Esempio n. 1
        public void Execute()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            int count = Array.FindAll(model.Remarks, r => r == null).Length;

            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.DRAW_REMARKS, count);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Execute(GuestVO guest)
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            if (model.Remark == null || guest == null) // The argument guest is the one being explicitly targeted
                AmbitionApp.SendMessage <GuestVO>(PartyMessages.GUEST_TARGETED, null);
                GuestVO[] guests = model.Guests;
                int       index  = Array.IndexOf(guests, guest);
                if (index >= 0)
                    int len = guests.Length;
                    for (int i = 0; i < model.Remark.NumTargets; i++)
                        for (guest = guests[(i + index) % len];
                             guest.State == GuestState.Offended;
                             guest = guests[(i + index) % len])
                        AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_TARGETED, guest);
                    AmbitionApp.SendMessage <GuestVO>(PartyMessages.GUEST_TARGETED, null);
Esempio n. 3
        override public void OnEnterState()
            ConversationModel model  = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            GameObject        canvas = Array.Find(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects(), o => o.GetComponent <Canvas>() != null);

            if (canvas != null)
                TurnTimerView[] timerViews = canvas.GetComponentsInChildren <TurnTimerView>();
                foreach (TurnTimerView timer in timerViews)
                    timer.enabled = false;

                RemarkView[] remarks = canvas.GetComponentsInChildren <RemarkView>(false);
                int          index   = Array.FindIndex(model.Remarks, r => Array.Exists(model.Guests, g => g.Like == r.Interest));
                if (index < 0)
                    Array.FindIndex(model.Remarks, r => Array.Exists(model.Guests, g => g.Dislike != r.Interest));
                if (index < 0)
                    index = 0;

                GameObject obj = Array.Find(remarks, r => r.transform.GetSiblingIndex() == index).gameObject;
                _bounz = obj.AddComponent <TutorialBounce>();
Esempio n. 4
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            RemarksMaxDeckSizeTf.text = (model.Deck.Count + model.Discard.Count + Array.FindAll(model.Remarks, r => r != null).Length).ToString();
Esempio n. 5
        public void Execute(int numcards)
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            RemarkVO[] hand = model.Remarks;
            int        num  = Array.FindAll(hand, r => r == null).Length;

            if (num < numcards)
                numcards = num;
            if (model.Deck.Count < numcards)
                numcards = model.Deck.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < numcards; i++)
                num       = Array.IndexOf(hand, null);
                hand[num] = model.Deck.Dequeue();
                AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.DRAW_REMARK, hand[num]);
            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.DECK_SIZE, model.Deck.Count);
            model.Remarks = hand;
            model.Remark  = null;
Esempio n. 6
        public void Execute()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            RemarkVO[] hand  = model.Remarks;
            int        index = Array.FindIndex(hand, r => r == null);

            if (index >= 0)
                string[] interests = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Interests;
                string   interest;

                // Create a topic that is exclusive of the previous topic used.
                if (model.Remark != null)
                    interest = Util.RNG.TakeRandomExcept(interests, model.Remark.Interest);
                    interest = Util.RNG.TakeRandom(interests);
                hand[index] = new RemarkVO()
                    NumTargets = Util.RNG.Generate(1, 3),
                    Interest   = interest,
                    Free       = true
                }; // Assuming 1:2 odds of one target vs two
                model.Remarks = hand;
Esempio n. 7
        public void Execute(RoomVO room)
            PartyModel        party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            RemarkVO[] hand = model.Remarks;
            string     interest;
            int        numGuests = model.Guests.Length;
            int        i;

            for (i = hand.Length - 1; i >= party.AmbushHandSize - 1; i--)
                hand[i] = new RemarkVO();
            while (hand[i] == null)
                interest = Util.RNG.TakeRandom(party.Interests);
                hand[i]  = new RemarkVO(Util.RNG.Generate(1, 3), interest);

            model.Remarks = hand;

            AmbitionApp.OpenDialog <RoomVO>(DialogConsts.ROOM, room);
            Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "$ROOMNAME", room.Name }

            AmbitionApp.OpenMessageDialog("ambush_dialog", subs);
Esempio n. 8
        override public void OnEnterState()
            GameObject canvas = Array.Find(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects(), o => o.GetComponent <Canvas>() != null);

            if (canvas != null)
                ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
                RemarkVO          rem   = model.Remark;
                if (rem != null)
                    GuestVO[]       guests     = model.Guests;
                    SpotlightView[] spotlights = canvas.GetComponentsInChildren <SpotlightView>(true);
                    int             index      = Array.FindIndex(guests, g => g.Like == rem.Interest);
                    if (index < 0)
                        index = Array.FindIndex(guests, g => g.Dislike != rem.Interest);
                    if (index < 0)
                        index = 0;
                    _flash = spotlights[index].gameObject.AddComponent <TutorialFlashSpot>();
Esempio n. 9
        IEnumerator Timer(float time)
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            for (float t = time; t >= 0; t -= Time.deltaTime)
                model.Repartee = (t * 2 >= time);
                yield return(null);
Esempio n. 10
        public void Execute(int numCards)
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            for (int i = numCards > model.Deck.Count ? model.Deck.Count : numCards; i > 0; i--)
            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.DECK_SIZE, model.Deck.Count);
Esempio n. 11
        public override void OnEnterState()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            if (model.Round % model.FreeRemarkCounter == 0)
                App.Service <MessageSvc>().Send(PartyMessages.FREE_REMARK);
Esempio n. 12
        public override void OnEnterState()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            GuestVO[] guests = Array.FindAll(model.Guests, g => !g.IsLockedIn && g.State != GuestState.Bored);
            if (guests.Length > 0)
                GuestVO g = Util.RNG.TakeRandom(guests);
                g.State = GuestState.Bored;
                AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_REACTION_BORED, g);
Esempio n. 13
        public void Execute(int numCards)
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            int index;

            for (int i = (model.Discard.Count < numCards) ? model.Discard.Count : numCards; i > 0; i--)
                index = RNG.Generate(model.Discard.Count);
Esempio n. 14
        protected void InitGuest()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            _index = transform.GetSiblingIndex();
            AmbitionApp.Subscribe <GuestVO[]>(HandleGuests);
            AmbitionApp.Subscribe <GuestVO>(HandleGuest);
            if (model.Guests != null)
Esempio n. 15
        private void HandleGuest(GuestVO guest)
            UController controller = _machine._uflow.GetController(_machine);

            if (guest != null && controller != null)
                ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
                int index = controller.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
                if (model.Remark != null &&
                    model.Remark.Interest != guest.Dislike &&
                    guest == model.Guests[index])
Esempio n. 16
        public void Execute(RemarkVO remark)
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            if (model.Remarks != null && remark != null)
                int index = Array.IndexOf(model.Remarks, remark);
                if (index >= 0)
                    model.Remarks[index] = null;
                    if (!remark.Free)
            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.DECK_SIZE, model.Deck.Count);
Esempio n. 17
        override public void OnEnterState()
            UController controller = _machine._uflow.GetController(_machine);

            if (controller != null)
                ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
                GuestVO           guest = model.Guests[controller.transform.GetSiblingIndex()];
                if (guest.Action != null && guest.Action.Values != null)
                    int reward;
                    int others;
                    guest.Action.Values.TryGetValue("guest", out reward);
                    guest.Action.Values.TryGetValue("others", out others);
                    guest.Opinion += reward - others;
                    Array.ForEach(model.Guests, g => g.Opinion += others);
Esempio n. 18
        public override void OnEnterState()
            ConversationModel model      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            PartyModel        partyModel = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();

            foreach (GuestVO g in model.Guests)
                if (g.State == GuestState.Bored)
                    g.Opinion -= partyModel.BoredomPenalty;
                    if (g.Opinion <= 0)
                        g.Opinion = 0;
                        g.State   = GuestState.PutOff;
                    AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.BURN_REMARKS, 1);
Esempio n. 19
        public void Execute(GuestVO guest)
            ConversationModel model  = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            RemarkVO          remark = model.Remark;

            if (remark != null)
                GuestVO[] guests = model.Guests;
                int       index  = Array.IndexOf(guests, guest);
                if (index >= 0)
                    int        num  = model.Remarks.Length - 1;
                    RemarkVO[] hand = model.Remarks;
                    for (int i = Array.IndexOf(model.Remarks, remark);
                         i < num;
                        hand[i] = hand[i + 1];
                    hand[num]     = null;
                    model.Remarks = hand;

                    num = guests.Length;
                    for (int i = remark.NumTargets - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        guest = guests[(i + index) % num];
                        // Broadcast change to guest
                        AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_SELECTED, guest);

                    // Erode the interest of guests not iteracted with
                    for (int i = num - model.Remark.NumTargets; i > 0; i--)
                        guest = guests[(index - i + num) % num];
                        AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_IGNORED, guest);
                    model.Remark = null;
Esempio n. 20
 public void Execute(GuestVO guest)
     guest.Opinion = 0;
     if (guest.State != GuestState.PutOff)
         guest.State = GuestState.PutOff;
         ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
         int        burn         = model.Deck.Count < 5 ? model.Deck.Count : 5;
         RemarkVO   remark;
         RemarkVO[] remarks;
         guest.State = GuestState.Offended;
         AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.BURN_REMARKS, burn);
         for (burn = 5 - burn; burn > 0; burn--)
             remarks = Array.FindAll(model.Remarks, r => r != null);
             remark  = Util.RNG.TakeRandom(remarks);
             AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.DISCARD, remark);
Esempio n. 21
        public override void OnEnterState()
            ConversationModel model = _models.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            int numCharmed          = Array.FindAll(model.Guests, g => g.State == GuestState.Charmed).Length;

            model.Remark       = null;
            model.Room.Cleared = true;

            if (model.Room.Rewards != null && model.Room.Rewards.Length > 0)
                model.Party.Rewards.Add(GenerateRandomReward(numCharmed, model.Party.Faction));
            int numRemarks = (int)(model.MaxDeckSize * .1f);

            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.RESHUFFLE_REMARKS, numRemarks);
            //AmbitionApp.OpenDialog("END_CONVERSATION", model.Room.Rewards);
        public override bool Validate()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            return(model.Guests.Count(g => g.IsLockedIn) == model.Guests.Length);
Esempio n. 23
        public override bool Validate()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            return(model.Room != null && !model.Room.Cleared);
Esempio n. 24
        public void Execute(EnemyVO guest)
            if (guest.IsLockedIn)
                return;                   // Don't bother if the guest is already locked in
            PartyModel        partyModel = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            ConversationModel model      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            RemarkVO          remark     = model.Remark;
            float             levelBonus = (AmbitionApp.GetModel <GameModel>().Level >= 4)
                ? 1.25f
                : 1.0f;
            float ReparteBonus = 1.0f + (model.Repartee ? AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().ReparteeBonus : 0f);
            // Determine reaction to remark
            string key = remark.Interest == guest.Like
                        ? PartyConstants.LIKE
                        : remark.Interest == guest.Dislike
                        ? PartyConstants.DISLIKE
                        : PartyConstants.NEUTRAL;

            if (key == PartyConstants.DISLIKE && model.ItemEffect)
                model.ItemEffect = false;

            // Adjust guest according to configued reaction
            RemarkResult result = partyModel.RemarkResults[key];

            guest.Opinion += (int)(((float)RNG.Generate(result.OpinionMin, result.OpinionMax)) * ReparteBonus * levelBonus);
            if (guest.Opinion >= 100)
                guest.Opinion = 100;
                guest.State   = GuestState.Charmed;
                AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_CHARMED, guest);
            else if (guest.Opinion <= 0)
                guest.Opinion = 0;
                guest.State   = GuestState.PutOff;
                AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_OFFENDED, guest);
                switch (key)
                case PartyConstants.LIKE:
                    AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_REACTION_POSITIVE, guest);

                case PartyConstants.DISLIKE:
                    AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_REACTION_NEGATIVE, guest);

                    AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.GUEST_REACTION_NEUTRAL, guest);
            // So, there's a potential that the clock won't reset? Deal with that when it's a thing
Esempio n. 25
        public override void OnEnterState()
            PartyModel     model     = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            PartyVO        party     = model.Party;
            InventoryModel inventory = AmbitionApp.GetModel <InventoryModel>();
            FactionVO      faction   = AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>()[party.Faction];
            OutfitVO       outfit    = inventory.Equipped[ItemConsts.OUTFIT] as OutfitVO;

            // TODO: Passive buff system
            //Is the Player using the Fascinator Accessory? If so then allow them to ignore the first negative comment!
            ItemVO item;

            if (inventory.Equipped.TryGetValue(ItemConsts.ACCESSORY, out item) && item != null)
                switch (item.Name)
                case "Garter Flask":
                    //model.AddBuff(GameConsts.DRINK, ItemConsts.ACCESSORY, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                case "Fascinator":
                    AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>().ItemEffect = true;

                case "Snuff Box":
                    model.Party.MaxIntoxication += 5;

            //Is the Player decent friends with the Military? If so, make them more alcohol tolerant!
            // TODO: why?
            if (AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>()[FactionConsts.MILITARY].Level >= 3)
                model.Party.MaxIntoxication += 3;

            model.Drink        = 0;
            model.Intoxication = 0;

            float             outfitScore  = 400 - Math.Abs(faction.Modesty - outfit.Modesty) - Math.Abs(faction.Luxury - outfit.Luxury);
            ConversationModel conversation = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            int num = model.DeckSize
                      + (int)(outfitScore * (float)(outfit.Novelty) * 0.001f)
                      + faction.DeckBonus
                      + AmbitionApp.GetModel <GameModel>().DeckBonus;

            int[]  remarkids = Enumerable.Range(0, num).ToArray();
            int    index;
            int    tmp;
            string interest;
            int    numTargets;
            int    targetIndex = (int)(num * .5f); // Fifty-fifty one or two targets

            conversation.Deck    = new Queue <RemarkVO>();
            conversation.Discard = new List <RemarkVO>();
            for (int i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                index            = Util.RNG.Generate(i);
                tmp              = remarkids[i];
                remarkids[i]     = remarkids[index];
                remarkids[index] = tmp;
                interest         = model.Interests[remarkids[i] % model.Interests.Length];
                numTargets       = remarkids[i] > targetIndex ? 2 : 1;
                conversation.Deck.Enqueue(new RemarkVO(numTargets, interest));

            // TODO: Commandify and insert after entering map for first time
            //Damage the Outfit's Novelty, now that the Confidence has already been Tallied
            AmbitionApp.SendMessage(InventoryMessages.DEGRADE_OUTFIT, outfit);

//         string introText = AmbitionApp.GetString("party.intro." + party.ID + ".body");
//          if (introText != null) AmbitionApp.OpenMessageDialog("party.intro." + party.ID);
        //This is not being handled via an Initialize function because this dialog needs to be brought up via the state machine, and there's currently no way to use 'Open Dialog' and set an array of commodities at the same time
        //While I could have made the state machine able to accept both a string and CommodityVO[] in the same state, I didn't feel comfortable making changes to something as critical as the state machine
        public void Awake()
            ConversationModel conversationModel = _models.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

Esempio n. 27
        public override bool Validate()
            ConversationModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();

            return(model.Deck.Count == 0 && (model.Remarks == null || Array.TrueForAll(model.Remarks, r => r == null)));
Esempio n. 28
        public override void OnEnterState()
            PartyModel        partyModel = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>();
            ConversationModel model      = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>();
            RoomVO            room       = model.Room;
            GuestVO           guest;

            GuestVO[] guests = model.Guests;
            _phrases = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>();

            // This ensures that previous guest formations stay consistent
            if (guests == null || guests.Length == 0)
                // TODO: Determine how to vary this number
                guests = new GuestVO[4];
            for (int i = guests.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (guests[i] == null)
                    guest = new GuestVO();
                    if (RNG.Generate(2) == 0)
                        guest.Gender    = Gender.Female;
                        guest.Title     = GetRandomDescriptor("female_title");
                        guest.FirstName = GetRandomDescriptor("female_name");
                        guest.Gender    = Gender.Male;
                        guest.Title     = GetRandomDescriptor("male_title");
                        guest.FirstName = GetRandomDescriptor("male_name");
                    guest.LastName = GetRandomDescriptor("last_name");
                    guest.LastName = "aeiouAEIOU".Contains(guest.LastName.Substring(0, 1))
                        ? (" d'" + guest.LastName)
                        : (" de " + guest.LastName);
                    guests[i] = guest;

            if (!room.Cleared)
                int likeIndex;
                GuestDifficultyVO stats     = partyModel.GuestDifficultyStats[room.Difficulty - 1];
                string[]          interests = partyModel.Interests;

                if (room.Actions != null)

                foreach (GuestVO g in guests)
                    g.Opinion = RNG.Generate(stats.Opinion[0], stats.Opinion[1]);
                    likeIndex = RNG.Generate(interests.Length);
                    g.Like    = interests[likeIndex];
                    g.Dislike = interests[(likeIndex + 1) % interests.Length];
                // All Variety of Likes final check
                if (Array.TrueForAll(guests, g => g.Like == guests[0].Like))
                    guest         = RNG.TakeRandom(guests);
                    likeIndex     = RNG.Generate(interests.Length);
                    guest.Like    = interests[likeIndex];
                    guest.Dislike = interests[(likeIndex + 1) % interests.Length];
            model.Guests            = guests;
            model.Round             = 0;
            model.Remark            = null;
            model.FreeRemarkCounter = partyModel.FreeRemarkCounter;
            model.Repartee          = false;
            model.RemarksBought     = 0;