Esempio n. 1
        public async Task BanGuildMember(string user, [Remainder] string reason = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason))
                reason = "There was no reason given.";
            IGuildUser bannedUser;

            if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == true && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Convert.ToUInt64(user)))
                bannedUser = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(user));
            else if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count >= 1 && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()))
                bannedUser = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First());
            else if ((GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == true && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Convert.ToUInt64(user)) == false) || (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count >= 1 && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()) == false))
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x2: This user was not found in this server.");

            else if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false || (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(user) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count == 0))
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x3: There was not a valid id or mention found.");

                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x4: An error occured during command execution please check your input");


            #region comment
            //Continue if:
            //1.  The user is in the guild.
            //2.  The user id is valid or if the mention is valid.


            //Error 1: invalid mention or id
            //Error 2: User not found
            //Error 3: Given too many users
            //Error 4: Unknown Error

            BanInfo bannedUserInfo = new BanInfo
                UserId             = bannedUser.Id,
                Username           = bannedUser.Username,
                UserDiscriminator  = bannedUser.Discriminator,
                UserNickname       = bannedUser.Nickname,
                UserCreationDate   = bannedUser.CreatedAt,
                JoinDate           = bannedUser.JoinedAt,
                StaffId            = Context.Message.Author.Id,
                StaffUsername      = Context.Message.Author.Username,
                StaffDiscriminator = Context.Message.Author.Discriminator,
                Source             = "Ban Command",
                Reason             = reason
            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(bannedUser, 0, DiscordBot.client.CurrentUser.Id.ToString() + " - " + reason);

            if (await DiscordBot.CheckIfBanned(Context.Guild.Id, bannedUserInfo.UserId) == true)
                await ReplyAsync("The user was banned.");

                await DiscordBot.SendBanMessage(bannedUserInfo);
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x5: User was not banned for an unknown reason.");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task WhoIs(string inputUser)
            SocketGuildUser user;

            if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(inputUser) == true && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Convert.ToUInt64(inputUser)))
                user = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Convert.ToUInt64(inputUser)) as SocketGuildUser;
            else if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(inputUser) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count >= 1 && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()))
                user = await Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()) as SocketGuildUser;
            else if ((GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(inputUser) == true && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Convert.ToUInt64(inputUser)) == false) || (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(inputUser) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count >= 1 && DiscordBot.CheckIsInGuild(Context.Guild.Id, Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.First()) == false))
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x2: This user was not found in this server.");

            else if (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(inputUser) == false || (GeneralFunctions.CheckUlong(inputUser) == false && Context.Message.MentionedUserIds.Count == 0))
                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x3: There was not a valid id or mention found.");

                await ReplyAsync("Error 0x4: An error occured during command execution please check your input");


            string roles    = "";
            string nickname = "";

            //SocketGuildUser user = DiscordBot.client.GetGuild(Context.Guild.Id).GetUser(userId);

            foreach (var role in user.Roles)
                if (role == user.Roles.Last())
                    roles += $"{role.Name}.";

                    roles += $"{role.Name}, ";

            if (user.Username == null)
                nickname = "There is no nickname used.";

                nickname = user.Nickname;

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.WithTitle("User information:");
            builder.WithDescription("The following data is all the data about te user in this guild that could be retrieved.");
            builder.AddField("User data:", $"User Id: {user.Id}.\n" +
                             $"Username: {user.Username}#{user.DiscriminatorValue}.\n" +
                             $"Nickname: {user.Nickname}.\n" +
                             $"User registered at: {user.CreatedAt}.\n" +
                             $"User status: {user.Status}.\n");
            builder.AddField("Guild information:", $"User joined at: { user.JoinedAt}.\n" +
                             $"User hierarchy: {user.Hierarchy}.\n" +
                             $"User roles: {roles}\n" +
                             $"User permission  value: {user.GuildPermissions.RawValue}");

            builder.ThumbnailUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();
            builder.WithFooter(footer => footer.WithText("The CyberSec Lounge"));

            await ReplyAsync("This is the information that was retrieved from the database.", false, builder.Build());