null && unloaded.Count > 0) { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(context); if(DialogResult.Yes != mb.Show("The solution contains unloaded projects. Any changes you make will not affect "+ "the unloaded projects.\n\nIt is strongly recommended that you reload all projects before continuing.\n\n" + "Would you like to continue?", "Source Control", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)) return false; } return true; }
static void SetProjectsManaged(CommandEventArgs e) { IFileStatusCache cache = e.GetService<IFileStatusCache>(); IFileStatusMonitor monitor = e.GetService<IFileStatusMonitor>(); IAnkhSccService scc = e.GetService<IAnkhSccService>(); IProjectFileMapper mapper = e.GetService<IProjectFileMapper>(); AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); if (mapper == null) return; List<SvnProject> projectsToBeManaged = new List<SvnProject>(); SvnItem slnItem = cache[e.Selection.SolutionFilename]; Uri solutionReposRoot = slnItem.WorkingCopy.RepositoryRoot; foreach (SvnProject project in GetSelection(e.Selection)) { ISvnProjectInfo projInfo = mapper.GetProjectInfo(project); if (projInfo == null || projInfo.ProjectDirectory == null || !projInfo.IsSccBindable) continue; // Some projects can't be managed SvnItem projectDir = cache[projInfo.ProjectDirectory]; if (projectDir.WorkingCopy == slnItem.WorkingCopy) { // This is a 'normal' project, part of the solution and in the same working copy projectsToBeManaged.Add(project); continue; } bool markAsManaged; bool writeReference; if (projectDir.IsVersioned) continue; // We don't have to add this one if (projectDir.IsVersionable) { SvnItem parentDir = GetVersionedParent(projectDir); Debug.Assert(parentDir != null); DialogResult rslt = mb.Show(string.Format(CommandResources.AddXToExistingWcY, Path.GetFileName(projInfo.ProjectName), parentDir.FullPath), AnkhId.PlkProduct, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); switch (rslt) { case DialogResult.Cancel: return; case DialogResult.No: if (CheckoutWorkingCopyForProject(e, projInfo, solutionReposRoot, out markAsManaged, out writeReference)) { if (markAsManaged) scc.SetProjectManaged(project, true); if (writeReference) scc.EnsureCheckOutReference(project); continue; } break; case DialogResult.Yes: projectsToBeManaged.Add(project); AddPathToSubversion(e, projInfo.ProjectFile ?? projInfo.ProjectDirectory); continue; } } else { // We have to checkout (and create repository location) if (CheckoutWorkingCopyForProject(e, projInfo, solutionReposRoot, out markAsManaged, out writeReference)) { if (markAsManaged) scc.SetProjectManaged(project, true); if (writeReference) scc.EnsureCheckOutReference(project); continue; } } } if (!AskSetManagedSelectionProjects(e, mapper, scc, projectsToBeManaged)) return; foreach (SvnProject project in projectsToBeManaged) { if (!scc.IsProjectManaged(project)) { scc.SetProjectManaged(project, true); monitor.ScheduleSvnStatus(mapper.GetAllFilesOf(project)); // Update for 'New' status } } }
static bool HandleUnmanagedOrUnversionedSolution(CommandEventArgs e, SvnItem solutionItem) { IAnkhSccService scc = e.GetService<IAnkhSccService>(); AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); bool shouldActivate = false; if (!scc.IsActive) { if (e.State.OtherSccProviderActive) return false; // Can't switch in this case.. Nothing to do // Ankh is not the active provider, we should register as active shouldActivate = true; } if (scc.IsSolutionManaged && solutionItem.IsVersioned) return true; // Projects should still be checked bool confirmed = false; if (solutionItem.IsVersioned) { /* File is in subversion; just enable */ } else if (solutionItem.IsVersionable) { if (!AddVersionableSolution(e, solutionItem, ref confirmed)) return false; } else { if (!CheckoutWorkingCopyForSolution(e, ref confirmed)) return false; } if (!confirmed && !e.DontPrompt && !e.IsInAutomation && DialogResult.Yes != mb.Show(string.Format(CommandResources.MarkXAsManaged, Path.GetFileName(e.Selection.SolutionFilename)), "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)) { return false; } SetSolutionManaged(shouldActivate, solutionItem, scc); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Returns true if <see cref="succeededProjects"/> should be set managed, false otherwise /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="mapper"></param> /// <param name="scc"></param> /// <param name="succeededProjects"></param> /// <returns></returns> static bool AskSetManagedSelectionProjects(CommandEventArgs e, IProjectFileMapper mapper, IAnkhSccService scc, IEnumerable<SvnProject> succeededProjects) { if (e.DontPrompt || e.IsInAutomation) return true; AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool foundOne = false; foreach (SvnProject project in succeededProjects) { ISvnProjectInfo info; if (!scc.IsProjectManaged(project) && null != (info = mapper.GetProjectInfo(project))) { if (sb.Length > 0) sb.Append("', '"); sb.Append(info.ProjectName); } foundOne = true; } if (!foundOne) return false; // No need to add when there are no projects string txt = sb.ToString(); int li = txt.LastIndexOf("', '"); if (li > 0) txt = txt.Substring(0, li + 1) + CommandResources.FileAnd + txt.Substring(li + 3); return DialogResult.Yes == mb.Show(string.Format(CommandResources.MarkXAsManaged, txt), AnkhId.PlkProduct, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); }
static bool AddVersionableSolution(CommandEventArgs e, SvnItem solutionItem, ref bool confirmed) { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); SvnItem parentDir = GetVersionedParent(solutionItem); // File is not versioned but is inside a versioned directory if (!e.DontPrompt && !e.IsInAutomation) { if (!solutionItem.Parent.IsVersioned) { AddPathToSubversion(e, e.Selection.SolutionFilename); return true; } DialogResult rslt = mb.Show(string.Format(CommandResources.AddXToExistingWcY, Path.GetFileName(e.Selection.SolutionFilename), parentDir.FullPath), AnkhId.PlkProduct, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (rslt == DialogResult.Cancel) return false; if (rslt == DialogResult.No) { // Checkout new working copy return CheckoutWorkingCopyForSolution(e, ref confirmed); } if (rslt == DialogResult.Yes) { // default case: Add to existing workingcopy AddPathToSubversion(e, e.Selection.SolutionFilename); return true; } return false; } confirmed = true; return true; }
private void ReleaseExternalWrites() { Dictionary<string, DocumentLock> modified; lock (_externallyChanged) { if (_externallyChanged.Count == 0) return; modified = new Dictionary<string, DocumentLock>(_externallyChanged, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); _externallyChanged.Clear(); } try { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, DocumentLock> file in modified) { ScheduleSvnStatus(file.Key); SvnItem item = Cache[file.Key]; if (item.IsConflicted) { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(Context); DialogResult dr = mb.Show(string.Format(Resources.YourMergeToolSavedXWouldYouLikeItMarkedAsResolved, file.Key), Resources.MergeCompleted, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); switch (dr) { case DialogResult.Yes: using (SvnClient c = Context.GetService<ISvnClientPool>().GetNoUIClient()) { SvnResolveArgs ra = new SvnResolveArgs(); ra.ThrowOnError = false; c.Resolve(file.Key, SvnAccept.Merged, ra); } goto case DialogResult.No; case DialogResult.No: if (!item.IsModified) { // Reload? } break; default: // Let VS handle the file return; // No reload } } if (!item.IsDocumentDirty) { if (file.Value != null) file.Value.Reload(file.Key); } } } catch (Exception ex) { IAnkhErrorHandler eh = GetService<IAnkhErrorHandler>(); if (eh != null && eh.IsEnabled(ex)) eh.OnError(ex); else throw; } finally { foreach (DocumentLock dl in modified.Values) { if (dl != null) dl.Dispose(); } } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { SvnRevision updateTo; SvnDepth depth; List<string> files = new List<string>(); if (e.Command == AnkhCommand.UpdateItemSpecific) { IUIShell uiShell = e.GetService<IUIShell>(); PathSelectorInfo info = new PathSelectorInfo("Select Items to Update", e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(true)); info.CheckedFilter += delegate(SvnItem item) { return item.IsVersioned; }; info.VisibleFilter += delegate(SvnItem item) { return item.IsVersioned; }; info.EnableRecursive = true; info.RevisionStart = SvnRevision.Head; info.Depth = SvnDepth.Infinity; PathSelectorResult result = !Shift ? uiShell.ShowPathSelector(info) : info.DefaultResult; if (!result.Succeeded) return; updateTo = result.RevisionStart; depth = result.Depth; List<SvnItem> dirs = new List<SvnItem>(); foreach (SvnItem item in result.Selection) { if (!item.IsVersioned) continue; if (item.IsDirectory) { if (result.Depth < SvnDepth.Infinity) { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); DialogResult dr = mb.Show(CommandStrings.CantUpdateDirectoriesNonRecursive, "", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr != DialogResult.Yes) return; depth = SvnDepth.Infinity; } } bool found = false; foreach (SvnItem dir in dirs) { if (item.IsBelowPath(dir)) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; files.Add(item.FullPath); if (item.IsDirectory) dirs.Add(item); } } else { updateTo = SvnRevision.Head; depth = SvnDepth.Infinity; List<SvnItem> dirs = new List<SvnItem>(); foreach (SvnItem item in e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(true)) { if (!item.IsVersioned) continue; bool found = false; foreach (SvnItem p in dirs) { if (item.IsBelowPath(p) && p.WorkingCopy == item.WorkingCopy) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; files.Add(item.FullPath); if (item.IsDirectory) dirs.Add(item); } } IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker tracker = e.GetService<IAnkhOpenDocumentTracker>(); tracker.SaveDocuments(e.Selection.GetSelectedFiles(true)); using (DocumentLock lck = tracker.LockDocuments(files, DocumentLockType.NoReload)) using (lck.MonitorChangesForReload()) { SvnUpdateResult ur; ProgressRunnerArgs pa = new ProgressRunnerArgs(); pa.CreateLog = true; e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.UpdatingTitle, pa, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { SvnUpdateArgs ua = new SvnUpdateArgs(); ua.Depth = depth; ua.Revision = updateTo; e.GetService<IConflictHandler>(). RegisterConflictHandler(ua, ee.Synchronizer); ee.Client.Update(files, ua, out ur); }); } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { Dictionary<string, List<string>> add = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); List<string> refresh = new List<string>(); foreach (SvnItem i in e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(false)) { if (Skip(i)) continue; refresh.Add(i.FullPath); switch (e.Command) { case AnkhCommand.ItemIgnoreFile: AddIgnore(add, i.Parent, i.Name); break; case AnkhCommand.ItemIgnoreFileType: AddIgnore(add, i.Parent, "*" + i.Extension); break; case AnkhCommand.ItemIgnoreFilesInFolder: AddIgnore(add, i.Parent, "*"); break; case AnkhCommand.ItemIgnoreFolder: SvnItem p = i.Parent; SvnItem pp = null; while (null != p && null != (pp = p.Parent) && !pp.IsVersioned) p = pp; if (p != null && pp != null) AddIgnore(add, pp, p.Name); break; } } try { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> k in add) { if (k.Value.Count == 0) continue; string text; if (k.Value.Count == 1) text = "'" + k.Value[0] + "'"; else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < k.Value.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) sb.AppendFormat("'{0}'", k.Value[i]); else if (i == k.Value.Count - 1) sb.AppendFormat(" and '{0}'", k.Value[i]); else sb.AppendFormat(", '{0}'", k.Value[i]); } text = sb.ToString(); } switch (mb.Show(string.Format(CommandStrings.WouldYouLikeToAddXToTheIgnorePropertyOnY, text, k.Key), CommandStrings.IgnoreCaption, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)) { case System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes: AddIgnores(e.Context, k.Key, k.Value); break; case System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No: continue; default: return; } } } finally { e.GetService<IFileStatusMonitor>().ScheduleSvnStatus(refresh); } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { List<SvnItem> toDelete = new List<SvnItem>(e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(true)); AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); string body; // We do as if we are Visual Studio here: Same texts, same behavior (same chance on data loss) if (toDelete.Count == 1) body = string.Format(CommandStrings.XWillBeDeletedPermanently, toDelete[0].Name); else body = CommandStrings.TheSelectedItemsWillBeDeletedPermanently; if (DialogResult.OK != mb.Show(body, "", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)) return; // No delete int hr = VSConstants.S_OK; foreach (SvnItem item in toDelete) { { IVsUIHierarchy hier; uint id; IVsWindowFrame frame; if (VsShellUtilities.IsDocumentOpen(e.Context, item.FullPath, Guid.Empty, out hier, out id, out frame)) { hr = frame.CloseFrame((uint)__FRAMECLOSE.FRAMECLOSE_NoSave); if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr)) break; // Show error and cancel further actions } } try { if (item.IsVersioned) { using (SvnClient cl = e.GetService<ISvnClientPool>().GetNoUIClient()) { SvnDeleteArgs da = new SvnDeleteArgs(); da.Force = true; cl.Delete(item.FullPath, da); } } else if (item.IsFile) File.Delete(item.FullPath); else if (item.IsDirectory) Directory.Delete(item.FullPath, true); // Recursive delete!! } finally { // TODO: Notify the working copy explorer here! // (Maybe via one of these methods below) e.GetService<IFileStatusCache>().MarkDirtyRecursive(item.FullPath); e.GetService<IFileStatusMonitor>().ScheduleGlyphUpdate(item.FullPath); } // Ok, now remove the file from projects IProjectFileMapper pfm = e.GetService<IProjectFileMapper>(); List<SvnProject> projects = new List<SvnProject>(pfm.GetAllProjectsContaining(item.FullPath)); foreach (SvnProject p in projects) { IVsProject2 p2 = p.RawHandle as IVsProject2; if (p2 == null) continue; VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] prio = new VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[1]; int found; uint id; if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(p2.IsDocumentInProject(item.FullPath, out found, prio, out id)) || found == 0) continue; // Probably already removed (mapping out of synch?) hr = p2.RemoveItem(0, id, out found); if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr)) break; } } if (!ErrorHandler.Succeeded(hr)) mb.Show(Marshal.GetExceptionForHR(hr).Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { SvnItem root = GetRoot(e); if (root == null) return; using (CreateBranchDialog dlg = new CreateBranchDialog()) { if (e.Command == AnkhCommand.ProjectBranch) dlg.Text = CommandStrings.BranchProject; dlg.SrcFolder = root.FullPath; dlg.SrcUri = root.Uri; dlg.EditSource = false; dlg.Revision = root.Status.Revision; RepositoryLayoutInfo info; if (RepositoryUrlUtils.TryGuessLayout(e.Context, root.Uri, out info)) dlg.NewDirectoryName = new Uri(info.BranchesRoot, "."); while (true) { if (DialogResult.OK != dlg.ShowDialog(e.Context)) return; string msg = dlg.LogMessage; bool retry = false; bool ok = false; ProgressRunnerResult rr = e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Creating Branch/Tag", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { SvnInfoArgs ia = new SvnInfoArgs(); ia.ThrowOnError = false; if (ee.Client.Info(dlg.NewDirectoryName, ia, null)) { DialogResult dr = DialogResult.Cancel; ee.Synchronizer.Invoke((AnkhAction) delegate { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(ee.Context); dr = mb.Show(string.Format("The Branch/Tag at Url '{0}' already exists.", dlg.NewDirectoryName), "Path Exists", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel); }, null); if (dr == DialogResult.Retry) { // show dialog again to let user modify the branch URL retry = true; } } else { SvnCopyArgs ca = new SvnCopyArgs(); ca.CreateParents = true; ca.LogMessage = msg; ok = dlg.CopyFromUri ? ee.Client.RemoteCopy(new SvnUriTarget(dlg.SrcUri, dlg.SelectedRevision), dlg.NewDirectoryName, ca) : ee.Client.RemoteCopy(new SvnPathTarget(dlg.SrcFolder), dlg.NewDirectoryName, ca); } }); if (rr.Succeeded && ok && dlg.SwitchToBranch) { e.GetService<IAnkhCommandService>().PostExecCommand(AnkhCommand.SolutionSwitchDialog, dlg.NewDirectoryName); } if (!retry) break; } } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); foreach (SvnItem item in e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(false)) { if (!item.Exists) continue; try { switch (e.Command) { case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenVisualStudio: IProjectFileMapper mapper = e.GetService<IProjectFileMapper>(); if (mapper.IsProjectFileOrSolution(item.FullPath)) goto case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenSolutionExplorer; if (item.IsDirectory) goto case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenFolder; if (!item.IsFile || !item.Exists) continue; VsShellUtilities.OpenDocument(e.Context, item.FullPath); break; case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenTextEditor: { IVsUIHierarchy hier; IVsWindowFrame frame; uint id; if (!item.IsFile) continue; VsShellUtilities.OpenDocument(e.Context, item.FullPath, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_TextView, out hier, out id, out frame); } break; case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenFolder: if (!item.IsDirectory) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Path.GetDirectoryName(item.FullPath)); else System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(item.FullPath); break; case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenWindows: System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(item.FullPath); psi.Verb = "open"; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi); break; case AnkhCommand.ItemOpenSolutionExplorer: IVsUIHierarchyWindow hierWindow = VsShellUtilities.GetUIHierarchyWindow(e.Context, new Guid(ToolWindowGuids80.SolutionExplorer)); IVsProject project = VsShellUtilities.GetProject(e.Context, item.FullPath) as IVsProject; if (hierWindow != null) { int found; uint id; VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[] prio = new VSDOCUMENTPRIORITY[1]; if (project != null && ErrorHandler.Succeeded(project.IsDocumentInProject(item.FullPath, out found, prio, out id)) && found != 0) { hierWindow.ExpandItem(project as IVsUIHierarchy, id, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_SelectItem); } else if (string.Equals(item.FullPath, e.Selection.SolutionFilename, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) hierWindow.ExpandItem(e.GetService<IVsUIHierarchy>(typeof(SVsSolution)), VSConstants.VSITEMID_ROOT, EXPANDFLAGS.EXPF_SelectItem); // Now try to activate the solution explorer IVsWindowFrame solutionExplorer; Guid solutionExplorerGuid = new Guid(ToolWindowGuids80.SolutionExplorer); IVsUIShell shell = e.GetService<IVsUIShell>(typeof(SVsUIShell)); if (shell != null) { shell.FindToolWindow((uint)__VSFINDTOOLWIN.FTW_fForceCreate, ref solutionExplorerGuid, out solutionExplorer); if (solutionExplorer != null) solutionExplorer.Show(); } } break; } } catch (IOException ee) { mb.Show(ee.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (COMException ee) { mb.Show(ee.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (InvalidOperationException ee) { mb.Show(ee.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ee) { mb.Show(ee.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { ISvnRepositoryItem item = EnumTools.GetSingle(e.Selection.GetSelection<ISvnRepositoryItem>()); if (item == null) return; string copyTo; bool copyBelow = false; bool suggestExport = false; IFileStatusCache cache = e.GetService<IFileStatusCache>(); if (item.NodeKind == SharpSvn.SvnNodeKind.Directory) { using (FolderBrowserDialog fd = new FolderBrowserDialog()) { fd.ShowNewFolderButton = false; if (DialogResult.OK != fd.ShowDialog(e.Context.DialogOwner)) return; copyTo = fd.SelectedPath; copyBelow = true; SvnItem dirItem = cache[copyTo]; if (dirItem == null || !dirItem.IsVersioned) suggestExport = true; } } else { using (SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog()) { sfd.CheckPathExists = true; sfd.OverwritePrompt = true; string name = item.Origin.Target.FileName; string ext = Path.GetExtension(item.Origin.Target.FileName); sfd.Filter = string.Format("{0} files|*.{0}|All files (*.*)|*", ext.TrimStart('.')); sfd.FileName = name; if (DialogResult.OK != sfd.ShowDialog(e.Context.DialogOwner)) return; copyTo = SvnTools.GetNormalizedFullPath(sfd.FileName); SvnItem fileItem = cache[copyTo]; if (File.Exists(copyTo)) { // We prompted to confirm; remove the file! if (fileItem.IsVersioned) e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Copying", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a) { SvnDeleteArgs da = new SvnDeleteArgs(); da.Force = true; a.Client.Delete(copyTo, da); }); else File.Delete(copyTo); } SvnItem dir = fileItem.Parent; if (dir == null || !(dir.IsVersioned && dir.IsVersionable)) suggestExport = true; } } if (!suggestExport) { e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Copying", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a) { SvnCopyArgs ca = new SvnCopyArgs(); ca.CreateParents = true; if (copyBelow) ca.AlwaysCopyAsChild = true; a.Client.Copy(item.Origin.Target, copyTo, ca); }); } else { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); if (DialogResult.Yes == mb.Show("The specified path is not in a workingcopy; would you like to export the file instead?", "No Working Copy", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Exporting", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a) { SvnExportArgs ea = new SvnExportArgs(); ea.Revision = item.Revision; a.Client.Export(item.Origin.Target, copyTo, ea); }); } } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { // TODO: Choose which conflict to edit if we have more than one! SvnItem conflict = null; if (e.Command == AnkhCommand.DocumentConflictEdit) { conflict = e.Selection.ActiveDocumentItem; if (conflict == null || !conflict.IsConflicted) return; } else foreach (SvnItem item in e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(false)) { if (item.IsConflicted) { conflict = item; break; } } if (conflict == null) return; conflict.MarkDirty(); if (conflict.Status.LocalContentStatus != SvnStatus.Conflicted) { AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); mb.Show(string.Format(CommandStrings.TheConflictInXIsAlreadyResolved, conflict.FullPath), CommandStrings.EditConflictTitle, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } SvnInfoEventArgs conflictInfo = null; bool ok = false; ProgressRunnerResult r = e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal("Retrieving Conflict Information", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs a) { ok = a.Client.GetInfo(conflict.FullPath, out conflictInfo); }); if (!ok || !r.Succeeded || conflictInfo == null) return; AnkhMergeArgs da = new AnkhMergeArgs(); string dir = conflict.Directory; da.BaseFile = Path.Combine(dir, conflictInfo.ConflictOld ?? conflictInfo.ConflictNew); da.TheirsFile = Path.Combine(dir, conflictInfo.ConflictNew ?? conflictInfo.ConflictOld); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conflictInfo.ConflictWork)) da.MineFile = Path.Combine(dir, conflictInfo.ConflictWork); else da.MineFile = conflict.FullPath; da.MergedFile = conflict.FullPath; da.BaseTitle = "Base"; da.TheirsTitle = "Theirs"; da.MineTitle = "Mine"; da.MergedTitle = conflict.Name; e.GetService<IAnkhDiffHandler>().RunMerge(da); }
static void DoBlame(CommandEventArgs e, SvnOrigin item, SvnRevision revisionStart, SvnRevision revisionEnd, bool ignoreEols, SvnIgnoreSpacing ignoreSpacing, bool retrieveMergeInfo) { SvnWriteArgs wa = new SvnWriteArgs(); wa.Revision = revisionEnd; SvnBlameArgs ba = new SvnBlameArgs(); ba.Start = revisionStart; ba.End = revisionEnd; ba.IgnoreLineEndings = ignoreEols; ba.IgnoreSpacing = ignoreSpacing; ba.RetrieveMergedRevisions = retrieveMergeInfo; SvnTarget target = item.Target; IAnkhTempFileManager tempMgr = e.GetService<IAnkhTempFileManager>(); string tempFile = tempMgr.GetTempFileNamed(target.FileName); Collection<SvnBlameEventArgs> blameResult = null; Dictionary<long, string> logMessages = new Dictionary<long, string>(); ba.Notify += delegate(object sender, SvnNotifyEventArgs ee) { if (ee.Action == SvnNotifyAction.BlameRevision && ee.RevisionProperties != null) { if (ee.RevisionProperties.Contains(SvnPropertyNames.SvnLog)) logMessages[ee.Revision] = ee.RevisionProperties[SvnPropertyNames.SvnLog].StringValue; } }; bool retry = false; ProgressRunnerResult r = e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal(CommandStrings.Annotating, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { using (FileStream fs = File.Create(tempFile)) { ee.Client.Write(target, fs, wa); } ba.SvnError += delegate(object errorSender, SvnErrorEventArgs errorEventArgs) { if (errorEventArgs.Exception is SvnClientBinaryFileException) { retry = true; errorEventArgs.Cancel = true; } }; ee.Client.GetBlame(target, ba, out blameResult); }); if (retry) { using (AnkhMessageBox mb = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context)) { if (DialogResult.Yes == mb.Show( CommandStrings.AnnotateBinaryFileContinueAnywayText, CommandStrings.AnnotateBinaryFileContinueAnywayTitle, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information)) { r = e.GetService<IProgressRunner>() .RunModal(CommandStrings.Annotating, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { ba.IgnoreMimeType = true; ee.Client.GetBlame(target, ba, out blameResult); }); } } } if (!r.Succeeded) return; AnnotateEditorControl annEditor = new AnnotateEditorControl(); IAnkhEditorResolver er = e.GetService<IAnkhEditorResolver>(); annEditor.Create(e.Context, tempFile); annEditor.LoadFile(tempFile); annEditor.AddLines(item, blameResult, logMessages); // Detect and set the language service Guid language; if (er.TryGetLanguageService(Path.GetExtension(target.FileName), out language)) { // Extension is mapped -> user annEditor.SetLanguageService(language); } else if (blameResult != null && blameResult.Count > 0 && blameResult[0].Line != null) { // Extension is not mapped -> Check if this is xml (like project files) string line = blameResult[0].Line.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("<?xml") || (line.StartsWith("<") && line.Contains("xmlns=\""))) { if (er.TryGetLanguageService(".xml", out language)) { annEditor.SetLanguageService(language); } } } }
public override void OnExecute(CommandEventArgs e) { IEnumerable<SvnItem> items = e.Argument as IEnumerable<SvnItem>; if (e.Command == AnkhCommand.SccLock && items == null) return; PathSelectorInfo psi = new PathSelectorInfo("Select Files to Lock", items ?? e.Selection.GetSelectedSvnItems(true)); psi.VisibleFilter += delegate(SvnItem item) { return item.IsFile && item.IsVersioned && !item.IsLocked; }; psi.CheckedFilter += delegate(SvnItem item) { return item.IsFile && item.IsVersioned && !item.IsLocked; }; PathSelectorResult psr; bool stealLocks = false; string comment = ""; IAnkhConfigurationService cs = e.GetService<IAnkhConfigurationService>(); AnkhConfig config = cs.Instance; IEnumerable<SvnItem> selectedItems = null; if (!config.SuppressLockingUI || e.PromptUser) { if (e.PromptUser || !(Shift || e.DontPrompt)) { using (LockDialog dlg = new LockDialog(psi)) { bool succeeded = (dlg.ShowDialog(e.Context) == DialogResult.OK); psr = new PathSelectorResult(succeeded, dlg.CheckedItems); stealLocks = dlg.StealLocks; comment = dlg.Message; } } else { psr = psi.DefaultResult; } if (!psr.Succeeded) { return; } selectedItems = psr.Selection; } if (selectedItems == null) selectedItems = psi.DefaultResult.Selection; List<string> files = new List<string>(); foreach (SvnItem item in selectedItems) { if (item.IsFile) // svn lock is only for files { files.Add(item.FullPath); } } if (files.Count == 0) return; SortedList<string, string> alreadyLockedFiles = new SortedList<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal( "Locking", delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { SvnLockArgs la = new SvnLockArgs(); la.StealLock = stealLocks; la.Comment = comment; la.AddExpectedError(SvnErrorCode.SVN_ERR_FS_PATH_ALREADY_LOCKED); la.Notify += delegate(object nSender, SvnNotifyEventArgs notifyArgs) { if (notifyArgs.Action == SvnNotifyAction.LockFailedLock) { alreadyLockedFiles.Add(notifyArgs.FullPath, GuessUserFromError(notifyArgs.Error.Message)); } }; ee.Client.Lock(files, la); }); if (alreadyLockedFiles.Count == 0) return; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.AppendLine(CommandStrings.ItemsAlreadyLocked); msg.AppendLine(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in alreadyLockedFiles) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kv.Value)) msg.AppendFormat(CommandStrings.ItemFileLocked, kv.Key, kv.Value); else msg.Append(kv.Key); msg.AppendLine(); } // TODO: Create a dialog where the user can select what locks to steal, and also what files are already locked. AnkhMessageBox box = new AnkhMessageBox(e.Context); DialogResult rslt = box.Show( msg.ToString().TrimEnd(), "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (rslt == DialogResult.Yes) { e.GetService<IProgressRunner>().RunModal( CommandStrings.LockingTitle, delegate(object sender, ProgressWorkerArgs ee) { SvnLockArgs la = new SvnLockArgs(); la.StealLock = true; la.Comment = comment; ee.Client.Lock(files, la); }); } }